2020-11-26 02:28:28 +01:00

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  • Use an auto formatting tool!!11!

  • Check return values!!! (especially system())

    • I hope I don't have to explain why.
    • The exit-code of an application is often used to indicate failure.
    • Your application should also adhere to this.
  • Remove commented-out code.

    • You are probably using a version control system anyway.
    • At least keep them out of the final submission.
  • Avoid putting lots of logic in header files.

    • You have to do this often enough when using templates.
    • It negatively impacts your development cycle; changes to a header usually cause a large number of translation units to get re-compiled.
    • You loose some benefits of shared libraries.
  • Avoid overusing libraries.

    • By introducing library boundaries to your code, you create additional interfaces that may require additional effort to maintain. As always, ensure this is worth the tradeoff.
    • Look at typical open-source libraries to get a feeling for how big a typical library actually is.
    • For the size of Boost, this makes sense; for lit sub-commands, not so much.
  • Avoid classes with only static member functions.

    • While possible, this is kind of an anti-pattern in C++.
    • Use namespaces instead.
  • Nesting depth / length of functions.

  • Naming conventions.

    • Consider Core Guidelines.
    • Consider Google C++ Style Guide
    • Adhere to what-ever style a code-base is already using.
    • Here my personal conventions for reference:
      • Types: PascalCase
      • Functions: camelCase
      • Constants: ALL_CAPS
      • Variables: camelCase
      • Function-like macros: camelCase
      • Other macros: ALL_CAPS
      • Namespaces: snail_case
        • Trying to avoid underscores
      • enum class members: PascalCase
      • enum members: ALL_CAPS
        • Prefixed with enum name (e.g. PRESENT_MODE_IMMEDIATE, PRESENT_MODE_MAILBOX)
      • Private member variables prefixed with m_
        • This allows getters to be named without the get prefix (e.g. Vec3 position() const;).
        • Setters get prefixed with set (e.g. void setPosition(const Vec3 &);).
  • Leverage RAII

    • No need for .close() or alike with classes like std::ifstream.
    • Consider wrapping non-RAII objects with dedicated classes or std::unique_ptr with a custom deleter.
  • Do not use .h for C++ header files

    • C++ header files typically cannot be used by C projects, this should be highlighted by the file extension.
    • Only use .h if that header is meant to be used in C projects.
    • I am aware of the corresponding core guideline
    • Personally, I prefer .hpp and .cpp.
  • Include order

  • Member order

  • Header guards

    • See Core Guidelines
    • Personally, I am okay with #pragma once but the argument of not being standard confirm stands.
    • A header guard should span the entire file (maybe except the license header).
  • -Werror

    • Do not add this by default.
    • Newer compiler versions my emit warnings, causing builds to break.
    • This can potentially impact other people.
    • Only have this enabled on continuous integration to enforce warning-free code on contributions.
  • Unused parameters

    • In C++ just omit the name; no more warning.
  • Use namespaces

    • Do not prefix symbols with the project name as you'd do in C.
    • Prefer at least one top-level namespace (e.g. lit).
    • Do not hesitate adding sub-namespaces (detail is rather common for in-file utility functions).
    • Namespaces commonly model the directory structure of a project.
  • Avoid using namespace inside header files

    • Already talked about this on stream.
    • Personally, I avoid using namespace inside headers.
    • Be considerate.
    • Keep namespace aliases inside your namespace.
      • namespace fs = std::filesystem; is fine in a header, but not in global scope.
  • Exceptions as error reporting for library functions

    • A library function should never terminate the whole application.
    • Throw a custom error indicating failure, or resort to std::runtime_error.
  • Use enum class over enum, over preprocessor define

    • enum class gets type-checked and is therefore preferred.
    • enum is still valid as it allows you to combine multiple members out-of-the-box (flag enum).
    • Do not use preprocessor defines as alternatives to enums.
      • Modern compilers emit debug symbols and warnings for enums, but not for preprocessor defines.
  • Avoid std::endl

    • Just prefer \n.
    • std::endl also flushes the stream which can cause performance issues.
  • Avoid low-level functions like strcmp

    • Usually it's better to convert your data to better typed C++ objects (e.g. std::string)
      • With std::string you can just write myString == "foo".
    • Only use low-level functions directly when encountering performance issues.
  • Consider std::string_view

    • This can prevent unnecessary conversion to std::string from C strings.
    • Take std::string_view by value.
    • Only use std::string_view as function argument.
    • String may not be null-terminated!
  • Do not use symbols prefixed with _ or __ (e.g. std::__cxx11::string).

    • Two underscores are reserved for compiler / standard library internals.
      • These may differ between compiler and versions; therefore, do not use them.
    • Symbols with a single underscore as prefix are to be viewed as private or internal.
      • Do not use this pattern yourself, it's often unnecessary.
      • Putting stuff into a detail or anonymous namespace is the way to go.