
2508 lines
110 KiB

* A PHP implementation of rfc2445/rfc5545.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved
* @link
* @license
* @package iCalcreator
* @version 2.22
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* moving all utility (static) functions to a utility class
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.11 - 2015-04-03
class iCalUtilityFunctions {
/** @var string tmp line delimiter, used in convEolChar (parse) */
private static $baseDelim = null;
/** @var array protocol prefix, used in _splitContent() */
private static $parValPrefix = array ( 'MStz' => array( 'utc-', 'utc+', 'gmt-', 'gmt+' )
, 'Proto3' => array( 'fax:', 'cid:', 'sms:', 'tel:', 'urn:' )
, 'Proto4' => array( 'crid:', 'news:', 'pres:' )
, 'Proto6' => array( 'mailto:' ));
/** @var string output format for geo latitude and longitude (before rtrim) */
public static $geoLatFmt = '%09.6f';
public static $geoLongFmt = '%8.6f';
/** @var array date/datetime formats */
public static $fmt = array( 'Ymd' => '%04d%02d%02d',
'His' => '%02d%02d%02d',
'dayOfDays' => 'day %d of %d',
'durDHis' => '%a days, %h hours, %i min, %s sec',
'Ymd2' => 'Y-m-d',
'YmdHis2' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s',
'YmdHis2e' => 'Y-m-d H:i:s e',
'YmdHis3' => 'Y-m-d-H-i-s',
'YmdHise' => '%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d %s',
'YmdTHisO' => 'Y-m-d\TH:i:s O',
'dateKey' => '%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d000',
/** @var array component property UID value */
public static $vComps = array( 'vevent', 'vtodo', 'vjournal', 'vfreebusy' );
public static $mComps = array( 'vevent', 'vtodo', 'vjournal', 'vfreebusy', 'valarm', 'vtimezone' );
public static $miscComps = array( 'valarm', 'vtimezone', 'standard', 'daylight' );
public static $tzComps = array( 'vtimezone', 'standard', 'daylight' );
public static $allComps = array( 'vtimezone', 'standard', 'daylight', 'vevent', 'vtodo', 'vjournal', 'vfreebusy', 'valarm' );
/** @var array component property collections */
public static $mProps1 = array( 'ATTENDEE', 'CATEGORIES', 'CONTACT', 'RELATED-TO', 'RESOURCES' );
public static $mProps2 = array( 'ATTACH', 'ATTENDEE', 'CATEGORIES', 'COMMENT', 'CONTACT', 'DESCRIPTION', 'EXDATE', 'EXRULE',
public static $dateProps = array( 'DTSTART', 'DTEND', 'DUE', 'CREATED', 'COMPLETED', 'DTSTAMP', 'LAST-MODIFIED', 'RECURRENCE-ID' );
/** @var object Store the single instance of iCalUtilityFunctions */
private static $m_pInstance;
* Private constructor to limit object instantiation to within the class
* @access private
private function __construct() {
$m_pInstance = FALSE;
/** @var array component property UID value */
* Getter method for creating/returning the single instance of this class
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::$m_pInstance
public static function getInstance() {
if (!self::$m_pInstance)
self::$m_pInstance = new iCalUtilityFunctions();
return self::$m_pInstance;
* ensures internal date-time/date format (keyed array) for an input date-time/date array (keyed or unkeyed)
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.16.24 - 2013-06-26
* @param array $datetime
* @param int $parno optional, default FALSE
* @return array
public static function _chkDateArr( $datetime, $parno=FALSE ) {
$output = array();
if(( !$parno || ( 6 <= $parno )) && isset( $datetime[3] ) && !isset( $datetime[4] )) { // Y-m-d with tz
$temp = $datetime[3];
$datetime[3] = $datetime[4] = $datetime[5] = 0;
$datetime[6] = $temp;
foreach( $datetime as $dateKey => $datePart ) {
switch ( $dateKey ) {
case '0': case 'year': $output['year'] = $datePart; break;
case '1': case 'month': $output['month'] = $datePart; break;
case '2': case 'day': $output['day'] = $datePart; break;
if( 3 != $parno ) {
switch ( $dateKey ) {
case '0':
case '1':
case '2': break;
case '3': case 'hour': $output['hour'] = $datePart; break;
case '4': case 'min' : $output['min'] = $datePart; break;
case '5': case 'sec' : $output['sec'] = $datePart; break;
case '6': case 'tz' : $output['tz'] = $datePart; break;
if( 3 != $parno ) {
if( !isset( $output['hour'] )) $output['hour'] = 0;
if( !isset( $output['min'] )) $output['min'] = 0;
if( !isset( $output['sec'] )) $output['sec'] = 0;
if( isset( $output['tz'] ) &&
(( '+0000' == $output['tz'] ) || ( '-0000' == $output['tz'] ) || ( '+000000' == $output['tz'] ) || ( '-000000' == $output['tz'] )))
$output['tz'] = 'Z';
return $output;
* check date(-time) and params arrays for an opt. timezone and if it is a DATE-TIME or DATE (updates $parno and params)
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.10.30 - 2012-01-16
* @param array $theDate date to check
* @param int $parno no of date parts (i.e. year, month.. .)
* @param array $params property parameters
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_strdate2date()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset()
* @return void
public static function _chkdatecfg( $theDate, & $parno, & $params ) {
if( isset( $params['TZID'] ))
$parno = 6;
elseif( isset( $params['VALUE'] ) && ( 'DATE' == $params['VALUE'] ))
$parno = 3;
else {
if( isset( $params['VALUE'] ) && ( 'PERIOD' == $params['VALUE'] ))
$parno = 7;
if( is_array( $theDate )) {
if( isset( $theDate['timestamp'] ))
$tzid = ( isset( $theDate['tz'] )) ? $theDate['tz'] : null;
$tzid = ( isset( $theDate['tz'] )) ? $theDate['tz'] : ( 7 == count( $theDate )) ? end( $theDate ) : null;
if( !empty( $tzid )) {
$parno = 7;
if( !iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $tzid ))
$params['TZID'] = $tzid; // save only timezone
elseif( !$parno && ( 3 == count( $theDate )) &&
( isset( $params['VALUE'] ) && ( 'DATE' == $params['VALUE'] )))
$parno = 3;
$parno = 6;
else { // string
$date = trim( $theDate );
if( 'Z' == substr( $date, -1 ))
$parno = 7; // UTC DATE-TIME
elseif((( 8 == strlen( $date ) && ctype_digit( $date )) || ( 11 >= strlen( $date ))) &&
( !isset( $params['VALUE'] ) || !in_array( $params['VALUE'], array( 'DATE-TIME', 'PERIOD' ))))
$parno = 3; // DATE
$date = iCalUtilityFunctions::_strdate2date( $date, $parno );
unset( $date['unparsedtext'] );
if( !empty( $date['tz'] )) {
$parno = 7;
if( !iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $date['tz'] ))
$params['TZID'] = $date['tz']; // save only timezone
elseif( empty( $parno ))
$parno = 6;
if( isset( $params['TZID'] ))
$parno = 6;
* vcalendar sort callback function
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.16.2 - 2012-12-17
* @param array $a
* @param array $b
* @uses calendarComponent::$objName
* @return int
public static function _cmpfcn( $a, $b ) {
if( empty( $a )) return -1;
if( empty( $b )) return 1;
if( 'vtimezone' == $a->objName ) {
if( 'vtimezone' != $b->objName ) return -1;
elseif( $a->srtk[0] <= $b->srtk[0] ) return -1;
else return 1;
elseif( 'vtimezone' == $b->objName ) return 1;
$sortkeys = array( 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'min', 'sec' );
for( $k = 0; $k < 4 ; $k++ ) {
if( empty( $a->srtk[$k] )) return -1;
elseif( empty( $b->srtk[$k] )) return 1;
if( is_array( $a->srtk[$k] )) {
if( is_array( $b->srtk[$k] )) {
foreach( $sortkeys as $key ) {
if ( !isset( $a->srtk[$k][$key] )) return -1;
elseif( !isset( $b->srtk[$k][$key] )) return 1;
if ( empty( $a->srtk[$k][$key] )) return -1;
elseif( empty( $b->srtk[$k][$key] )) return 1;
if ( $a->srtk[$k][$key] == $b->srtk[$k][$key])
if (( (int) $a->srtk[$k][$key] ) < ((int) $b->srtk[$k][$key] ))
return -1;
elseif(( (int) $a->srtk[$k][$key] ) > ((int) $b->srtk[$k][$key] ))
return 1;
else return -1;
elseif( is_array( $b->srtk[$k] )) return 1;
elseif( $a->srtk[$k] < $b->srtk[$k] ) return -1;
elseif( $a->srtk[$k] > $b->srtk[$k] ) return 1;
return 0;
* byte oriented line folding fix
* remove any line-endings that may include spaces or tabs
* and convert all line endings (iCal default '\r\n'),
* takes care of '\r\n', '\r' and '\n' and mixed '\r\n'+'\r', '\r\n'+'\n'
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.18.16 - 2014-04-04
* @param string $text
* @param string $nl
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::$baseDelim
* @return string
public static function convEolChar( & $text, $nl ) {
/* fix dummy line separator */
if( empty( iCalUtilityFunctions::$baseDelim )) {
iCalUtilityFunctions::$baseDelim = substr( microtime(), 2, 4 );
$base = 'aAbB!cCdD"eEfF#gGhHiIjJ%kKlL&mMnN/oOpP(rRsS)tTuU=vVxX?uUvV*wWzZ-1234_5678|90';
$len = strlen( $base ) - 1;
for( $p = 0; $p < 6; $p++ )
iCalUtilityFunctions::$baseDelim .= $base{mt_rand( 0, $len )};
/* fix eol chars */
$text = str_replace( array( "\r\n", "\n\r", "\n", "\r" ), iCalUtilityFunctions::$baseDelim, $text );
/* fix empty lines */
$text = str_replace( iCalUtilityFunctions::$baseDelim.iCalUtilityFunctions::$baseDelim, iCalUtilityFunctions::$baseDelim.str_pad( '', 75 ).iCalUtilityFunctions::$baseDelim, $text );
/* fix line folding */
$text = str_replace( iCalUtilityFunctions::$baseDelim, $nl, $text );
$text = str_replace( array( $nl.' ', $nl."\t" ), '', $text );
/* split in component/property lines */
$text = explode( $nl, $text );
return $text;
* create a calendar timezone and standard/daylight components
* Result when 'Europe/Stockholm' and no from/to arguments is used as timezone:
* TZID:Europe/Stockholm
* DTSTART:20101031T020000
* DTSTART:20100328T030000
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.11 - 2015-04-03
* Generates components for all transitions in a date range, based on contribution by Yitzchok Lavi <>
* Additional changes jpirkey
* @param object $calendar iCalcreator calendar instance
* @param string $timezone PHP5 (DateTimeZone) valid timezone
* @param array $xProp *[x-propName => x-propValue], optional
* @param int $from unix timestamp
* @param int $to unix timestamp
* @uses vcalendar::getProperty()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt
* @uses vcalendar::newComponent()
* @uses calendarComponent::setproperty()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::offsetSec2His()
* @return bool
public static function createTimezone( & $calendar, $timezone, $xProp=array(), $from=null, $to=null ) {
if( empty( $timezone ))
return FALSE;
if( !empty( $from ) && !is_int( $from ))
return FALSE;
if( !empty( $to ) && !is_int( $to ))
return FALSE;
try {
$dtz = new DateTimeZone( $timezone );
$transitions = $dtz->getTransitions();
$utcTz = new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' );
catch( Exception $e ) { return FALSE; }
if( empty( $from ) || empty( $to )) {
$dates = array_keys( $calendar->getProperty( 'dtstart' ));
if( empty( $dates ))
$dates = array( date( 'Ymd' ));
if( ! empty( $from )) {
$dateFrom = new DateTime( "@$from" ); // set lowest date (UTC)
$dateFrom->modify( '-7 month' ); // set $dateFrom to seven month before the lowest date
else {
$from = reset( $dates ); // set lowest date to the lowest dtstart date
$dateFrom = new DateTime( $from.'T000000', $dtz );
$dateFrom->modify( '-7 month' ); // set $dateFrom to seven month before the lowest date
$dateFrom->setTimezone( $utcTz ); // convert local date to UTC
$dateFromYmd = $dateFrom->format( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['Ymd2'] );
if( ! empty( $to ))
$dateTo = new DateTime( "@$to" ); // set end date (UTC)
else {
$to = end( $dates ); // set highest date to the highest dtstart date
$dateTo = new DateTime( $to.'T235959', $dtz );
$dateTo->modify( '+18 month' ); // set $dateTo to 18 month after the highest date
$dateTo->setTimezone( $utcTz ); // convert local date to UTC
$dateToYmd = $dateTo->format( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['Ymd2'] );
unset( $dtz );
$transTemp = array();
$prevOffsetfrom = 0;
$stdIx = $dlghtIx = null;
$prevTrans = FALSE;
foreach( $transitions as $tix => $trans ) { // all transitions in date-time order!!
