% Compiler Construction
% Alex Hirsch
% 5 March 2021
This Proseminar
[…] development of a compiler for a simple, procedural programming language
- This is a master's course!
- Brain
Fluent in C (or C++, or Go, or Rust, or Haskell)
- General programming mindset
- Knowing your tools
Algorithms and data structures
Operating systems
- Utilising your software stack
Assembly (preferably x86)
Software development
- Version control system
- Build systems
- Testing
Project management
- Organisation
- Team communication
- Formal languages and automata theory
- Grammars + transformations
- Lexer / parser
Ultimate Goal
- Building a compiler
- Specification provided
- Evaluation scheme provided
Recommended Schedule
- 1–3 people
- May span across PS groups
- Send me your team composition via mail within March
Further Details