starting rework for 2.2.0

This commit is contained in:
Christoph Haas 2016-06-20 15:04:53 +02:00
parent c387565a45
commit e76893d82f
33 changed files with 14133 additions and 11836 deletions

.idea/calendarimporter.iml generated Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module type="WEB_MODULE" version="4">
<component name="NewModuleRootManager">
<content url="file://$MODULE_DIR$" />
<orderEntry type="inheritedJdk" />
<orderEntry type="sourceFolder" forTests="false" />

.idea/encodings.xml generated Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="Encoding" useUTFGuessing="true" native2AsciiForPropertiesFiles="false" />

.idea/modules.xml generated Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="ProjectModuleManager">
<module fileurl="file://$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/calendarimporter.iml" filepath="$PROJECT_DIR$/.idea/calendarimporter.iml" />

.idea/php.xml generated Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="PhpProjectSharedConfiguration" php_language_level="5.5.0" />

.idea/scopes/scope_settings.xml generated Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
<component name="DependencyValidationManager">
<option name="SKIP_IMPORT_STATEMENTS" value="false" />

.idea/vcs.xml generated Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="VcsDirectoryMappings">
<mapping directory="$PROJECT_DIR$" vcs="Git" />

View File

@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
<project default="all">
<!--############# CONFIGURE ALL PROPERTIES FOR THE REPLACER HERE ################-->
<property name="plugin_version" value="2.1.0"/>
<!-- EOC -->
<property name="root-folder" value="${basedir}/../"/>
<property name="tools-folder" value="${root-folder}/TOOLS/"/>
<property name="target-folder" value="${root-folder}/DEPLOY/plugins"/>
<property environment="env"/>
<property name="root-folder" value="${basedir}/../../"/>
<property name="tools-folder" value="${root-folder}/tools/"/>
<property name="target-folder" value="${root-folder}/deploy/plugins"/>
<property name="server-folder" value="${root-folder}/server"/>
<import file="${tools-folder}/antutil.xml"/>
<typedef file="${tools-folder}/antlib.xml">
<pathelement location="${tools-folder}/tools.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${tools-folder}/lib/compiler.jar"/>
@ -21,30 +18,8 @@
<pathelement location="${tools-folder}/lib/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar"/>
<!-- os checks for xmllint... -->
<condition property="isWindows" value="true">
<os family="windows" />
<!-- define nicknames for libraries -->
<property name="yui-compressor" location="${tools-folder}/lib/yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar" />
<property name="yui-compressor-ant-task" location="${tools-folder}/lib/yui-compressor-ant-task-0.5.jar" />
<!-- adds libraries to the classpath -->
<path id="yui.classpath">
<pathelement location="${yui-compressor}" />
<pathelement location="${yui-compressor-ant-task}" />
<!-- define tasks -->
<taskdef name="yui-compressor" classname="">
<classpath refid="yui.classpath" />
<!-- Determine plugin name -->
<var name="plugin" unset="true"/>
<basename file="${basedir}" property="plugin"/>
<!-- The Plugin distribution files -->
@ -54,8 +29,7 @@
<!-- The Plugin CSS files -->
<property name="plugin-css-folder" value="resources/css"/>
<property name="plugin-css-file" value="${plugin}-min.css"/>
<property name="plugin-css-debug-file" value="${plugin}.css"/>
<property name="plugin-css-file" value="${plugin}.css"/>
<!-- Meta target -->
<target name="all" depends="concat, compress"/>
@ -68,16 +42,6 @@
<include name="${plugin-file}"/>
<include name="${plugin-debugfile}"/>
<fileset dir="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/php">
<include name="**/*.php"/>
<fileset dir="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/resources">
<include name="**/*"/>
<fileset dir="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/${plugin-css-folder}">
<include name="${plugin-css-debug-file}"/>
<include name="${plugin-css-file}"/>
@ -89,27 +53,11 @@
<mkdir dir="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/js"/>
<echo message="Concatenating: ${plugin-debugfile}"/>
<!-- TODO: fix JS files for zConcat -->
<!--zConcat outputFolder="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/js" outputFile="${plugin-debugfile}" prioritize="\w+">
<zConcat outputFolder="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/js" outputFile="${plugin-debugfile}" prioritize="\w+">
<fileset dir="js" includes="**/*.js" />
<concat destfile="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/js/${plugin-debugfile}">
<fileset file="js/ABOUT.js" />
<fileset file="js/external/Ext.util.base64.js" />
<fileset file="js/data/timezones.js" />
<fileset file="js/plugin.calendarimporter.js" />
<fileset file="js/data/ResponseHandler.js" />
<fileset file="js/dialogs/ImportContentPanel.js" />