$date = new DateTime( "@{$trans['ts']}" ); // set transition date (UTC)
$transDateYmd = $date->format( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['Ymd2'] );
if ( $transDateYmd < $dateFromYmd ) {
$prevOffsetfrom = $trans['offset']; // previous trans offset will be 'next' trans offsetFrom
$prevTrans = $trans; // save it in case we don't find any that match
$prevTrans['offsetfrom'] = ( 0 < $tix ) ? $transitions[$tix-1]['offset'] : 0;
if( $transDateYmd > $dateToYmd )
break; // loop always (?) breaks here
if( !empty( $prevOffsetfrom ) || ( 0 == $prevOffsetfrom )) {
$trans['offsetfrom'] = $prevOffsetfrom; // i.e. set previous offsetto as offsetFrom
$date->modify( $trans['offsetfrom'].'seconds' ); // convert utc date to local date
$d = $date->format( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['YmdHis3'] );
$d = explode( '-', $d ); // set date to array to ease up dtstart and (opt) rdate setting
$trans['time'] = array( 'year' => (int) $d[0], 'month' => (int) $d[1], 'day' => (int) $d[2], 'hour' => (int) $d[3], 'min' => (int) $d[4], 'sec' => (int) $d[5] );
$prevOffsetfrom = $trans['offset'];
if( TRUE !== $trans['isdst'] ) { // standard timezone
if( !empty( $stdIx ) && isset( $transTemp[$stdIx]['offsetfrom'] ) && // check for any repeating rdate's (in order)
( $transTemp[$stdIx]['abbr'] == $trans['abbr'] ) &&
( $transTemp[$stdIx]['offsetfrom'] == $trans['offsetfrom'] ) &&
( $transTemp[$stdIx]['offset'] == $trans['offset'] )) {
$transTemp[$stdIx]['rdate'][] = $trans['time'];
$stdIx = $tix;
} // end standard timezone
else { // daylight timezone
if( !empty( $dlghtIx ) && isset( $transTemp[$dlghtIx]['offsetfrom'] ) && // check for any repeating rdate's (in order)
( $transTemp[$dlghtIx]['abbr'] == $trans['abbr'] ) &&
( $transTemp[$dlghtIx]['offsetfrom'] == $trans['offsetfrom'] ) &&
( $transTemp[$dlghtIx]['offset'] == $trans['offset'] )) {
$transTemp[$dlghtIx]['rdate'][] = $trans['time'];
$dlghtIx = $tix;
} // end daylight timezone
$transTemp[$tix] = $trans;
} // end foreach( $transitions as $tix => $trans )
$tz = $calendar->newComponent( 'vtimezone' );
$tz->setproperty( 'tzid', $timezone );
if( !empty( $xProp )) {
foreach( $xProp as $xPropName => $xPropValue )
if( 'x-' == strtolower( substr( $xPropName, 0, 2 )))
$tz->setproperty( $xPropName, $xPropValue );
if( empty( $transTemp )) { // if no match found
if( $prevTrans ) { // then we use the last transition (before startdate) for the tz info
$date = new DateTime( "@{$prevTrans['ts']}" );// set transition date (UTC)
$date->modify( $prevTrans['offsetfrom'].'seconds' ); // convert utc date to local date
$d = $date->format( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['YmdHis3'] );
$d = explode( '-', $d ); // set date to array to ease up dtstart setting
$prevTrans['time'] = array( 'year' => (int) $d[0], 'month' => (int) $d[1], 'day' => (int) $d[2], 'hour' => (int) $d[3], 'min' => (int) $d[4], 'sec' => (int) $d[5] );
$transTemp[0] = $prevTrans;
else { // or we use the timezone identifier to BUILD the standard tz info (?)
$date = new DateTime( 'now', new DateTimeZone( $timezone ));
$transTemp[0] = array( 'time' => $date->format( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['YmdTHisO'] ),
'offset' => $date->format( 'Z' ),
'offsetfrom' => $date->format( 'Z' ),
'isdst' => FALSE );
unset( $transitions, $date, $prevTrans );
foreach( $transTemp as $tix => $trans ) { // create standard/daylight subcomponents
$type = ( TRUE !== $trans['isdst'] ) ? 'standard' : 'daylight';
$scomp = $tz->newComponent( $type );
$scomp->setProperty( 'dtstart', $trans['time'] );
// $scomp->setProperty( 'x-utc-timestamp', $tix.' : '.$trans['ts'] ); // test ###
if( !empty( $trans['abbr'] ))
$scomp->setProperty( 'tzname', $trans['abbr'] );
if( isset( $trans['offsetfrom'] ))
$scomp->setProperty( 'tzoffsetfrom', iCalUtilityFunctions::offsetSec2His( $trans['offsetfrom'] ));
$scomp->setProperty( 'tzoffsetto', iCalUtilityFunctions::offsetSec2His( $trans['offset'] ));
if( isset( $trans['rdate'] ))
$scomp->setProperty( 'RDATE', $trans['rdate'] );
return TRUE;
* creates formatted output for calendar component property data value type date/date-time
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.11 - 2015-03-10
* @param array $datetime
* @param int $parno optional, default 6
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_tz2offset()
* @return string
public static function _date2strdate( $datetime, $parno=6 ) {
if( !isset( $datetime['year'] ) &&
!isset( $datetime['month'] ) &&
!isset( $datetime['day'] ) &&
!isset( $datetime['hour'] ) &&
!isset( $datetime['min'] ) &&
!isset( $datetime['sec'] ))
$output = null;
foreach( $datetime as $dkey => & $dvalue )
if( 'tz' != $dkey ) $dvalue = (int) $dvalue;
$output = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['Ymd'], $datetime['year'], $datetime['month'], $datetime['day'] );
if( 3 == $parno )
return $output;
if( !isset( $datetime['hour'] )) $datetime['hour'] = 0;
if( !isset( $datetime['min'] )) $datetime['min'] = 0;
if( !isset( $datetime['sec'] )) $datetime['sec'] = 0;
$output .= 'T'.sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['His'], $datetime['hour'], $datetime['min'], $datetime['sec'] );
if( isset( $datetime['tz'] ) && ( '' < trim( $datetime['tz'] ))) {
$datetime['tz'] = trim( $datetime['tz'] );
if( 'Z' == $datetime['tz'] )
$parno = 7;
elseif( iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $datetime['tz'] )) {
$parno = 7;
$offset = iCalUtilityFunctions::_tz2offset( $datetime['tz'] );
try {
$d = new DateTime( $output, new DateTimeZone( 'UTC' ));
if( 0 != $offset ) // adjust för offset
$d->modify( "$offset seconds" );
$output = $d->format( 'Ymd\THis' );
catch( Exception $e ) {
$output = date( 'Ymd\THis', mktime( $datetime['hour'], $datetime['min'], ($datetime['sec'] - $offset), $datetime['month'], $datetime['day'], $datetime['year'] ));
if( 7 == $parno )
$output .= 'Z';
return $output;
* ensures internal duration format for input in array format
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.19.4 - 2014-03-14
* @param array $duration
* @return array
public static function _duration2arr( $duration ) {
$seconds = 0;
foreach( $duration as $durKey => $durValue ) {
if( empty( $durValue )) continue;
switch ( $durKey ) {
case '0': case 'week':
$seconds += (((int) $durValue ) * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 );
case '1': case 'day':
$seconds += (((int) $durValue ) * 60 * 60 * 24 );
case '2': case 'hour':
$seconds += (((int) $durValue ) * 60 * 60 );
case '3': case 'min':
$seconds += (((int) $durValue ) * 60 );
case '4': case 'sec':
$seconds += (int) $durValue;
$output = array();
$output['week'] = (int) floor( $seconds / ( 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 ));
if(( 0 < $output['week'] ) && ( 0 == ( $seconds % ( 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 ))))
return $output;
unset( $output['week'] );
$output['day'] = (int) floor( $seconds / ( 60 * 60 * 24 ));
$seconds = ( $seconds % ( 60 * 60 * 24 ));
$output['hour'] = (int) floor( $seconds / ( 60 * 60 ));
$seconds = ( $seconds % ( 60 * 60 ));
$output['min'] = (int) floor( $seconds / 60 );
$output['sec'] = ( $seconds % 60 );
if( empty( $output['day'] ))
unset( $output['day'] );
if(( 0 == $output['hour'] ) && ( 0 == $output['min'] ) && ( 0 == $output['sec'] ))
unset( $output['hour'], $output['min'], $output['sec'] );
return $output;
* convert startdate+duration to a array format datetime
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.11 - 2015-03-21
* @param array $startdate
* @param array $duration
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt
* @return array, date format
public static function _duration2date( $startdate, $duration ) {
$dateOnly = ( isset( $startdate['hour'] ) || isset( $startdate['min'] ) || isset( $startdate['sec'] )) ? FALSE : TRUE;
$startdate['hour'] = ( isset( $startdate['hour'] )) ? $startdate['hour'] : 0;
$startdate['min'] = ( isset( $startdate['min'] )) ? $startdate['min'] : 0;
$startdate['sec'] = ( isset( $startdate['sec'] )) ? $startdate['sec'] : 0;
$dtend = 0;
if( isset( $duration['week'] )) $dtend += ( $duration['week'] * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 );
if( isset( $duration['day'] )) $dtend += ( $duration['day'] * 24 * 60 * 60 );
if( isset( $duration['hour'] )) $dtend += ( $duration['hour'] * 60 *60 );
if( isset( $duration['min'] )) $dtend += ( $duration['min'] * 60 );
if( isset( $duration['sec'] )) $dtend += $duration['sec'];
$date = date( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['YmdHis3'],
mktime((int) $startdate['hour'], (int) $startdate['min'], (int) ( $startdate['sec'] + $dtend ), (int) $startdate['month'], (int) $startdate['day'], (int) $startdate['year'] ));
$d = explode( '-', $date );
$dtend2 = array( 'year' => $d[0], 'month' => $d[1], 'day' => $d[2], 'hour' => $d[3], 'min' => $d[4], 'sec' => $d[5] );
if( isset( $startdate['tz'] ))
$dtend2['tz'] = $startdate['tz'];
if( $dateOnly && (( 0 == $dtend2['hour'] ) && ( 0 == $dtend2['min'] ) && ( 0 == $dtend2['sec'] )))
unset( $dtend2['hour'], $dtend2['min'], $dtend2['sec'] );
return $dtend2;
* ensures internal duration format for an input string (iCal) formatted duration
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.14.1 - 2012-09-25
* @param string $duration
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_duration2arr()
* @return array
public static function _durationStr2arr( $duration ) {
$duration = (string) trim( $duration );
while( 'P' != strtoupper( substr( $duration, 0, 1 ))) {
if( 0 < strlen( $duration ))
$duration = substr( $duration, 1 );
return false; // no leading P !?!?
$duration = substr( $duration, 1 ); // skip P
$duration = str_replace ( 't', 'T', $duration );
$duration = str_replace ( 'T', '', $duration );
$output = array();
$val = null;
for( $ix=0; $ix < strlen( $duration ); $ix++ ) {
switch( strtoupper( substr( $duration, $ix, 1 ))) {
case 'W':
$output['week'] = $val;
$val = null;
case 'D':
$output['day'] = $val;
$val = null;
case 'H':
$output['hour'] = $val;
$val = null;
case 'M':
$output['min'] = $val;
$val = null;
case 'S':
$output['sec'] = $val;
$val = null;
if( !ctype_digit( substr( $duration, $ix, 1 )))
return false; // unknown duration control character !?!?
