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2015-04-13 18:11:52 +02:00
* @class Zarafa.plugins.emailtracking.EmailTrackingPlugin
* @extends Zarafa.core.Plugin
Zarafa.plugins.emailtracking.EmailTrackingPlugin = Ext.extend(Zarafa.core.Plugin, {
* Called after constructor.
* Registers insertion points.
* @protected
initPlugin : function()
Zarafa.plugins.emailtracking.EmailTrackingPlugin.superclass.initPlugin.apply(this, arguments);
// Tracking button in mailcreatecontentpanel
this.registerInsertionPoint('context.mail.mailcreatecontentpanel.toolbar.options', this.showTrackButton, this);
// Insertion point which shows the read status
this.registerInsertionPoint('previewpanel.toolbar.detaillinks', this.showTrackingInfo, this);'plugin.emailtracking.ui.trackinginfopanel');
* Displays Tracking information in the previewpanel
* @return {Object} a box which on record update displays Tracking information
showTrackingInfo : function()
return {
xtype: 'button',
style: 'margin-top: 4px; border: 2px solid red;',
plugins : [ 'zarafa.recordcomponentupdaterplugin' ],
autoEl: {
tag: 'div',
ref: 'trackingInfoBox'
scope : this,
update : this.onTrackingInfo,
handler : this.onTrackingButton
* Handler for the button which is displayed when a encrypted / signed message is openend
* When an encrypted message is opened, we will send a request to unlock the certificate.
* When an signed email is openend, we will show a popup with extra information about the signed message
onTrackingButton: function(button, config)
var user = container.getUser();
'trackingid' : button.record.get("trackingcode"),
'user' : user.getSMTPAddress()
successCallback : this.onTrackingLogLoaded
onTrackingLogLoaded: function(response) {
if(response.status) {['plugin.emailtracking.ui.trackinginfopanel'], response, {
manager: Ext.WindowMgr
} else {
container.getNotifier().notify('info.saved', _('Error'), "No tracking log available!");
* Function which displays information in the previewpanel.
* In the case of a encrypted message, we either show a button to unlock the certificate
* or shows the message that the message has been decrypted.
* If the message is signed we display information depending on the state of the verification.
* @param {} record record which is displayed
* @param {Boolean} contentReset force the component to perform a full update of the data.
onTrackingInfo : function(record, resetContent) {
// Set button.record for use in onSmimeButton
this.record = record;
var infoBox = this.getEl();
// Set smimeBox to empty value by default, to override previous S/MIME message text
if (this.record.opened) {
// get the tracking code from the body
var body = this.record.getBody(true);
var trackingRegex = /(?:^|.*)track.php\?img=(.*?)(?:\"|\s|$)/g;
var match = trackingRegex.exec(body);
if(match) {
infoBox.update("This message is getting tracked (" + match[1] + ")");;
this.record.set("trackingcode", match[1]);
} else {
* Create button which adds some tracking specials to the mail content.
* @return {Config} creates a button for tracking email
showTrackButton : function()
return {
xtype : 'button',
text : _('Track'),
tooltip: {
title: _('Track message'),
text: _('Track this message and get detailed information about the current status.')
iconCls : 'icon_tracking_off',
handler : this.onTrackButton,
scope : this
* Handler for the sign button, when clicked it checks if the private certificate exists.
* If we have signing already set and click it again, we unset it.
* If we already set have encryption set, we set a special message_class for both sign+ecnrypt.
* @param {Ext.button} button
* @param {Object} config
onTrackButton : function(button, config)
var owner = button.ownerCt;
var record = owner.record;
var doTrack = button.iconCls === "icon_tracking_on" ? false : true;
if(record && doTrack) {
record.set('message_class', 'IPM.Note.Tracking');
record.set('entryid', record.entryid);
} else {
record.set('message_class', 'IPM.Note');
* Bid for the type of shared component
* and the given record.
* This will bid on calendar.dialogs.importevents
* @param {} type Type of component a context can bid for.
* @param {Zarafa.mail.dialogs.MailCreateContentPanel} owner Optionally passed panel
* @return {Number} The bid for the shared component
bidSharedComponent : function(type, record) {
var bid = -1;
switch(type) {
bid = 1;
return bid;
* Will return the reference to the shared component.
* Based on the type of component requested a component is returned.
* @param {} type Type of component a context can bid for.
* @param {Zarafa.mail.dialogs.MailCreateContentPanel} owner Optionally passed panel
* @return {Ext.Component} Component
getSharedComponent : function(type, record) {
var component;
switch(type) {
component = Zarafa.plugins.emailtracking.ui.TrackingInfoPanel;
return component;
Zarafa.onReady(function() {
container.registerPlugin(new Zarafa.core.PluginMetaData({
name : 'emailtracking',
displayName : _('Tracking Plugin'),
pluginConstructor : Zarafa.plugins.emailtracking.EmailTrackingPlugin