<fileset file="js/dialogs/ImportPanel.js" />
<fileset file="js/settings/SettingsWidget.js" />
<fileset file="js/settings/SettingsCalSyncWidget.js" />
<fileset file="js/settings/ui/CalSyncPanel.js" />
<fileset file="js/settings/ui/CalSyncGrid.js" />
<fileset file="js/settings/dialogs/CalSyncEditContentPanel.js" />
<fileset file="js/settings/dialogs/CalSyncEditPanel.js" />
@ -118,8 +66,8 @@
<available file="${plugin-css-folder}" type="dir" />
<mkdir dir="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/${plugin-css-folder}"/>
<echo message="Concatenating: ${plugin-css-debug-file}"/>
<zConcat outputFolder="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/${plugin-css-folder}" outputFile="${plugin-css-debug-file}">
<echo message="Concatenating: ${plugin-css-file}"/>
<zConcat outputFolder="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/${plugin-css-folder}" outputFile="${plugin-css-file}">
<fileset dir="${plugin-css-folder}" includes="**/*.css" />
@ -163,16 +111,7 @@
var npgettext = function(msgctxt, msgid, msgid_plural, count) {};
var pgettext = function(msgctxt, msgid) {};
<include name="${plugin-debugfile}" />
@ -180,105 +119,82 @@
<!-- syntax check all PHP files -->
<target name="validate">
<available file="config.php" type="file" />
<available file="php" filepath="${env.PATH}" />
<antcall target="syntax-check">
<param name="file" value="config.php"/>
<available file="php" type="dir" />
<foreach target="syntax-check" param="file">
<fileset dir=".">
<include name="**/*.php"/>
<available file="config.php" type="file" />
<antcall target="syntax-check">
<param name="file" value="config.php"/>
<available file="php" type="dir" />
<foreach target="syntax-check" param="file">
<fileset dir=".">
<exclude name="php/vendor/**" />
<include name="**/*.php"/>
<echo message="WARNING: PHP not available, not performing syntax-check on php files"/>
<target name="syntax-check">
<echo message="validating ${file}"/>
<exec executable="php" failonerror="true" failifexecutionfails="false">
<exec executable="php" failonerror="true">
<arg value="-l"/>
<arg value="${file}"/>
<!-- on windows we do not check the xml file -->
<target name="xml-os-sel" depends="xml-check,xml-copy">
<echo>Processing manifest.xml</echo>
<!-- check manifest.xml if we are on windows... -->
<target name="xml-check" unless="isWindows">
<echo message="Checking xml: manifest.xml" />
<!-- Copy (and validate) manifest.xml -->
<exec executable="xmllint" output="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/manifest.xml" failonerror="true" error="/dev/stdout" failifexecutionfails="false">
<arg value="--valid"/>
<arg value="--path"/>
<arg value="${root-folder}/server"/>
<arg value="manifest.xml"/>
<!-- check manifest.xml if we are on windows... -->
<target name="xml-copy" if="isWindows">
<echo message="Copying xml: manifest.xml" />
<!-- Copy manifest.xml -->
<copy todir="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}">
<fileset dir=".">
<include name="manifest.xml"/>
<!-- Install all files into the target folder -->
<target name="deploy" depends="clean, compress, compresscss, validate, xml-os-sel">
<target name="deploy" depends="compress, validate">
<mkdir dir="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}"/>
<!-- Copy (and validate) manifest.xml -->
<available file="xmllint" filepath="${env.PATH}" />
<exec executable="xmllint" output="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/manifest.xml" failonerror="true">
<arg value="--valid"/>
<arg value="--path"/>
<arg value="${server-folder}"/>
<arg value="manifest.xml"/>
<echo message="WARNING: xmllint not available, not performing syntax-check on manifest.xml"/>
<!-- xmllint is not available, so we must copy the file manually -->
<copy todir="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}">
<fileset dir=".">
<include name="manifest.xml"/>
<!-- copy files -->
<copy todir="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}">
<fileset dir=".">
<include name="resources/**/*"/>
<include name="resources/**/*.*"/>
<include name="external/**/*.*"/>
<include name="php/**/*.php"/>
<include name="config.php"/>
<include name="changelog.txt"/>
<!-- exclude the ant script -->
<exclude name="build.xml"/>
<!-- CSS is generated during build -->
<exclude name="resources/css/*.*"/>
<!-- replace all variables... -->
<replace file="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/manifest.xml" token="@_@PLUGIN_VERSION@_@" value="${plugin_version}" />
<!-- compresses each CSS file -->
<target name="compresscss" depends="concat">
<available file="${tools-folder}/lib/yui-compressor-ant-task-0.5.jar" property="YUIANT_AVAILABLE" />
<fail unless="YUIANT_AVAILABLE" message="yui-compressor-ant-task-0.5.jar not found" />
<available file="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/${plugin-css-folder}/${plugin-css-debug-file}" type="file" />
<include name="${plugin-css-debug-file}" />