$val .= substr( $duration, $ix, 1 );
return iCalUtilityFunctions::_duration2arr( $output );
* creates formatted output for calendar component property data value type duration
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.15.8 - 2012-10-30
* @param array $duration, array( week, day, hour, min, sec )
* @return string
public static function _duration2str( array $duration ) {
if( isset( $duration['week'] ) ||
isset( $duration['day'] ) ||
isset( $duration['hour'] ) ||
isset( $duration['min'] ) ||
isset( $duration['sec'] ))
$ok = TRUE;
if( isset( $duration['week'] ) && ( 0 < $duration['week'] ))
return 'P'.$duration['week'].'W';
$output = 'P';
if( isset($duration['day'] ) && ( 0 < $duration['day'] ))
$output .= $duration['day'].'D';
if(( isset( $duration['hour']) && ( 0 < $duration['hour'] )) ||
( isset( $duration['min']) && ( 0 < $duration['min'] )) ||
( isset( $duration['sec']) && ( 0 < $duration['sec'] ))) {
$output .= 'T';
$output .= ( isset( $duration['hour']) && ( 0 < $duration['hour'] )) ? $duration['hour'].'H' : '0H';
$output .= ( isset( $duration['min']) && ( 0 < $duration['min'] )) ? $duration['min']. 'M' : '0M';
$output .= ( isset( $duration['sec']) && ( 0 < $duration['sec'] )) ? $duration['sec']. 'S' : '0S';
if( 'P' == $output )
$output = 'PT0H0M0S';
return $output;
* removes expkey+expvalue from array and returns hitval (if found) else returns elseval
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.4.16 - 2008-11-08
* @param array $array iCal property parameters
* @param string $expkey expected key
* @param string $expval expected value
* @param int $hitVal return value if found
* @param int $elseVal return value if not found
* @param int $preSet return value if already preset
* @return int
public static function _existRem( & $array, $expkey, $expval=FALSE, $hitVal=null, $elseVal=null, $preSet=null ) {
if( $preSet )
return $preSet;
if( !is_array( $array ) || ( 0 == count( $array )))
return $elseVal;
foreach( $array as $key => $value ) {
if( strtoupper( $expkey ) == strtoupper( $key )) {
if( !$expval || ( strtoupper( $expval ) == strtoupper( $array[$key] ))) {
unset( $array[$key] );
return $hitVal;
return $elseVal;
* check if dates are in scope
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.7 - 2015-03-25
* @param object $start datetime
* @param object $scopeStart datetime
* @param object $end datetime
* @param object $scopeEnd datetime
* @param string $format
* @return bool
public static function _inScope( $start, $scopeStart, $end, $scopeEnd, $format ) {
return (( $start->format( $format ) >= $scopeStart->format( $format )) &&
( $end->format( $format ) <= $scopeEnd->format( $format )));
* mgnt geo part output
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.8.10 - 2013-09-02
* @param float $ll
* @param string $format
* @return string
public static function _geo2str2( $ll, $format ) {
if( 0.0 < $ll )
$sign = '+';
$sign = ( 0.0 > $ll ) ? '-' : '';
return rtrim( rtrim( $sign.sprintf( $format, abs( $ll )), '0' ), '.' );
* checks if input contains a (array formatted) date/time
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.16.24 - 2013-07-02
* @param array $input
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_strdate2date()
* @return bool
public static function _isArrayDate( $input ) {
if( !is_array( $input ) || isset( $input['week'] ) || isset( $input['timestamp'] ) || ( 3 > count( $input )))
return FALSE;
if( 7 == count( $input ))
return TRUE;
if( isset( $input['year'] ) && isset( $input['month'] ) && isset( $input['day'] ))
return checkdate( (int) $input['month'], (int) $input['day'], (int) $input['year'] );
if( isset( $input['day'] ) || isset( $input['hour'] ) || isset( $input['min'] ) || isset( $input['sec'] ))
return FALSE;
if(( 0 == $input[0] ) || ( 0 == $input[1] ) || ( 0 == $input[2] ))
return FALSE;
if(( 1970 > $input[0] ) || ( 12 < $input[1] ) || ( 31 < $input[2] ))
return FALSE;
if(( isset( $input[0] ) && isset( $input[1] ) && isset( $input[2] )) &&
checkdate((int) $input[1], (int) $input[2], (int) $input[0] ))
return TRUE;
$input = iCalUtilityFunctions::_strdate2date( $input[1].'/'.$input[2].'/'.$input[0], 3 ); // m - d - Y
if( isset( $input['year'] ) && isset( $input['month'] ) && isset( $input['day'] ))
return checkdate( (int) $input['month'], (int) $input['day'], (int) $input['year'] );
return FALSE;
* checks if input array contains a timestamp date
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.4.16 - 2008-10-18
* @param array $input
* @return bool
public static function _isArrayTimestampDate( $input ) {
return ( is_array( $input ) && isset( $input['timestamp'] )) ? TRUE : FALSE ;
* controls if input string contains (trailing) UTC/iCal offset
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.14.1 - 2012-09-21
* @param string $input
* @return bool
public static function _isOffset( $input ) {
$input = trim( (string) $input );
if( 'Z' == substr( $input, -1 ))
return TRUE;
elseif(( 5 <= strlen( $input )) &&
( in_array( substr( $input, -5, 1 ), array( '+', '-' ))) &&
( '0000' <= substr( $input, -4 )) && ( '9999' >= substr( $input, -4 )))
return TRUE;
elseif(( 7 <= strlen( $input )) &&
( in_array( substr( $input, -7, 1 ), array( '+', '-' ))) &&
( '000000' <= substr( $input, -6 )) && ( '999999' >= substr( $input, -6 )))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* (very simple) conversion of a MS timezone to a PHP5 valid (Date-)timezone
* matching (MS) UCT offset and time zone descriptors
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.14.1 - 2012-09-16
* @param string $timezone to convert
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_tz2offset()
* @return bool
public static function ms2phpTZ( & $timezone ) {
if( empty( $timezone ))
return FALSE;
$search = str_replace( '"', '', $timezone );
$search = str_replace( array('GMT', 'gmt', 'utc' ), 'UTC', $search );
if( '(UTC' != substr( $search, 0, 4 ))
return FALSE;
if( FALSE === ( $pos = strpos( $search, ')' )))
return FALSE;
$pos = strpos( $search, ')' );
$searchOffset = substr( $search, 4, ( $pos - 4 ));
$searchOffset = iCalUtilityFunctions::_tz2offset( str_replace( ':', '', $searchOffset ));
while( ' ' ==substr( $search, ( $pos + 1 )))
$pos += 1;
$searchText = trim( str_replace( array( '(', ')', '&', ',', ' ' ), ' ', substr( $search, ( $pos + 1 )) ));
$searchWords = explode( ' ', $searchText );
$timezone_abbreviations = DateTimeZone::listAbbreviations();
$hits = array();
foreach( $timezone_abbreviations as $name => $transitions ) {
foreach( $transitions as $cnt => $transition ) {
if( empty( $transition['offset'] ) ||
empty( $transition['timezone_id'] ) ||
( $transition['offset'] != $searchOffset ))
$cWords = explode( '/', $transition['timezone_id'] );
$cPrio = $hitCnt = $rank = 0;
foreach( $cWords as $cWord ) {
if( empty( $cWord ))
$cPrio += 1;
$sPrio = 0;
foreach( $searchWords as $sWord ) {
if( empty( $sWord ) || ( 'time' == strtolower( $sWord )))
$sPrio += 1;
if( strtolower( $cWord ) == strtolower( $sWord )) {
$hitCnt += 1;
$rank += ( $cPrio + $sPrio );
$rank += 10;
if( 0 < $hitCnt ) {
$hits[$rank][] = $transition['timezone_id'];
unset( $timezone_abbreviations );
if( empty( $hits ))
return FALSE;
ksort( $hits );
foreach( $hits as $rank => $tzs ) {
if( !empty( $tzs )) {
$timezone = reset( $tzs );
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* transforms offset in seconds to [-/+]hhmm[ss]
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2011-05-02
* @param string $seconds
* @return string
public static function offsetSec2His( $seconds ) {
if( '-' == substr( $seconds, 0, 1 )) {
$prefix = '-';
$seconds = substr( $seconds, 1 );
elseif( '+' == substr( $seconds, 0, 1 )) {
$prefix = '+';
$seconds = substr( $seconds, 1 );
$prefix = '+';
$output = '';
$hour = (int) floor( $seconds / 3600 );
if( 10 > $hour )
$hour = '0'.$hour;
$seconds = $seconds % 3600;
$min = (int) floor( $seconds / 60 );
if( 10 > $min )
$min = '0'.$min;
$output = $hour.$min;
$seconds = $seconds % 60;
if( 0 < $seconds) {
if( 9 < $seconds)
$output .= $seconds;
$output .= '0'.$seconds;
return $prefix.$output;
* updates an array with dates based on a recur pattern
* if missing, UNTIL is set 1 year from startdate (emergency break)
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.11 - 2015-03-10
* @param array $result array to update, array([Y-m-d] => bool)
* @param array $recur pattern for recurrency (only value part, params ignored)
* @param mixed $wdate component start date, string / array / (datetime) obj
* @param mixed $fcnStart start date, string / array / (datetime) obj
* @param mixed $fcnEnd end date, string / array / (datetime) obj
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_strDate2arr()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_stepdate()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_recurIntervalIx()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_recurBYcntcheck()
* @return void
* @todo BYHOUR, BYMINUTE, BYSECOND, WEEKLY at year end/start OR not at all
public static function _recur2date( & $result, $recur, $wdate, $fcnStart, $fcnEnd=FALSE ) {
if( is_string( $wdate ))
iCalUtilityFunctions::_strDate2arr( $wdate );
elseif( is_a( $wdate, 'DateTime' )) {
$wdate = $wdate->format( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['YmdHis2'] );
iCalUtilityFunctions::_strDate2arr( $wdate );
foreach( $wdate as $k => $v ) if( ctype_digit( $v )) $wdate[$k] = (int) $v;
$wdateYMD = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['Ymd'], $wdate['year'], $wdate['month'], $wdate['day'] );
$wdateHis = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['His'], $wdate['hour'], $wdate['min'], $wdate['sec'] );
$untilHis = $wdateHis;
if( is_string( $fcnStart ))
iCalUtilityFunctions::_strDate2arr( $fcnStart );
elseif( is_a( $fcnStart, 'DateTime' )) {
$fcnStart = $fcnStart->format( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['YmdHis2'] );
iCalUtilityFunctions::_strDate2arr( $fcnStart );
foreach( $fcnStart as $k => $v ) if( ctype_digit( $v )) $fcnStart[$k] = (int) $v;
$fcnStartYMD = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['Ymd'], $fcnStart['year'], $fcnStart['month'], $fcnStart['day'] );
if( is_string( $fcnEnd ))
iCalUtilityFunctions::_strDate2arr( $fcnEnd );
elseif( is_a( $fcnEnd, 'DateTime' )) {
$fcnEnd = $fcnEnd->format( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['YmdHis2'] );
iCalUtilityFunctions::_strDate2arr( $fcnEnd );
if( !$fcnEnd ) {
$fcnEnd = $fcnStart;
$fcnEnd['year'] += 1;
foreach( $fcnEnd as $k => $v ) if( ctype_digit( $v )) $fcnEnd[$k] = (int) $v;
$fcnEndYMD = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['Ymd'], $fcnEnd['year'], $fcnEnd['month'], $fcnEnd['day'] );
// echo "<b>recur _in_ comp</b> start ".implode('-',$wdate)." period start ".implode('-',$fcnStart)." period end ".implode('-',$fcnEnd)."<br>\n";
// echo 'recur='.str_replace( array( PHP_EOL, ' ' ), '', var_export( $recur, TRUE ))."<br> \n"; // test ###
if( !isset( $recur['COUNT'] ) && !isset( $recur['UNTIL'] ))
$recur['UNTIL'] = $fcnEnd; // create break
if( isset( $recur['UNTIL'] )) {
foreach( $recur['UNTIL'] as $k => $v ) if( ctype_digit( $v )) $recur['UNTIL'][$k] = (int) $v;
unset( $recur['UNTIL']['tz'] );
if( $fcnEnd > $recur['UNTIL'] ) {
$fcnEnd = $recur['UNTIL']; // emergency break
$fcnEndYMD = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['Ymd'], $fcnEnd['year'], $fcnEnd['month'], $fcnEnd['day'] );
if( isset( $recur['UNTIL']['hour'] ))
$untilHis = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['His'], $recur['UNTIL']['hour'], $recur['UNTIL']['min'], $recur['UNTIL']['sec'] );
$untilHis = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['His'], 23, 59, 59 );
// echo 'recurUNTIL='.str_replace( array( PHP_EOL, ' ' ), '', var_export( $recur['UNTIL'], TRUE )).", untilHis={$untilHis}<br> \n"; // test ###
// echo 'fcnEnd:'.$fcnEndYMD.$untilHis."<br>\n";//test
if( $wdateYMD > $fcnEndYMD ) {
// echo 'recur out of date, '.implode('-',$wdate).', end='.implode('-',$fcnEnd)."<br>\n";//test
return array(); // nothing to do.. .
if( !isset( $recur['FREQ'] )) // "MUST be specified.. ."
$recur['FREQ'] = 'DAILY'; // ??
$wkst = ( isset( $recur['WKST'] ) && ( 'SU' == $recur['WKST'] )) ? 24*60*60 : 0; // ??
if( !isset( $recur['INTERVAL'] ))
$recur['INTERVAL'] = 1;
$countcnt = ( !isset( $recur['BYSETPOS'] )) ? 1 : 0; // DTSTART counts as the first occurrence
/* find out how to step up dates and set index for interval count */
$step = array();
if( 'YEARLY' == $recur['FREQ'] )
$step['year'] = 1;
elseif( 'MONTHLY' == $recur['FREQ'] )
$step['month'] = 1;
elseif( 'WEEKLY' == $recur['FREQ'] )
$step['day'] = 7;
$step['day'] = 1;
if( isset( $step['year'] ) && isset( $recur['BYMONTH'] ))
$step = array( 'month' => 1 );
if( empty( $step ) && isset( $recur['BYWEEKNO'] )) // ??
$step = array( 'day' => 7 );
if( isset( $recur['BYYEARDAY'] ) || isset( $recur['BYMONTHDAY'] ) || isset( $recur['BYDAY'] ))
$step = array( 'day' => 1 );
$intervalarr = array();
if( 1 < $recur['INTERVAL'] ) {
$intervalix = iCalUtilityFunctions::_recurIntervalIx( $recur['FREQ'], $wdate, $wkst );
$intervalarr = array( $intervalix => 0 );
if( isset( $recur['BYSETPOS'] )) { // save start date + weekno
$bysetposymd1 = $bysetposymd2 = $bysetposw1 = $bysetposw2 = array();
// echo "bysetposXold_start=$bysetposYold $bysetposMold $bysetposDold<br>\n"; // test ###
if( is_array( $recur['BYSETPOS'] )) {
foreach( $recur['BYSETPOS'] as $bix => $bval )
$recur['BYSETPOS'][$bix] = (int) $bval;
$recur['BYSETPOS'] = array( (int) $recur['BYSETPOS'] );
if( 'YEARLY' == $recur['FREQ'] ) {
$wdate['month'] = $wdate['day'] = 1; // start from beginning of year
$wdateYMD = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['Ymd'], $wdate['year'], $wdate['month'], $wdate['day'] );
iCalUtilityFunctions::_stepdate( $fcnEnd, $fcnEndYMD, array( 'year' => 1 )); // make sure to count whole last year
elseif( 'MONTHLY' == $recur['FREQ'] ) {
$wdate['day'] = 1; // start from beginning of month
$wdateYMD = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['Ymd'], $wdate['year'], $wdate['month'], $wdate['day'] );
iCalUtilityFunctions::_stepdate( $fcnEnd, $fcnEndYMD, array( 'month' => 1 )); // make sure to count whole last month
iCalUtilityFunctions::_stepdate( $fcnEnd, $fcnEndYMD, $step); // make sure to count whole last period
// echo "BYSETPOS endDat =".implode('-',$fcnEnd).' step='.var_export($step,TRUE)."<br>\n";//test###
$bysetposWold = (int) date( 'W', mktime( 0, 0, $wkst, $wdate['month'], $wdate['day'], $wdate['year'] ));
$bysetposYold = $wdate['year'];
$bysetposMold = $wdate['month'];
$bysetposDold = $wdate['day'];
iCalUtilityFunctions::_stepdate( $wdate, $wdateYMD, $step);
$year_old = null;
static $daynames = array( 'SU', 'MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA' );
// echo "recur start:$wdateYMD, end:$fcnEndYMD<br>\n";//test
while( TRUE ) {
// echo "recur while:$wdateYMD, end:$fcnEndYMD<br>\n";//test
if( $wdateYMD.$wdateHis > $fcnEndYMD.$untilHis )
if( isset( $recur['COUNT'] ) && ( $countcnt >= $recur['COUNT'] ))
if( $year_old != $wdate['year'] ) {
$year_old = $wdate['year'];
$daycnts = array();
$yeardays = $weekno = 0;
$yeardaycnt = array();
foreach( $daynames as $dn )
$yeardaycnt[$dn] = 0;
for( $m = 1; $m <= 12; $m++ ) { // count up and update up-counters
$daycnts[$m] = array();
$weekdaycnt = array();
foreach( $daynames as $dn )
$weekdaycnt[$dn] = 0;
$mcnt = date( 't', mktime( 0, 0, 0, $m, 1, $wdate['year'] ));
for( $d = 1; $d <= $mcnt; $d++ ) {
$daycnts[$m][$d] = array();
if( isset( $recur['BYYEARDAY'] )) {
$daycnts[$m][$d]['yearcnt_up'] = $yeardays;
if( isset( $recur['BYDAY'] )) {
$day = date( 'w', mktime( 0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $wdate['year'] ));
$day = $daynames[$day];
$daycnts[$m][$d]['DAY'] = $day;
$daycnts[$m][$d]['monthdayno_up'] = $weekdaycnt[$day];
$daycnts[$m][$d]['yeardayno_up'] = $yeardaycnt[$day];
if( isset( $recur['BYWEEKNO'] ) || ( $recur['FREQ'] == 'WEEKLY' ))
$daycnts[$m][$d]['weekno_up'] =(int)date('W',mktime(0,0,$wkst,$m,$d,$wdate['year']));
} // end for( $d = 1; $d <= $mcnt; $d++ )
} // end for( $m = 1; $m <= 12; $m++ )
$daycnt = 0;
$yeardaycnt = array();
if( isset( $recur['BYWEEKNO'] ) || ( $recur['FREQ'] == 'WEEKLY' )) {
$weekno = null;
for( $d=31; $d > 25; $d-- ) { // get last weekno for year
if( !$weekno )
$weekno = $daycnts[12][$d]['weekno_up'];
elseif( $weekno < $daycnts[12][$d]['weekno_up'] ) {
$weekno = $daycnts[12][$d]['weekno_up'];
for( $m = 12; $m > 0; $m-- ) { // count down and update down-counters
$weekdaycnt = array();
foreach( $daynames as $dn )
$yeardaycnt[$dn] = $weekdaycnt[$dn] = 0;
$monthcnt = 0;
$mcnt = date( 't', mktime( 0, 0, 0, $m, 1, $wdate['year'] ));
for( $d = $mcnt; $d > 0; $d-- ) {
if( isset( $recur['BYYEARDAY'] )) {
$daycnt -= 1;
$daycnts[$m][$d]['yearcnt_down'] = $daycnt;
if( isset( $recur['BYMONTHDAY'] )) {
$monthcnt -= 1;
$daycnts[$m][$d]['monthcnt_down'] = $monthcnt;
if( isset( $recur['BYDAY'] )) {
$day = $daycnts[$m][$d]['DAY'];
$weekdaycnt[$day] -= 1;
$daycnts[$m][$d]['monthdayno_down'] = $weekdaycnt[$day];
$yeardaycnt[$day] -= 1;
$daycnts[$m][$d]['yeardayno_down'] = $yeardaycnt[$day];
if( isset( $recur['BYWEEKNO'] ) || ( $recur['FREQ'] == 'WEEKLY' ))
$daycnts[$m][$d]['weekno_down'] = ($daycnts[$m][$d]['weekno_up'] - $weekno - 1);
} // end for( $m = 12; $m > 0; $m-- )
} // end if( $year_old != $wdate['year'] )
/* check interval */
if( 1 < $recur['INTERVAL'] ) {
/* create interval index */
$intervalix = iCalUtilityFunctions::_recurIntervalIx( $recur['FREQ'], $wdate, $wkst );
/* check interval */
$currentKey = array_keys( $intervalarr );
$currentKey = end( $currentKey ); // get last index
if( $currentKey != $intervalix )
$intervalarr = array( $intervalix => ( $intervalarr[$currentKey] + 1 ));
if(( $recur['INTERVAL'] != $intervalarr[$intervalix] ) &&
( 0 != $intervalarr[$intervalix] )) {
/* step up date */
// echo "skip: ".implode('-',$wdate)." ix=$intervalix old=$currentKey interval=".$intervalarr[$intervalix]."<br>\n";//test
iCalUtilityFunctions::_stepdate( $wdate, $wdateYMD, $step);
else // continue within the selected interval
$intervalarr[$intervalix] = 0;
// echo "cont: ".implode('-',$wdate)." ix=$intervalix old=$currentKey interval=".$intervalarr[$intervalix]."<br>\n";//test
} // endif( 1 < $recur['INTERVAL'] )
$updateOK = TRUE;
if( $updateOK && isset( $recur['BYMONTH'] ))
$updateOK = iCalUtilityFunctions::_recurBYcntcheck( $recur['BYMONTH']
, $wdate['month']
,($wdate['month'] - 13));
if( $updateOK && isset( $recur['BYWEEKNO'] ))
$updateOK = iCalUtilityFunctions::_recurBYcntcheck( $recur['BYWEEKNO']
, $daycnts[$wdate['month']][$wdate['day']]['weekno_up']
, $daycnts[$wdate['month']][$wdate['day']]['weekno_down'] );
if( $updateOK && isset( $recur['BYYEARDAY'] ))
$updateOK = iCalUtilityFunctions::_recurBYcntcheck( $recur['BYYEARDAY']
, $daycnts[$wdate['month']][$wdate['day']]['yearcnt_up']
, $daycnts[$wdate['month']][$wdate['day']]['yearcnt_down'] );
if( $updateOK && isset( $recur['BYMONTHDAY'] ))
$updateOK = iCalUtilityFunctions::_recurBYcntcheck( $recur['BYMONTHDAY']
, $wdate['day']
, $daycnts[$wdate['month']][$wdate['day']]['monthcnt_down'] );
// echo "efter BYMONTHDAY: ".implode('-',$wdate).' status: '; echo ($updateOK) ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; echo "<br>\n";//test###
if( $updateOK && isset( $recur['BYDAY'] )) {
$updateOK = FALSE;
$m = $wdate['month'];
$d = $wdate['day'];
if( isset( $recur['BYDAY']['DAY'] )) { // single day, opt with year/month day order no
$daynoexists = $daynosw = $daynamesw = FALSE;
if( $recur['BYDAY']['DAY'] == $daycnts[$m][$d]['DAY'] )
$daynamesw = TRUE;
if( isset( $recur['BYDAY'][0] )) {
$daynoexists = TRUE;
if(( isset( $recur['FREQ'] ) && ( $recur['FREQ'] == 'MONTHLY' )) || isset( $recur['BYMONTH'] ))
$daynosw = iCalUtilityFunctions::_recurBYcntcheck( $recur['BYDAY'][0]
, $daycnts[$m][$d]['monthdayno_up']
, $daycnts[$m][$d]['monthdayno_down'] );
elseif( isset( $recur['FREQ'] ) && ( $recur['FREQ'] == 'YEARLY' ))
$daynosw = iCalUtilityFunctions::_recurBYcntcheck( $recur['BYDAY'][0]
, $daycnts[$m][$d]['yeardayno_up']
, $daycnts[$m][$d]['yeardayno_down'] );
if(( $daynoexists && $daynosw && $daynamesw ) ||
( !$daynoexists && !$daynosw && $daynamesw )) {
$updateOK = TRUE;
// echo "m=$m d=$d day=".$daycnts[$m][$d]['DAY']." yeardayno_up=".$daycnts[$m][$d]['yeardayno_up']." daynoexists:$daynoexists daynosw:$daynosw daynamesw:$daynamesw updateOK:$updateOK<br>\n"; // test ###
// echo "m=$m d=$d day=".$daycnts[$m][$d]['DAY']." yeardayno_up=".$daycnts[$m][$d]['yeardayno_up']." daynoexists:$daynoexists daynosw:$daynosw daynamesw:$daynamesw updateOK:$updateOK<br>\n"; // test ###
else {
foreach( $recur['BYDAY'] as $bydayvalue ) {
$daynoexists = $daynosw = $daynamesw = FALSE;
if( isset( $bydayvalue['DAY'] ) &&
( $bydayvalue['DAY'] == $daycnts[$m][$d]['DAY'] ))
$daynamesw = TRUE;
if( isset( $bydayvalue[0] )) {
$daynoexists = TRUE;
if(( isset( $recur['FREQ'] ) && ( $recur['FREQ'] == 'MONTHLY' )) ||
isset( $recur['BYMONTH'] ))
$daynosw = iCalUtilityFunctions::_recurBYcntcheck( $bydayvalue['0']
, $daycnts[$m][$d]['monthdayno_up']
, $daycnts[$m][$d]['monthdayno_down'] );
elseif( isset( $recur['FREQ'] ) && ( $recur['FREQ'] == 'YEARLY' ))
$daynosw = iCalUtilityFunctions::_recurBYcntcheck( $bydayvalue['0']
, $daycnts[$m][$d]['yeardayno_up']
, $daycnts[$m][$d]['yeardayno_down'] );
// echo "daynoexists:$daynoexists daynosw:$daynosw daynamesw:$daynamesw<br>\n"; // test ###
if(( $daynoexists && $daynosw && $daynamesw ) ||
( !$daynoexists && !$daynosw && $daynamesw )) {
$updateOK = TRUE;
// echo "efter BYDAY: ".implode('-',$wdate).' status: '; echo ($updateOK) ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; echo "<br>\n"; // test ###
/* check BYSETPOS */
if( $updateOK ) {
if( isset( $recur['BYSETPOS'] ) &&
( in_array( $recur['FREQ'], array( 'YEARLY', 'MONTHLY', 'WEEKLY', 'DAILY' )))) {
if( isset( $recur['WEEKLY'] )) {
if( $bysetposWold == $daycnts[$wdate['month']][$wdate['day']]['weekno_up'] )
$bysetposw1[] = $wdateYMD;
$bysetposw2[] = $wdateYMD;
else {
if(( isset( $recur['FREQ'] ) && ( 'YEARLY' == $recur['FREQ'] ) &&
( $bysetposYold == $wdate['year'] )) ||
( isset( $recur['FREQ'] ) && ( 'MONTHLY' == $recur['FREQ'] ) &&
(( $bysetposYold == $wdate['year'] ) &&
( $bysetposMold == $wdate['month'] ))) ||
( isset( $recur['FREQ'] ) && ( 'DAILY' == $recur['FREQ'] ) &&
(( $bysetposYold == $wdate['year'] ) &&
( $bysetposMold == $wdate['month']) &&
( $bysetposDold == $wdate['day'] )))) {
// echo "bysetposymd1[]=".date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$wdatets)."<br>\n";//test
$bysetposymd1[] = $wdateYMD;
else {
// echo "bysetposymd2[]=".date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$wdatets)."<br>\n";//test
$bysetposymd2[] = $wdateYMD;
else {
if( checkdate($wdate['month'], $wdate['day'], $wdate['year'] )) {
/* update result array if BYSETPOS is not set */
if( $fcnStartYMD <= $wdateYMD ) { // only output within period
$result[$wdateYMD] = TRUE;
// echo "recur $wdateYMD<br>\n";//test
// else echo "recur, no date $wdateYMD<br>\n";//test
$updateOK = FALSE;
/* step up date */
iCalUtilityFunctions::_stepdate( $wdate, $wdateYMD, $step);
/* check if BYSETPOS is set for updating result array */
if( $updateOK && isset( $recur['BYSETPOS'] )) {
$bysetpos = FALSE;
if( isset( $recur['FREQ'] ) && ( 'YEARLY' == $recur['FREQ'] ) &&
( $bysetposYold != $wdate['year'] )) {
$bysetpos = TRUE;
$bysetposYold = $wdate['year'];
elseif( isset( $recur['FREQ'] ) && ( 'MONTHLY' == $recur['FREQ'] &&
(( $bysetposYold != $wdate['year'] ) || ( $bysetposMold != $wdate['month'] )))) {
$bysetpos = TRUE;
$bysetposYold = $wdate['year'];
$bysetposMold = $wdate['month'];
elseif( isset( $recur['FREQ'] ) && ( 'WEEKLY' == $recur['FREQ'] )) {
$weekno = (int) date( 'W', mktime( 0, 0, $wkst, $wdate['month'], $wdate['day'], $wdate['year']));
if( $bysetposWold != $weekno ) {
$bysetposWold = $weekno;
$bysetpos = TRUE;
elseif( isset( $recur['FREQ'] ) && ( 'DAILY' == $recur['FREQ'] ) &&
(( $bysetposYold != $wdate['year'] ) ||
( $bysetposMold != $wdate['month'] ) ||
( $bysetposDold != $wdate['day'] ))) {
$bysetpos = TRUE;
$bysetposYold = $wdate['year'];
$bysetposMold = $wdate['month'];
$bysetposDold = $wdate['day'];
if( $bysetpos ) {
if( isset( $recur['BYWEEKNO'] )) {
$bysetposarr1 = & $bysetposw1;
$bysetposarr2 = & $bysetposw2;
else {
$bysetposarr1 = & $bysetposymd1;
$bysetposarr2 = & $bysetposymd2;
foreach( $recur['BYSETPOS'] as $ix ) {
if( 0 > $ix ) // both positive and negative BYSETPOS allowed
$ix = ( count( $bysetposarr1 ) + $ix + 1);