View File

@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
* A small tool to create our timezone mappings list =)
import java.util.TimeZone;
public class Main {
static String map[] = new String[51]; // one field = 30 minutes step
private static void initMap() {
map[0] = "Pacific/Midway";
map[1] = "";
map[2] = "Pacific/Fakaofo";
map[3] = "Pacific/Marquesas";
map[4] = "America/Anchorage";
map[5] = "";
map[6] = "America/Dawson";
map[7] = "";
map[8] = "America/Dawson_Creek";
map[9] = "";
map[10] = "America/Chicago";
map[11] = "America/Caracas";
map[12] = "America/Detroit";
map[13] = "America/Caracas";
map[14] = "America/Santiago";
map[15] = "America/St_Johns";
map[16] = "America/Sao_Paulo";
map[17] = "";
map[18] = "America/Noronha";
map[19] = "";
map[20] = "Atlantic/Cape_Verde";
map[21] = "";
map[22] = "Africa/Abidjan";
map[23] = "";
map[24] = "Europe/Vienna";
map[25] = "";
map[26] = "Asia/Jerusalem";
map[27] = "";
map[28] = "Africa/Addis_Ababa";
map[29] = "Asia/Tehran";
map[30] = "Asia/Dubai";
map[31] = "Asia/Kabul";
map[32] = "Antarctica/Mawson";
map[33] = "Asia/Colombo";
map[34] = "Antarctica/Vostok";
map[35] = "Asia/Rangoon";
map[36] = "Antarctica/Davis";
map[37] = "";
map[38] = "Antarctica/Casey";
map[39] = "";
map[40] = "Asia/Dili";
map[41] = "Australia/Darwin";
map[42] = "Australia/Currie";
map[43] = "Australia/Lord_Howe";
map[44] = "Antarctica/Macquarie";
map[45] = "Pacific/Norfolk";
map[46] = "Antarctica/McMurdo";
map[47] = "";
map[48] = "Pacific/Enderbury";
map[49] = "";
map[50] = "Pacific/Kiritimati";
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
int i = 0;
for(int time = -660; time < 900; time += 30) {
int hours = time / 60;
int minutes = Math.abs(time) % 60;
String[] avaiId = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(time*60*1000);
if(avaiId.length > 0) {
System.out.printf("\t\t/*%+d:%02d*/\n", hours, minutes);
for (String string : avaiId) {
System.out.println("\t\t'" + string + "' : '" + map[i] + "',");

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* ABOUT.js zarafa calender to ics im/exporter
* Author: Christoph Haas <>
* Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Christoph Haas
* Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Christoph Haas
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Ext.namespace('Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter');
* The copyright string holding the copyright notice for the Zarafa calendarimporter Plugin.
Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.ABOUT = ""
+ "<p>Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Christoph Haas &lt;;</p>"
+ "<p>Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Christoph Haas &lt;;</p>"
+ "<p>This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or "
+ "modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public "

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* ResponseHandler.js zarafa calender to ics im/exporter
* Author: Christoph Haas <>
* Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Christoph Haas
* Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Christoph Haas
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* ImportContentPanel.js zarafa calender to ics im/exporter
* Author: Christoph Haas <>
* Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Christoph Haas
* Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Christoph Haas
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@ -42,13 +42,9 @@ Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.dialogs.ImportContentPanel = Ext.extend(Zarafa.c
constructor : function(config) {
config = config || {};
var title = _('Import Calendar File');
title = _('Import/Export Calendar File');
Ext.applyIf(config, {
layout : 'fit',
title : title,
title : _('Import Calendar File'),
closeOnSave : true,
width : 800,
height : 700,
@ -56,7 +52,8 @@ Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.dialogs.ImportContentPanel = Ext.extend(Zarafa.c
items : [
xtype : 'calendarimporter.importpanel',
filename : config.filename
filename : config.filename,
folder : config.folder