if( isset( $bysetposarr1[$ix] )) {
if( $fcnStartYMD <= $bysetposarr1[$ix] ) { // only output within period
// $testweekno = (int) date( 'W', mktime( 0, 0, $wkst, (int) substr( $bysetposarr1[$ix], 4, 2 ), (int) substr( $bysetposarr1[$ix], 6, 2 ), (int) substr( $bysetposarr1[$ix], 0, 3 ))); // test ###
// echo " testYMD (weekno)=$bysetposarr1[$ix] ($testweekno)"; // test ###
$result[$bysetposarr1[$ix]] = TRUE;
if( isset( $recur['COUNT'] ) && ( $countcnt >= $recur['COUNT'] ))
// echo "<br>\n"; // test ###
$bysetposarr1 = $bysetposarr2;
$bysetposarr2 = array();
} // end if( $bysetpos )
} // end if( $updateOK && isset( $recur['BYSETPOS'] ))
} // end while( TRUE )
// echo 'output='.str_replace( array( PHP_EOL, ' ' ), '', var_export( $result, TRUE ))."<br> \n"; // test ###
* _recur2date help function, checking BYDAY (etc) hits
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.6.12 - 2011-01-03
* @param array $BYvalue
* @param int $upValue
* @param int $downValue
* @return bool
public static function _recurBYcntcheck( $BYvalue, $upValue, $downValue ) {
if( is_array( $BYvalue ) &&
( in_array( $upValue, $BYvalue ) || in_array( $downValue, $BYvalue )))
return TRUE;
elseif(( $BYvalue == $upValue ) || ( $BYvalue == $downValue ))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* _recur2date help function, (re-)calculate internal index
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.6.12 - 2011-01-03
* @param string $freq
* @param array $date
* @param int $wkst
* @return bool
public static function _recurIntervalIx( $freq, $date, $wkst ) {
/* create interval index */
switch( $freq ) {
case 'YEARLY':
$intervalix = $date['year'];
case 'MONTHLY':
$intervalix = $date['year'].'-'.$date['month'];
case 'WEEKLY':
$intervalix = (int) date( 'W', mktime( 0, 0, $wkst, (int) $date['month'], (int) $date['day'], (int) $date['year'] ));
case 'DAILY':
$intervalix = $date['year'].'-'.$date['month'].'-'.$date['day'];
return $intervalix;
* sort recur dates
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.6.12 - 2011-01-03
* @param array $bydaya
* @param array $bydayb
* @return int
public static function _recurBydaySort( $bydaya, $bydayb ) {
static $days = array( 'SU' => 0, 'MO' => 1, 'TU' => 2, 'WE' => 3, 'TH' => 4, 'FR' => 5, 'SA' => 6 );
return ( $days[substr( $bydaya, -2 )] < $days[substr( $bydayb, -2 )] ) ? -1 : 1;
* convert input format for exrule and rrule to internal format
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.11 - 2015-03-10
* @param array $rexrule
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_strDate2arr()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_isArrayTimestampDate()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_timestamp2date()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_chkDateArr()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_strdate2date()
* @return array
public static function _setRexrule( $rexrule ) {
$input = array();
if( empty( $rexrule ))
return $input;
$rexrule = array_change_key_case( $rexrule, CASE_UPPER );
foreach( $rexrule as $rexrulelabel => $rexrulevalue ) {
if( 'UNTIL' != $rexrulelabel )
$input[$rexrulelabel] = $rexrulevalue;
else {
iCalUtilityFunctions::_strDate2arr( $rexrulevalue );
if( iCalUtilityFunctions::_isArrayTimestampDate( $rexrulevalue )) // timestamp, always date-time UTC
$input[$rexrulelabel] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_timestamp2date( $rexrulevalue, 7, 'UTC' );
elseif( iCalUtilityFunctions::_isArrayDate( $rexrulevalue )) { // date or UTC date-time
$parno = ( isset( $rexrulevalue['hour'] ) || isset( $rexrulevalue[4] )) ? 7 : 3;
$d = iCalUtilityFunctions::_chkDateArr( $rexrulevalue, $parno );
if(( 3 < $parno ) && isset( $d['tz'] ) && ( 'Z' != $d['tz'] ) && iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $d['tz'] )) {
$strdate = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['YmdHise'], (int) $d['year'], (int) $d['month'], (int) $d['day'], (int) $d['hour'], (int) $d['min'], (int) $d['sec'], $d['tz'] );
$input[$rexrulelabel] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_strdate2date( $strdate, 7 );
unset( $input[$rexrulelabel]['unparsedtext'] );
$input[$rexrulelabel] = $d;
elseif( 8 <= strlen( trim( $rexrulevalue ))) { // ex. textual date-time 2006-08-03 10:12:18 => UTC
$input[$rexrulelabel] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_strdate2date( $rexrulevalue );
unset( $input['$rexrulelabel']['unparsedtext'] );
if(( 3 < count( $input[$rexrulelabel] )) && !isset( $input[$rexrulelabel]['tz'] ))
$input[$rexrulelabel]['tz'] = 'Z';
/* set recurrence rule specification in rfc2445 order */
$input2 = array();
if( isset( $input['FREQ'] ))
$input2['FREQ'] = $input['FREQ'];
if( isset( $input['UNTIL'] ))
$input2['UNTIL'] = $input['UNTIL'];
elseif( isset( $input['COUNT'] ))
$input2['COUNT'] = $input['COUNT'];
if( isset( $input['INTERVAL'] ))
$input2['INTERVAL'] = $input['INTERVAL'];
if( isset( $input['BYSECOND'] ))
$input2['BYSECOND'] = $input['BYSECOND'];
if( isset( $input['BYMINUTE'] ))
$input2['BYMINUTE'] = $input['BYMINUTE'];
if( isset( $input['BYHOUR'] ))
$input2['BYHOUR'] = $input['BYHOUR'];
if( isset( $input['BYDAY'] )) {
if( !is_array( $input['BYDAY'] )) // ensure upper case.. .
$input2['BYDAY'] = strtoupper( $input['BYDAY'] );
else {
foreach( $input['BYDAY'] as $BYDAYx => $BYDAYv ) {
if( 'DAY' == strtoupper( $BYDAYx ))
$input2['BYDAY']['DAY'] = strtoupper( $BYDAYv );
elseif( !is_array( $BYDAYv )) {
$input2['BYDAY'][$BYDAYx] = $BYDAYv;
else {
foreach( $BYDAYv as $BYDAYx2 => $BYDAYv2 ) {
if( 'DAY' == strtoupper( $BYDAYx2 ))
$input2['BYDAY'][$BYDAYx]['DAY'] = strtoupper( $BYDAYv2 );
$input2['BYDAY'][$BYDAYx][$BYDAYx2] = $BYDAYv2;
if( isset( $input['BYMONTHDAY'] ))
$input2['BYMONTHDAY'] = $input['BYMONTHDAY'];
if( isset( $input['BYYEARDAY'] ))
$input2['BYYEARDAY'] = $input['BYYEARDAY'];
if( isset( $input['BYWEEKNO'] ))
$input2['BYWEEKNO'] = $input['BYWEEKNO'];
if( isset( $input['BYMONTH'] ))
$input2['BYMONTH'] = $input['BYMONTH'];
if( isset( $input['BYSETPOS'] ))
$input2['BYSETPOS'] = $input['BYSETPOS'];
if( isset( $input['WKST'] ))
$input2['WKST'] = $input['WKST'];
return $input2;
* convert format for input date to internal date with parameters
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.11 - 2015-03-21
* @param mixed $year
* @param mixed $month optional
* @param int $day optional
* @param int $hour optional
* @param int $min optional
* @param int $sec optional
* @param string $tz optional
* @param array $params optional
* @param string $caller optional
* @param string $objName optional
* @param string $tzid optional
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::$tzComps
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_strDate2arr()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_isArrayDate()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_chkDateArr()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_existRem()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_isArrayTimestampDate()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_timestamp2date()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_strdate2date()
* @return array
public static function _setDate( $year, $month=FALSE, $day=FALSE, $hour=FALSE, $min=FALSE, $sec=FALSE, $tz=FALSE, $params=FALSE, $caller=null, $objName=null, $tzid=FALSE ) {
$input = $parno = null;
$localtime = (( 'dtstart' == $caller ) && in_array( $objName, iCalUtilityFunctions::$tzComps )) ? TRUE : FALSE;
iCalUtilityFunctions::_strDate2arr( $year );
if( iCalUtilityFunctions::_isArrayDate( $year )) {
$input['value'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_chkDateArr( $year, FALSE ); //$parno );
if( 100 > $input['value']['year'] )
$input['value']['year'] += 2000;
if( $localtime )
unset( $month['VALUE'], $month['TZID'] );
elseif( !isset( $month['TZID'] ) && isset( $tzid ))
$month['TZID'] = $tzid;
if( isset( $input['value']['tz'] ) && iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $input['value']['tz'] ))
unset( $month['TZID'] );
elseif( !isset( $input['value']['tz'] ) && isset( $month['TZID'] ) && iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $month['TZID'] )) {
$input['value']['tz'] = $month['TZID'];
unset( $month['TZID'] );
$input['params'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams( $month, array( 'VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME' ));
$hitval = ( isset( $input['value']['tz'] )) ? 7 : 6;
$parno = iCalUtilityFunctions::_existRem( $input['params'], 'VALUE', 'DATE-TIME', $hitval );
$parno = iCalUtilityFunctions::_existRem( $input['params'], 'VALUE', 'DATE', 3, count( $input['value'] ), $parno );
if( 6 > $parno )
unset( $input['value']['tz'], $input['params']['TZID'], $tzid );
if(( 6 <= $parno ) && isset( $input['value']['tz'] ) && ( 'Z' != $input['value']['tz'] ) && iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $input['value']['tz'] )) {
$d = $input['value'];
$strdate = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['YmdHise'], (int) $d['year'], (int) $d['month'], (int) $d['day'], (int) $d['hour'], (int) $d['min'], (int) $d['sec'], $d['tz'] );
$input['value'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_strdate2date( $strdate, $parno );
unset( $input['value']['unparsedtext'], $input['params']['TZID'] );
if( isset( $input['value']['tz'] ) && !iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $input['value']['tz'] )) {
$input['params']['TZID'] = $input['value']['tz'];
unset( $input['value']['tz'] );
} // end if( iCalUtilityFunctions::_isArrayDate( $year ))
elseif( iCalUtilityFunctions::_isArrayTimestampDate( $year )) {
if( $localtime ) unset ( $month['VALUE'], $month['TZID'] );
$input['params'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams( $month, array( 'VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME' ));
$parno = iCalUtilityFunctions::_existRem( $input['params'], 'VALUE', 'DATE', 3 );
$hitval = 7;
$parno = iCalUtilityFunctions::_existRem( $input['params'], 'VALUE', 'DATE-TIME', $hitval, $parno );
if( isset( $year['tz'] ) && !empty( $year['tz'] )) {
if( !iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $year['tz'] )) {
$input['params']['TZID'] = $year['tz'];
unset( $year['tz'], $tzid );
else {
if( isset( $input['params']['TZID'] ) && !empty( $input['params']['TZID'] )) {
if( !iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $input['params']['TZID'] ))
unset( $tzid );
unset( $input['params']['TZID']);
elseif( isset( $tzid ) && !iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $tzid ))
$input['params']['TZID'] = $tzid;
elseif( isset( $input['params']['TZID'] ) && !empty( $input['params']['TZID'] )) {
if( iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $input['params']['TZID'] )) {
$year['tz'] = $input['params']['TZID'];
unset( $input['params']['TZID']);
if( isset( $tzid ) && !empty( $tzid ) && !iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $tzid ))
$input['params']['TZID'] = $tzid;
elseif( isset( $tzid ) && !empty( $tzid )) {
if( iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $tzid )) {
$year['tz'] = $tzid;
unset( $input['params']['TZID']);
$input['params']['TZID'] = $tzid;
$input['value'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_timestamp2date( $year, $parno );
} // end elseif( iCalUtilityFunctions::_isArrayTimestampDate( $year ))
elseif( 8 <= strlen( trim((string) $year ))) { // ex. 2006-08-03 10:12:18 [[[+/-]1234[56]] / timezone]
if( $localtime )
unset( $month['VALUE'], $month['TZID'] );
elseif( !isset( $month['TZID'] ) && !empty( $tzid ))
$month['TZID'] = $tzid;
$input['params'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams( $month, array( 'VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME' ));