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* ImportPanel.js zarafa calender to ics im/exporter
* Author: Christoph Haas <>
* Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Christoph Haas
* Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Christoph Haas
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ Ext.namespace("Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.dialogs");
* @class Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.dialogs.ImportPanel
* @extends Ext.form.FormPanel
* @extends Ext.Panel
Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.dialogs.ImportPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
@ -46,21 +46,16 @@ Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.dialogs.ImportPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
loadMask: null,
/* export event buffer */
exportResponse: new Array(),
exportResponse: [],
/* how many requests are still running? */
runningRequests: null,
/* The store for the selection grid */
store: null,
* The internal 'iframe' which is hidden from the user, which is used for downloading
* attachments. See {@link #doOpen}.
* @property
* @type Ext.Element
downloadFrame : undefined,
/* selected folder */
folder : null,
* @constructor
@ -70,10 +65,14 @@ Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.dialogs.ImportPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
config = config || {};
var self = this;
this.timezone = container.getSettingsModel().get("zarafa/v1/plugins/calendarimporter/default_timezone");
if(typeof config.filename !== "undefined") {
if (!Ext.isEmpty(config.filename)) {
this.icsfile = config.filename;
if (!Ext.isEmpty(config.folder)) {
this.folder = config.folder;
// create the data store = new{
@ -114,29 +113,19 @@ Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.dialogs.ImportPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
buttons: [
listeners: {
afterrender: function (cmp) {
this.loadMask = new Ext.LoadMask(Ext.getCmp("importpanel").getEl(), {msg:'Loading...'});
this.loadMask = new Ext.LoadMask(this.getEl(), {msg:'Loading...'});
if(this.icsfile != null) { // if we have got the filename from an attachment
this.parseCalendar(this.icsfile, this.timezone, this.ignoredst);
close: function (cmp) {
hide: function (cmp) {
destroy: function (cmp) {
scope: this
@ -167,6 +156,119 @@ Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.dialogs.ImportPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
* Get all calendar folders.
* @param {boolean} asDropdownStore If true, a simple array store will be returned.
* @returns {*}
getAllCalendarFolders: function (asDropdownStore) {
asDropdownStore = Ext.isEmpty(asDropdownStore) ? false : asDropdownStore;
var allFolders = [];
var inbox = container.getHierarchyStore().getDefaultStore();
var pub = container.getHierarchyStore().getPublicStore();
if (!Ext.isEmpty(inbox.subStores) && inbox.subStores.folders.totalLength > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < inbox.subStores.folders.totalLength; i++) {
var folder = inbox.subStores.folders.getAt(i);
if (folder.get("container_class") == "IPF.Appointment") {
if (asDropdownStore) {
} else {
display_name : folder.get("display_name"),
entryid : folder.get("entryid"),
store_entryid: folder.get("store_entryid"),
is_public : false
if (!Ext.isEmpty(pub.subStores) && pub.subStores.folders.totalLength > 0) {
for (var j = 0; j < pub.subStores.folders.totalLength; j++) {
var folder = pub.subStores.folders.getAt(j);
if (folder.get("container_class") == "IPF.Appointment") {
if (asDropdownStore) {
folder.get("display_name") + " (Public)"
} else {
display_name : folder.get("display_name"),
entryid : folder.get("entryid"),
store_entryid: folder.get("store_entryid"),
is_public : true
if (asDropdownStore) {
return allFolders.sort(this.dynamicSort(1));
} else {
return allFolders;
* Dynamic sort function, sorts by property name.
* @param {string|int} property
* @returns {Function}
dynamicSort: function (property) {
var sortOrder = 1;
if (property[0] === "-") {
sortOrder = -1;
property = property.substr(1);
return function (a, b) {
var result = (a[property].toLowerCase() < b[property].toLowerCase()) ? -1 : (a[property].toLowerCase() > b[property].toLowerCase()) ? 1 : 0;
return result * sortOrder;
* Return a calendar folder element by name.
* @param {string} name
* @returns {*}
getCalendarFolderByName: function (name) {
var folders = this.getAllCalendarFolders(false);
for (var i = 0; i < folders.length; i++) {
if (folders[i].display_name == name) {
return folders[i];
return container.getHierarchyStore().getDefaultFolder('calendar');
* Return a calendar folder element by entryid.
* @param {string} entryid
* @returns {*}
getCalendarFolderByEntryid: function (entryid) {
var folders = this.getAllCalendarFolders(false);
for (var i = 0; i < folders.length; i++) {
if (folders[i].entryid == entryid) {
return folders[i];
return container.getHierarchyStore().getDefaultFolder('calendar');
* Reloads the data of the grid
* @private
@ -241,52 +343,23 @@ Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.dialogs.ImportPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
createSelectBox: function() {
var defaultFolder = container.getHierarchyStore().getDefaultFolder('calendar'); // @type:
var subFolders = defaultFolder.getChildren();
var myStore = [];
/* add all local calendar folders */
var i = 0;
myStore.push(new Array(defaultFolder.getDefaultFolderKey(), defaultFolder.getDisplayName()));
for(i = 0; i < subFolders.length; i++) {
/* Store all subfolders */
myStore.push(new Array(subFolders[i].getDisplayName(), subFolders[i].getDisplayName(), false)); // 3rd field = isPublicfolder
/* add all shared calendar folders */
var pubStore = container.getHierarchyStore().getPublicStore();
if(typeof pubStore !== "undefined") {
try {
var pubFolder = pubStore.getDefaultFolder("publicfolders");
var pubSubFolders = pubFolder.getChildren();
for(i = 0; i < pubSubFolders.length; i++) {
myStore.push(new Array(pubSubFolders[i].getDisplayName(), pubSubFolders[i].getDisplayName() + " [Shared]", true)); // 3rd field = isPublicfolder
} catch (e) {
console.log("Error opening the shared folder...");
var myStore = this.getAllCalendarFolders(true);
return {
xtype: "selectbox",
ref: 'calendarselector',
id: 'calendarselector',
editable: false,
name: "choosen_calendar",
value: container.getSettingsModel().get("zarafa/v1/plugins/calendarimporter/default_calendar"),
value: Ext.isEmpty(this.folder) ? this.getCalendarFolderByName(container.getSettingsModel().get("zarafa/v1/plugins/calendarimporter/default_calendar")).entryid : this.folder,
width: 100,
fieldLabel: "Select a calender",
fieldLabel: "Select folder",
store: myStore,
mode: 'local',
labelSeperator: ":",
border: false,
anchor: "100%",
scope: this,
hidden : Ext.isEmpty(this.folder) ? false : true,
allowBlank: false
@ -295,7 +368,6 @@ Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.dialogs.ImportPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
return {
xtype: "selectbox",
ref: 'timezoneselector',
id: 'timezoneselector',
editable: false,
name: "choosen_timezone",
@ -309,7 +381,7 @@ Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.dialogs.ImportPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
scope: this,
allowBlank: true,
listeners: {
'select': this.onTimezoneSelected,
select: this.onTimezoneSelected,
scope: this
@ -319,7 +391,6 @@ Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.dialogs.ImportPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
return {
xtype: "checkbox",
ref: 'dstcheck',
id: 'dstcheck',
name: "dst_check",
width: 100,
fieldLabel: "Ignore DST (optional)",
@ -330,7 +401,7 @@ Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.dialogs.ImportPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
scope: this,
allowBlank: true,
listeners: {
'check': this.onDstChecked,
check: this.onDstChecked,
scope: this
@ -346,10 +417,11 @@ Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.dialogs.ImportPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
emptyText: 'Select an .ics calendar',
border: false,
anchor: "100%",
height : "30",
scope: this,
allowBlank: false,
listeners: {
'fileselected': this.onFileSelected,
fileselected: this.onFileSelected,
scope: this
@ -359,15 +431,13 @@ Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.dialogs.ImportPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
return {
xtype: "button",
ref: "submitButton",
id: "submitButton",
disabled: true,
width: 100,
border: false,
text: _("Import"),
anchor: "100%",
handler: this.importCheckedEvents,
scope: this,
allowBlank: false
scope: this
@ -375,31 +445,13 @@ Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.dialogs.ImportPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
return {
xtype: "button",
ref: "submitAllButton",
id: "submitAllButton",
disabled: true,
width: 100,
border: false,
text: _("Import All"),
anchor: "100%",
handler: this.importAllEvents,
scope: this,
allowBlank: false
createExportAllButton: function() {
return {
xtype: "button",
ref: "exportAllButton",
id: "exportAllButton",
hidden: !container.getSettingsModel().get("zarafa/v1/plugins/calendarimporter/enable_export"),
width: 100,
border: false,
text: _("Export All"),
anchor: "100%",
handler: this.exportAllEvents,
scope: this,
allowBlank: false
scope: this
@ -411,8 +463,7 @@ Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.dialogs.ImportPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
text: _("Cancel"),
anchor: "100%",
handler: this.close,
scope: this,
allowBlank: false
scope: this
@ -432,7 +483,7 @@ Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.dialogs.ImportPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
* This is called when the dst checkbox has been selected
* @param {Ext.form.CheckBox} combo
* @param {Ext.form.CheckBox} checkbox
* @param {boolean} checked
onDstChecked : function(checkbox, checked) {