$parno = iCalUtilityFunctions::_existRem( $input['params'], 'VALUE', 'DATE-TIME', 7, $parno );
$parno = iCalUtilityFunctions::_existRem( $input['params'], 'VALUE', 'DATE', 3, $parno, $parno );
$input['value'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_strdate2date( $year, $parno );
if( 3 == $parno )
unset( $input['value']['tz'], $input['params']['TZID'] );
unset( $input['value']['unparsedtext'] );
if( isset( $input['value']['tz'] )) {
if( iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $input['value']['tz'] )) {
$d = $input['value'];
$strdate = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['YmdHise'], (int) $d['year'], (int) $d['month'], (int) $d['day'], (int) $d['hour'], (int) $d['min'], (int) $d['sec'], $d['tz'] );
$input['value'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_strdate2date( $strdate, 7 );
unset( $input['value']['unparsedtext'], $input['params']['TZID'] );
else {
$input['params']['TZID'] = $input['value']['tz'];
unset( $input['value']['tz'] );
elseif( isset( $input['params']['TZID'] ) && iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $input['params']['TZID'] )) {
$d = $input['value'];
$strdate = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['YmdHise'], (int) $d['year'], (int) $d['month'], (int) $d['day'], (int) $d['hour'], (int) $d['min'], (int) $d['sec'], $input['params']['TZID'] );
$input['value'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_strdate2date( $strdate, 7 );
unset( $input['value']['unparsedtext'], $input['params']['TZID'] );
} // end elseif( 8 <= strlen( trim((string) $year )))
else {
if( is_array( $params ))
$input['params'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams( $params, array( 'VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME' ));
elseif( is_array( $tz )) {
$input['params'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams( $tz, array( 'VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME' ));
$tz = FALSE;
elseif( is_array( $hour )) {
$input['params'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams( $hour, array( 'VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME' ));
$hour = $min = $sec = $tz = FALSE;
if( $localtime )
unset ( $input['params']['VALUE'], $input['params']['TZID'] );
elseif( !isset( $tz ) && !isset( $input['params']['TZID'] ) && !empty( $tzid ))
$input['params']['TZID'] = $tzid;
elseif( isset( $tz ) && iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $tz ))
unset( $input['params']['TZID'] );
elseif( isset( $input['params']['TZID'] ) && iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $input['params']['TZID'] )) {
$tz = $input['params']['TZID'];
unset( $input['params']['TZID'] );
$parno = iCalUtilityFunctions::_existRem( $input['params'], 'VALUE', 'DATE', 3 );
$hitval = ( iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $tz )) ? 7 : 6;
$parno = iCalUtilityFunctions::_existRem( $input['params'], 'VALUE', 'DATE-TIME', $hitval, $parno, $parno );
$input['value'] = array( 'year' => $year, 'month' => $month, 'day' => $day );
if( 3 != $parno ) {
$input['value']['hour'] = ( $hour ) ? $hour : '0';
$input['value']['min'] = ( $min ) ? $min : '0';
$input['value']['sec'] = ( $sec ) ? $sec : '0';
if( !empty( $tz ))
$input['value']['tz'] = $tz;
$strdate = iCalUtilityFunctions::_date2strdate( $input['value'], $parno );
if( !empty( $tz ) && !iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $tz ))
$strdate .= ( 'Z' == $tz ) ? $tz : ' '.$tz;
$input['value'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_strdate2date( $strdate, $parno );
unset( $input['value']['unparsedtext'] );
if( isset( $input['value']['tz'] )) {
if( iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $input['value']['tz'] )) {
$d = $input['value'];
$strdate = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['YmdHise'], (int) $d['year'], (int) $d['month'], (int) $d['day'], (int) $d['hour'], (int) $d['min'], (int) $d['sec'], $d['tz'] );
$input['value'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_strdate2date( $strdate, 7 );
unset( $input['value']['unparsedtext'], $input['params']['TZID'] );
else {
$input['params']['TZID'] = $input['value']['tz'];
unset( $input['value']['tz'] );
elseif( isset( $input['params']['TZID'] ) && iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $input['params']['TZID'] )) {
$d = $input['value'];
$strdate = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['YmdHise'], (int) $d['year'], (int) $d['month'], (int) $d['day'], (int) $d['hour'], (int) $d['min'], (int) $d['sec'], $input['params']['TZID'] );
$input['value'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_strdate2date( $strdate, 7 );
unset( $input['value']['unparsedtext'], $input['params']['TZID'] );
} // end else (i.e. using all arguments)
if(( 3 == $parno ) || ( isset( $input['params']['VALUE'] ) && ( 'DATE' == $input['params']['VALUE'] ))) {
$input['params']['VALUE'] = 'DATE';
unset( $input['value']['hour'], $input['value']['min'], $input['value']['sec'], $input['value']['tz'], $input['params']['TZID'] );
elseif( isset( $input['params']['TZID'] )) {
if(( 'UTC' == strtoupper( $input['params']['TZID'] )) || ( 'GMT' == strtoupper( $input['params']['TZID'] ))) {
$input['value']['tz'] = 'Z';
unset( $input['params']['TZID'] );
unset( $input['value']['tz'] );
elseif( isset( $input['value']['tz'] )) {
if(( 'UTC' == strtoupper( $input['value']['tz'] )) || ( 'GMT' == strtoupper( $input['value']['tz'] )))
$input['value']['tz'] = 'Z';
if( 'Z' != $input['value']['tz'] ) {
$input['params']['TZID'] = $input['value']['tz'];
unset( $input['value']['tz'] );
unset( $input['params']['TZID'] );
if( $localtime )
unset( $input['value']['tz'], $input['params']['TZID'] );
return $input;
* convert format for input date (UTC) to internal date with parameters
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.11 - 2015-03-10
* @param mixed $year
* @param mixed $month optional
* @param int $day optional
* @param int $hour optional
* @param int $min optional
* @param int $sec optional
* @param array $params optional
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_strDate2arr()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_isArrayDate()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_chkDateArr()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_strdate2date()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_isArrayTimestampDate()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_timestamp2date()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_date2strdate()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_existRem()
* @return array
public static function _setDate2( $year, $month=FALSE, $day=FALSE, $hour=FALSE, $min=FALSE, $sec=FALSE, $params=FALSE ) {
$input = null;
iCalUtilityFunctions::_strDate2arr( $year );
if( iCalUtilityFunctions::_isArrayDate( $year )) {
$input['value'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_chkDateArr( $year, 7 );
if( isset( $input['value']['year'] ) && ( 100 > $input['value']['year'] ))
$input['value']['year'] += 2000;
$input['params'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams( $month, array( 'VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME' ));
unset( $input['params']['VALUE'] );
if( isset( $input['value']['tz'] ) && iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $input['value']['tz'] ))
$tzid = $input['value']['tz'];
elseif( isset( $input['params']['TZID'] ) && iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $input['params']['TZID'] ))
$tzid = $input['params']['TZID'];
$tzid = '';
unset( $input['params']['VALUE'], $input['params']['TZID'] );
if( !empty( $tzid ) && ( 'Z' != $tzid ) && iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $tzid )) {
$d = $input['value'];
$strdate = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['YmdHise'], (int) $d['year'], (int) $d['month'], (int) $d['day'], (int) $d['hour'], (int) $d['min'], (int) $d['sec'], $tzid );
$input['value'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_strdate2date( $strdate, 7 );
unset( $input['value']['unparsedtext'] );
elseif( iCalUtilityFunctions::_isArrayTimestampDate( $year )) {
if( isset( $year['tz'] ) && ! iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $year['tz'] ))
$year['tz'] = 'UTC';
elseif( isset( $input['params']['TZID'] ) && iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $input['params']['TZID'] ))
$year['tz'] = $input['params']['TZID'];
$year['tz'] = 'UTC';
$input['value'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_timestamp2date( $year, 7 );
$input['params'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams( $month, array( 'VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME' ));
unset( $input['params']['VALUE'], $input['params']['TZID'] );
elseif( 8 <= strlen( trim((string) $year ))) { // ex. 2006-08-03 10:12:18
$input['value'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_strdate2date( $year, 7 );
unset( $input['value']['unparsedtext'] );
$input['params'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams( $month, array( 'VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME' ));
if(( !isset( $input['value']['tz'] ) || empty( $input['value']['tz'] )) && isset( $input['params']['TZID'] ) && iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $input['params']['TZID'] )) {
$d = $input['value'];
$strdate = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['YmdHise'], (int) $d['year'], (int) $d['month'], (int) $d['day'], (int) $d['hour'], (int) $d['min'], (int) $d['sec'], $input['params']['TZID'] );
$input['value'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_strdate2date( $strdate, 7 );
unset( $input['value']['unparsedtext'] );
unset( $input['params']['VALUE'], $input['params']['TZID'] );
else {
$input['value'] = array( 'year' => $year
, 'month' => $month
, 'day' => $day
, 'hour' => $hour
, 'min' => $min
, 'sec' => $sec );
if( isset( $tz )) $input['value']['tz'] = $tz;
if(( isset( $tz ) && iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $tz )) ||
( isset( $input['params']['TZID'] ) && iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $input['params']['TZID'] ))) {
if( !isset( $tz ) && isset( $input['params']['TZID'] ) && iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $input['params']['TZID'] ))
$input['value']['tz'] = $input['params']['TZID'];
unset( $input['params']['TZID'] );
$strdate = iCalUtilityFunctions::_date2strdate( $input['value'], 7 );
$input['value'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_strdate2date( $strdate, 7 );
unset( $input['value']['unparsedtext'] );
$input['params'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams( $params, array( 'VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME' ));
unset( $input['params']['VALUE'] );
$parno = iCalUtilityFunctions::_existRem( $input['params'], 'VALUE', 'DATE-TIME', 7 ); // remove default
if( !isset( $input['value']['hour'] )) $input['value']['hour'] = 0;
if( !isset( $input['value']['min'] )) $input['value']['min'] = 0;
if( !isset( $input['value']['sec'] )) $input['value']['sec'] = 0;
$input['value']['tz'] = 'Z';
return $input;
* check index and set (an indexed) content in multiple value array
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.6.12 - 2011-01-03
* @param array $valArr
* @param mixed $value
* @param array $params
* @param array $defaults
* @param int $index
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams()
* @return void
public static function _setMval( & $valArr, $value, $params=FALSE, $defaults=FALSE, $index=FALSE ) {
if( !is_array( $valArr )) $valArr = array();
if( $index )
$index = $index - 1;
elseif( 0 < count( $valArr )) {
$keys = array_keys( $valArr );
$index = end( $keys ) + 1;
$index = 0;
$valArr[$index] = array( 'value' => $value, 'params' => iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams( $params, $defaults ));
ksort( $valArr );
* set input (formatted) parameters- component property attributes
* default parameters can be set, if missing
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.18.10 - 2013-09-04
* @param array $params
* @param array $defaults
* @return array
public static function _setParams( $params, $defaults=FALSE ) {
if( !is_array( $params))
$params = array();
$input = array();
$params = array_change_key_case( $params, CASE_UPPER );
foreach( $params as $paramKey => $paramValue ) {
if( is_array( $paramValue )) {
foreach( $paramValue as $pkey => $pValue ) {
if(( '"' == substr( $pValue, 0, 1 )) && ( '"' == substr( $pValue, -1 )))
$paramValue[$pkey] = substr( $pValue, 1, ( strlen( $pValue ) - 2 ));
elseif(( '"' == substr( $paramValue, 0, 1 )) && ( '"' == substr( $paramValue, -1 )))
$paramValue = substr( $paramValue, 1, ( strlen( $paramValue ) - 2 ));
if( 'VALUE' == $paramKey )
$input['VALUE'] = strtoupper( $paramValue );
$input[$paramKey] = $paramValue;
if( is_array( $defaults )) {
foreach( $defaults as $paramKey => $paramValue ) {
if( !isset( $input[$paramKey] ))
$input[$paramKey] = $paramValue;
return (0 < count( $input )) ? $input : null;
* set sort arguments/parameters in component
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.11 - 2015-03-21
* @param object $c valendar component
* @param string $sortArg
* @uses calendarComponent::$srtk
* @uses calendarComponent::$objName
* @uses calendarComponent::$getProperty()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::$mProps1
* @uses calendarComponent::_getProperties()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_date2strdate()
* @return void
public static function _setSortArgs( $c, $sortArg=FALSE ) {
$c->srtk = array( '0', '0', '0', '0' );
if( 'vtimezone' == $c->objName ) {
if( FALSE === ( $c->srtk[0] = $c->getProperty( 'tzid' )))
$c->srtk[0] = 0;
elseif( $sortArg ) {
if( in_array( $sortArg, iCalUtilityFunctions::$mProps1 )) {
$propValues = array();
$c->_getProperties( $sortArg, $propValues );
if( !empty( $propValues )) {
$sk = array_keys( $propValues );
$c->srtk[0] = $sk[0];
if( 'RELATED-TO' == $sortArg )
$c->srtk[0] .= $c->getProperty( 'uid' );
elseif( 'RELATED-TO' == $sortArg )
$c->srtk[0] = $c->getProperty( 'uid' );
elseif( FALSE !== ( $d = $c->getProperty( $sortArg ))) {
$c->srtk[0] = $d;
if( 'UID' == $sortArg ) {
if( FALSE !== ( $d = $c->getProperty( 'recurrence-id' ))) {
$c->srtk[1] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_date2strdate( $d );
if( FALSE === ( $c->srtk[2] = $c->getProperty( 'sequence' )))
$c->srtk[2] = PHP_INT_MAX;
$c->srtk[1] = $c->srtk[2] = PHP_INT_MAX;
} // end elseif( $sortArg )
if( FALSE !== ( $d = $c->getProperty( 'X-CURRENT-DTSTART' ))) {
$c->srtk[0] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_strdate2date( $d[1] );
unset( $c->srtk[0]['unparsedtext'] );
elseif( FALSE === ( $c->srtk[0] = $c->getProperty( 'dtstart' )))
$c->srtk[0] = 0; // sortkey 0 : dtstart
if( FALSE !== ( $d = $c->getProperty( 'X-CURRENT-DTEND' ))) {
$c->srtk[1] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_strdate2date( $d[1] ); // sortkey 1 : dtend/due(/duration)
unset( $c->srtk[1]['unparsedtext'] );
elseif( FALSE === ( $c->srtk[1] = $c->getProperty( 'dtend' ))) {
if( FALSE !== ( $d = $c->getProperty( 'X-CURRENT-DUE' ))) {
$c->srtk[1] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_strdate2date( $d[1] );
unset( $c->srtk[1]['unparsedtext'] );
elseif( FALSE === ( $c->srtk[1] = $c->getProperty( 'due' )))
if( FALSE === ( $c->srtk[1] = $c->getProperty( 'duration', FALSE, FALSE, TRUE )))
$c->srtk[1] = 0;
if( FALSE === ( $c->srtk[2] = $c->getProperty( 'created' ))) // sortkey 2 : created/dtstamp
if( FALSE === ( $c->srtk[2] = $c->getProperty( 'dtstamp' )))
$c->srtk[2] = 0;
if( FALSE === ( $c->srtk[3] = $c->getProperty( 'uid' ))) // sortkey 3 : uid
$c->srtk[3] = 0;
* break lines at pos 75
* Lines of text SHOULD NOT be longer than 75 octets, excluding the line
* break. Long content lines SHOULD be split into a multiple line
* representations using a line "folding" technique. That is, a long
* line can be split between any two characters by inserting a CRLF
* immediately followed by a single linear white space character (i.e.,
* SPACE, US-ASCII decimal 32 or HTAB, US-ASCII decimal 9). Any sequence
* of CRLF followed immediately by a single linear white space character
* is ignored (i.e., removed) when processing the content type.
* Edited 2007-08-26 by Anders Litzell, to fix bug where
* the reserved expression "\n" in the arg $string could be broken up by the
* folding of lines, causing ambiguity in the return string.
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.16.2 - 2012-12-18
* @param string $string
* @param string $nl
* @return string
public static function _size75( $string, $nl ) {
$tmp = $string;
$string = '';
$cCnt = $x = 0;
while( TRUE ) {
if( !isset( $tmp[$x] )) {
$string .= $nl; // loop breakes here
elseif(( 74 <= $cCnt ) && ( '\\' == $tmp[$x] ) && ( 'n' == $tmp[$x+1] )) {
$string .= $nl.' \n'; // don't break lines inside '\n'
$x += 2;
if( !isset( $tmp[$x] )) {
$string .= $nl;
$cCnt = 3;
elseif( 75 <= $cCnt ) {
$string .= $nl.' ';
$cCnt = 1;
$byte = ord( $tmp[$x] );
$string .= $tmp[$x];
switch( TRUE ) { // see
case(( $byte >= 0x20 ) && ( $byte <= 0x7F )): // characters U-00000000 - U-0000007F (same as ASCII)
$cCnt += 1;
break; // add a one byte character
case(( $byte & 0xE0) == 0xC0 ): // characters U-00000080 - U-000007FF, mask 110XXXXX
if( isset( $tmp[$x+1] )) {
$cCnt += 1;
$string .= $tmp[$x+1];
$x += 1; // add a two bytes character
case(( $byte & 0xF0 ) == 0xE0 ): // characters U-00000800 - U-0000FFFF, mask 1110XXXX
if( isset( $tmp[$x+2] )) {
$cCnt += 1;
$string .= $tmp[$x+1].$tmp[$x+2];
$x += 2; // add a three bytes character
case(( $byte & 0xF8 ) == 0xF0 ): // characters U-00010000 - U-001FFFFF, mask 11110XXX
if( isset( $tmp[$x+3] )) {
$cCnt += 1;
$string .= $tmp[$x+1].$tmp[$x+2].$tmp[$x+3];
$x += 3; // add a four bytes character
case(( $byte & 0xFC ) == 0xF8 ): // characters U-00200000 - U-03FFFFFF, mask 111110XX
if( isset( $tmp[$x+4] )) {
$cCnt += 1;
$string .= $tmp[$x+1].$tmp[$x+2].$tmp[$x+3].$tmp[$x+4];
$x += 4; // add a five bytes character
case(( $byte & 0xFE ) == 0xFC ): // characters U-04000000 - U-7FFFFFFF, mask 1111110X
if( isset( $tmp[$x+5] )) {
$cCnt += 1;
$string .= $tmp[$x+1].$tmp[$x+2].$tmp[$x+3].$tmp[$x+4].$tmp[$x+5];
$x += 5; // add a six bytes character
default: // add any other byte without counting up $cCnt
} // end switch( TRUE )
$x += 1; // next 'byte' to test
} // end while( TRUE ) {
return $string;
* sort callback function for exdate
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.11 - 2015-03-07
* @param array $a
* @param array $b
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt
* @return int
public static function _sortExdate1( $a, $b ) {
$as = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['Ymd'], (int) $a['year'], (int) $a['month'], (int) $a['day'] );
$as .= ( isset( $a['hour'] )) ? sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['His'], (int) $a['hour'], (int) $a['min'], (int) $a['sec'] ) : '';
$bs = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['His'], (int) $b['year'], (int) $b['month'], (int) $b['day'] );
$bs .= ( isset( $b['hour'] )) ? sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['His'], (int) $b['hour'], (int) $b['min'], (int) $b['sec'] ) : '';
return strcmp( $as, $bs );
* sort callback function for exdate
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.11 - 2015-03-07
* @param array $a
* @param array $b
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt
* @return int
public static function _sortExdate2( $a, $b ) {
$val = reset( $a['value'] );
$as = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['Ymd'], (int) $val['year'], (int) $val['month'], (int) $val['day'] );
$as .= ( isset( $val['hour'] )) ? sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['His'], (int) $val['hour'], (int) $val['min'], (int) $val['sec'] ) : '';
$val = reset( $b['value'] );
$bs = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['Ymd'], (int) $val['year'], (int) $val['month'], (int) $val['day'] );
$bs .= ( isset( $val['hour'] )) ? sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['His'], (int) $val['hour'], (int) $val['min'], (int) $val['sec'] ) : '';
return strcmp( $as, $bs );
* sort callback function for rdate
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.11 - 2015-03-07
* @param array $a
* @param array $b
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt
* @return int
public static function _sortRdate1( $a, $b ) {
$val = isset( $a['year'] ) ? $a : $a[0];
$as = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['Ymd'], (int) $val['year'], (int) $val['month'], (int) $val['day'] );
$as .= ( isset( $val['hour'] )) ? sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['His'], (int) $val['hour'], (int) $val['min'], (int) $val['sec'] ) : '';
$val = isset( $b['year'] ) ? $b : $b[0];
$bs = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['Ymd'], (int) $val['year'], (int) $val['month'], (int) $val['day'] );
$bs .= ( isset( $val['hour'] )) ? sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['His'], (int) $val['hour'], (int) $val['min'], (int) $val['sec'] ) : '';
return strcmp( $as, $bs );
* sort callback function for rdate
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.11 - 2015-03-07
* @param array $a
* @param array $b
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt
* @return int
public static function _sortRdate2( $a, $b ) {
$val = isset( $a['value'][0]['year'] ) ? $a['value'][0] : $a['value'][0][0];
if( empty( $val ))
$as = '';
else {
$as = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['Ymd'], (int) $val['year'], (int) $val['month'], (int) $val['day'] );
$as .= ( isset( $val['hour'] )) ? sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['His'], (int) $val['hour'], (int) $val['min'], (int) $val['sec'] ) : '';
$val = isset( $b['value'][0]['year'] ) ? $b['value'][0] : $b['value'][0][0];
if( empty( $val ))
$bs = '';
else {
$bs = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['Ymd'], (int) $val['year'], (int) $val['month'], (int) $val['day'] );
$bs .= ( isset( $val['hour'] )) ? sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['His'], (int) $val['hour'], (int) $val['min'], (int) $val['sec'] ) : '';
return strcmp( $as, $bs );
* separate property attributes from property value
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.18.6 - 2013-08-29
* @param string $line property content
* @param array $propAttr property parameters
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::$parValPrefix
* @return void
public static function _splitContent( & $line, & $propAttr=null ) {
$attr = array();
$attrix = -1;
$clen = strlen( $line );
$WithinQuotes = FALSE;
$cix = 0;
while( FALSE !== substr( $line, $cix, 1 )) {
if( ! $WithinQuotes && ( ':' == $line[$cix] ) &&
( substr( $line,$cix, 3 ) != '://' ) &&
( ! in_array( strtolower( substr( $line,$cix - 6, 4 )), iCalUtilityFunctions::$parValPrefix['MStz'] )) &&
( ! in_array( strtolower( substr( $line,$cix - 3, 4 )), iCalUtilityFunctions::$parValPrefix['Proto3'] )) &&
( ! in_array( strtolower( substr( $line,$cix - 4, 5 )), iCalUtilityFunctions::$parValPrefix['Proto4'] )) &&
( ! in_array( strtolower( substr( $line,$cix - 6, 7 )), iCalUtilityFunctions::$parValPrefix['Proto6'] ))) {
$attrEnd = TRUE;
if(( $cix < ( $clen - 4 )) &&
ctype_digit( substr( $line, $cix+1, 4 ))) { // an URI with a (4pos) portnr??
for( $c2ix = $cix; 3 < $c2ix; $c2ix-- ) {
if( '://' == substr( $line, $c2ix - 2, 3 )) {
$attrEnd = FALSE;
break; // an URI with a portnr!!
if( $attrEnd) {
$line = substr( $line, ( $cix + 1 ));
if( '"' == $line[$cix] )
$WithinQuotes = ! $WithinQuotes;
if( ';' == $line[$cix] )
$attr[++$attrix] = null;
$attr[$attrix] .= $line[$cix];
/* make attributes in array format */
$propAttr = array();
foreach( $attr as $attribute ) {
$attrsplit = explode( '=', $attribute, 2 );
if( 1 < count( $attrsplit ))
$propAttr[$attrsplit[0]] = $attrsplit[1];
* step date, return updated date, array and timpstamp
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.11 - 2015-03-10
* @param array $date date to step
* @param string $dateYMD date YMD
* @param array $step default array( 'day' => 1 )
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt
* @return void
public static function _stepdate( & $date, & $dateYMD, $step=array( 'day' => 1 )) {
if( !isset( $date['hour'] )) $date['hour'] = 0;
if( !isset( $date['min'] )) $date['min'] = 0;
if( !isset( $date['sec'] )) $date['sec'] = 0;
if( isset( $step['day'] ))
$mcnt = date( 't', mktime( (int) $date['hour'], (int) $date['min'], (int) $date['sec'], (int) $date['month'], (int) $date['day'], (int) $date['year'] ));
foreach( $step as $stepix => $stepvalue )
$date[$stepix] += $stepvalue;
if( isset( $step['month'] )) {
if( 12 < $date['month'] ) {
$date['year'] += 1;
$date['month'] -= 12;
elseif( isset( $step['day'] )) {
if( $mcnt < $date['day'] ) {
$date['day'] -= $mcnt;
$date['month'] += 1;
if( 12 < $date['month'] ) {
$date['year'] += 1;
$date['month'] -= 12;
$dateYMD = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['Ymd'], (int) $date['year'], (int) $date['month'], (int) $date['day'] );
unset( $mcnt );
* convert a date from specific string to array format
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.11.8 - 2012-01-27
* @param mixed $input
* @return bool, TRUE on success
public static function _strDate2arr( & $input ) {
if( is_array( $input ))
return FALSE;
if( 5 > strlen( (string) $input ))
return FALSE;
$work = $input;
if( 2 == substr_count( $work, '-' ))
$work = str_replace( '-', '', $work );
if( 2 == substr_count( $work, '/' ))
$work = str_replace( '/', '', $work );
if( !ctype_digit( substr( $work, 0, 8 )))
return FALSE;
$temp = array( 'year' => (int) substr( $work, 0, 4 )
, 'month' => (int) substr( $work, 4, 2 )
, 'day' => (int) substr( $work, 6, 2 ));
if( !checkdate( $temp['month'], $temp['day'], $temp['year'] ))
return FALSE;
if( 8 == strlen( $work )) {
$input = $temp;
return TRUE;
if(( ' ' == substr( $work, 8, 1 )) || ( 'T' == substr( $work, 8, 1 )) || ( 't' == substr( $work, 8, 1 )))
$work = substr( $work, 9 );
elseif( ctype_digit( substr( $work, 8, 1 )))
$work = substr( $work, 8 );
return FALSE;
if( 2 == substr_count( $work, ':' ))
$work = str_replace( ':', '', $work );
if( !ctype_digit( substr( $work, 0, 4 )))
return FALSE;
$temp['hour'] = substr( $work, 0, 2 );
$temp['min'] = substr( $work, 2, 2 );
if((( 0 > $temp['hour'] ) || ( $temp['hour'] > 23 )) ||
(( 0 > $temp['min'] ) || ( $temp['min'] > 59 )))
return FALSE;
if( ctype_digit( substr( $work, 4, 2 ))) {
$temp['sec'] = substr( $work, 4, 2 );
if(( 0 > $temp['sec'] ) || ( $temp['sec'] > 59 ))
return FALSE;
$len = 6;
else {
$temp['sec'] = 0;
$len = 4;
if( $len < strlen( $work))
$temp['tz'] = trim( substr( $work, 6 ));
$input = $temp;
return TRUE;
* ensures internal date-time/date format for input date-time/date in string fromat
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.11 - 2015-03-15
* Modified to also return original string value by Yitzchok Lavi <>
* @param array $datetime
* @param int $parno optional, default FALSE
* @param moxed $wtz optional, default null
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_strDate2arr()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_tz2offset()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt
* @return array
public static function _strdate2date( $datetime, $parno=FALSE, $wtz=null ) {
$unparseddatetime = $datetime;
$datetime = (string) trim( $datetime );
$tz = null;
$offset = 0;
$tzSts = FALSE;
$len = strlen( $datetime );
if( 'Z' == substr( $datetime, -1 )) {
$tz = 'Z';
$datetime = trim( substr( $datetime, 0, ( $len - 1 )));
$tzSts = TRUE;
if( iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( substr( $datetime, -5, 5 ))) { // [+/-]NNNN offset
$tz = substr( $datetime, -5, 5 );
$datetime = trim( substr( $datetime, 0, ($len - 5)));
elseif( iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( substr( $datetime, -7, 7 ))) { // [+/-]NNNNNN offset
$tz = substr( $datetime, -7, 7 );
$datetime = trim( substr( $datetime, 0, ($len - 7)));
elseif( empty( $wtz ) && ctype_digit( substr( $datetime, 0, 4 )) && ctype_digit( substr( $datetime, -2, 2 )) && iCalUtilityFunctions::_strDate2arr( $datetime )) {
$output = $datetime;
if( !empty( $tz ))
$output['tz'] = 'Z';
$output['unparsedtext'] = $unparseddatetime;
return $output;
else {
$cx = $tx = 0; // find any trailing timezone or offset
$len = strlen( $datetime );
for( $cx = -1; $cx > ( 9 - $len ); $cx-- ) {
$char = substr( $datetime, $cx, 1 );
if(( ' ' == $char ) || ctype_digit( $char ))
break; // if exists, tz ends here.. . ?
$tx--; // tz length counter
if( 0 > $tx ) { // if any
$tz = substr( $datetime, $tx );
$datetime = trim( substr( $datetime, 0, $len + $tx ));
if(( ctype_digit( substr( $datetime, 0, 8 )) && ( 'T' == substr( $datetime, 8, 1 )) && ctype_digit( substr( $datetime, -6, 6 ))) ||
( ctype_digit( substr( $datetime, 0, 14 ))))
$tzSts = TRUE;
if( empty( $tz ) && !empty( $wtz ))
$tz = $wtz;
if( 3 == $parno )
$tz = null;
if( !empty( $tz )) { // tz set
if(( 'Z' != $tz ) && ( iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $tz ))) {
$offset = (string) iCalUtilityFunctions::_tz2offset( $tz ) * -1;
$tz = 'UTC';
$tzSts = TRUE;
elseif( !empty( $wtz ))
$tzSts = TRUE;
$tz = trim( $tz );
if(( 'Z' == $tz ) || ( 'GMT' == strtoupper( $tz )))
$tz = 'UTC';
if( 0 < substr_count( $datetime, '-' ))
$datetime = str_replace( '-', '/', $datetime );
try {
$d = new DateTime( $datetime, new DateTimeZone( $tz ));
if( 0 != $offset ) // adjust for offset
$d->modify( $offset.' seconds' );
$datestring = $d->format( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['YmdHis3'] );
unset( $d );
catch( Exception $e ) {
$datestring = date( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['YmdHis3'], strtotime( $datetime ));
} // end if( !empty( $tz ))
$datestring = date( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['YmdHis3'], strtotime( $datetime ));
if( 'UTC' == $tz )
$tz = 'Z';
$d = explode( '-', $datestring );
$output = array( 'year' => $d[0], 'month' => $d[1], 'day' => $d[2] );
if( !$parno || ( 3 != $parno )) { // parno is set to 6 or 7
$output['hour'] = $d[3];
$output['min'] = $d[4];
$output['sec'] = $d[5];
if(( $tzSts || ( 7 == $parno )) && !empty( $tz ))
$output['tz'] = $tz;
// return original string in the array in case strtotime failed to make sense of it
$output['unparsedtext'] = $unparseddatetime;
return $output;
* special characters management output
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.16.2 - 2012-12-18
* @param string $string
* @param string $format
* @param string $nl
* @return string
public static function _strrep( $string, $format, $nl ) {
switch( $format ) {
case 'xcal':
$string = str_replace( '\n', $nl, $string);
$string = htmlspecialchars( strip_tags( stripslashes( urldecode ( $string ))));
$pos = 0;
$specChars = array( 'n', 'N', 'r', ',', ';' );
while( isset( $string[$pos] )) {
if( FALSE === ( $pos = strpos( $string, "\\", $pos )))
if( !in_array( substr( $string, $pos, 1 ), $specChars )) {
$string = substr( $string, 0, $pos )."\\".substr( $string, ( $pos + 1 ));
$pos += 1;
$pos += 1;
if( FALSE !== strpos( $string, '"' ))
$string = str_replace('"', "'", $string);
if( FALSE !== strpos( $string, ',' ))
$string = str_replace(',', '\,', $string);
if( FALSE !== strpos( $string, ';' ))
$string = str_replace(';', '\;', $string);
if( FALSE !== strpos( $string, "\r\n" ))
$string = str_replace( "\r\n", '\n', $string);
elseif( FALSE !== strpos( $string, "\r" ))
$string = str_replace( "\r", '\n', $string);
elseif( FALSE !== strpos( $string, "\n" ))
$string = str_replace( "\n", '\n', $string);
if( FALSE !== strpos( $string, '\N' ))
$string = str_replace( '\N', '\n', $string);
// if( FALSE !== strpos( $string, $nl ))
$string = str_replace( $nl, '\n', $string);
return $string;
* special characters management input (from iCal file)
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.16.2 - 2012-12-18
* @param string $string
* @return string
public static function _strunrep( $string ) {
$string = str_replace( '\\\\', '\\', $string);
$string = str_replace( '\,', ',', $string);
$string = str_replace( '\;', ';', $string);
// $string = str_replace( '\n', $nl, $string); // ??
return $string;
* convert timestamp to date array, default UTC or adjusted for offset/timezone
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.11 - 2015-03-07
* @param mixed $timestamp
* @param int $parno
* @param string $wtz
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_tz2offset()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt
* @return array
public static function _timestamp2date( $timestamp, $parno=6, $wtz=null ) {
if( is_array( $timestamp )) {
$tz = ( isset( $timestamp['tz'] )) ? $timestamp['tz'] : $wtz;
$timestamp = $timestamp['timestamp'];
$tz = ( isset( $tz )) ? $tz : $wtz;
$offset = 0;
if( empty( $tz ) || ( 'Z' == $tz ) || ( 'GMT' == strtoupper( $tz )))
$tz = 'UTC';
elseif( iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $tz )) {
$offset = iCalUtilityFunctions::_tz2offset( $tz );
try {
$d = new DateTime( "@$timestamp" ); // set UTC date
if( 0 != $offset ) // adjust for offset
$d->modify( $offset.' seconds' );
elseif( 'UTC' != $tz )
$d->setTimezone( new DateTimeZone( $tz )); // convert to local date
$date = $d->format( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['YmdHis3'] );
unset( $d );
catch( Exception $e ) {
$date = date( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['YmdHis3'], $timestamp );
$date = explode( '-', $date );
$output = array( 'year' => $date[0], 'month' => $date[1], 'day' => $date[2] );
if( 3 != $parno ) {
$output['hour'] = $date[3];
$output['min'] = $date[4];
$output['sec'] = $date[5];
if(( 'UTC' == $tz ) || ( 0 == $offset ))
$output['tz'] = 'Z';
return $output;
* transforms a dateTime from a timezone to another using PHP DateTime and DateTimeZone class (PHP >= PHP 5.2.0)
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.15.1 - 2012-10-17
* @param mixed $date date to alter
* @param string $tzFrom PHP valid 'from' timezone
* @param string $tzTo PHP valid 'to' timezone, default 'UTC'
* @param string $format date output format, default 'Ymd\THis'
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_isArrayDate()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_date2strdate()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_chkDateArr()
* @return bool
public static function transformDateTime( & $date, $tzFrom, $tzTo='UTC', $format = 'Ymd\THis' ) {
if( is_array( $date ) && isset( $date['timestamp'] )) {
try {
$d = new DateTime( "@{$date['timestamp']}" ); // set UTC date
$d->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone( $tzFrom )); // convert to 'from' date
catch( Exception $e ) { return FALSE; }
else {
if( iCalUtilityFunctions::_isArrayDate( $date )) {
if( isset( $date['tz'] ))
unset( $date['tz'] );
$date = iCalUtilityFunctions::_date2strdate( iCalUtilityFunctions::_chkDateArr( $date ));
if( 'Z' == substr( $date, -1 ))
$date = substr( $date, 0, ( strlen( $date ) - 2 ));
try { $d = new DateTime( $date, new DateTimeZone( $tzFrom )); }
catch( Exception $e ) { return FALSE; }
try { $d->setTimezone( new DateTimeZone( $tzTo )); }
catch( Exception $e ) { return FALSE; }
$date = $d->format( $format );
return TRUE;
* convert offset, [+/-]HHmm[ss], to seconds, used when correcting UTC to localtime or v.v.
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.11.4 - 2012-01-11
* @param string $tz
* @return integer
public static function _tz2offset( $tz ) {
$tz = trim( (string) $tz );
$offset = 0;
if((( 5 != strlen( $tz )) && ( 7 != strlen( $tz ))) ||
(( '+' != substr( $tz, 0, 1 )) && ( '-' != substr( $tz, 0, 1 ))) ||
(( '0000' >= substr( $tz, 1, 4 )) && ( '9999' < substr( $tz, 1, 4 ))) ||
(( 7 == strlen( $tz )) && ( '00' > substr( $tz, 5, 2 )) && ( '99' < substr( $tz, 5, 2 ))))
return $offset;
$hours2sec = (int) substr( $tz, 1, 2 ) * 3600;
$min2sec = (int) substr( $tz, 3, 2 ) * 60;
$sec = ( 7 == strlen( $tz )) ? (int) substr( $tz, -2 ) : '00';
$offset = $hours2sec + $min2sec + $sec;
$offset = ('-' == substr( $tz, 0, 1 )) ? $offset * -1 : $offset;
return $offset;