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* plugin.calendarimporter.js zarafa calender to ics im/exporter
* Author: Christoph Haas <>
* Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Christoph Haas
* Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Christoph Haas
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public

js/ui/ContextMenu.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
* ContectMenu.js zarafa calender to ics im/exporter
* Author: Christoph Haas <>
* Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Christoph Haas
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* @class Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.ui.ContextMenu
* @extends Zarafa.hierarchy.ui.ContextMenu
* @xtype calendarimporter.hierarchycontextmenu
Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.ui.ContextMenu = Ext.extend(Zarafa.hierarchy.ui.ContextMenu, {
* @constructor
* @param {Object} config Configuration object
constructor: function (config) {
config = config || {};
if (config.contextNode) {
config.contextTree = config.contextNode.getOwnerTree();
}, config);
// add item to menu
var additionalItems = this.createAdditionalContextMenuItems(config);
for (var i = 0; i < additionalItems.length; i++) {
}, config); // redo ... otherwise menu does not get published
* Create the Action context menu items.
* @param {Object} config Configuration object for the {@link Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.ui.ContextMenu ContextMenu}
* @return {[]} The list of Action context menu items
* @private
* Note: All handlers are called within the scope of {@link Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.ui.ContextMenu HierarchyContextMenu}
createAdditionalContextMenuItems: function (config) {
return [{
xtype: 'menuseparator'
}, {
text : _('Import Calendar'),
iconCls : 'icon_calendarimporter_import',
handler : this.onContextItemImport,
beforeShow: function (item, record) {
var access = record.get('access') & Zarafa.core.mapi.Access.ACCESS_MODIFY;
if (!access || (record.isIPMSubTree() && !record.getMAPIStore().isDefaultStore())) {
} else {
}, {
text : _('Export Calendar'),
iconCls : 'icon_calendarimporter_export',
handler : this.onContextItemExport,
beforeShow: function (item, record) {
var access = record.get('access') & Zarafa.core.mapi.Access.ACCESS_READ;
if (!access || (record.isIPMSubTree() && !record.getMAPIStore().isDefaultStore())) {
} else {
* Fires on selecting 'Open' menu option from {@link Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.ui.ContextMenu ContextMenu}
* @private
onContextItemExport: function () {
var responseHandler = new{
successCallback: this.downloadICS,
scope : this
// request attachment preperation
storeid: this.records.get("store_entryid"),
folder : this.records.get("entryid")
* Fires on selecting 'Open' menu option from {@link Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.ui.ContextMenu ContextMenu}
* @private
onContextItemImport: function () {
var componentType =['plugins.calendarimporter.dialogs.importcontacts'];
var config = {
modal : true,
folder: this.records.get("entryid")
};, undefined, config);
* Callback for the export request.
* @param {Object} response
downloadICS: function (response) {
if (response.status == false) {{
title : dgettext('plugin_files', 'Warning'),
msg : dgettext('plugin_files', response.message),
icon : Zarafa.common.dialogs.MessageBox.WARNING,
buttons: Zarafa.common.dialogs.MessageBox.OK
} else {
var downloadFrame = Ext.getBody().createChild({
tag: 'iframe',
cls: 'x-hidden'
var url = document.URL;
var link = url.substring(0, url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);
link += "index.php?sessionid=" + container.getUser().getSessionId() + "&load=custom&name=download_ics";
link = Ext.urlAppend(link, "token=" + encodeURIComponent(response.download_token));
link = Ext.urlAppend(link, "filename=" + encodeURIComponent(response.filename));
downloadFrame.dom.contentWindow.location = link;
Ext.reg('calendarimporter.hierarchycontextmenu', Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.ui.ContextMenu);

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<!DOCTYPE plugin SYSTEM "manifest.dtd">
<plugin version="2">
<title>ICS Calendar Importer/Exporter</title>
<author>Christoph Haas</author>

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,897 @@
* iCalcreator, a PHP rfc2445/rfc5545 solution.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved
* @link
* @license
* @package iCalcreator
* @version 2.22
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
/* iCalcreator XML (rfc6321) helper functions */
* format iCal XML output, rfc6321, using PHP SimpleXMLElement
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.18.1 - 2013-08-18
* @param object $calendar iCalcreator vcalendar instance reference
* @uses vcalendar::getProperty()
* @uses _addXMLchild()
* @uses vcalendar::getConfig()
* @uses vcalendar::getComponent()
* @uses calendarComponent::$objName
* @uses calendarComponent::getProperty()
* @return string
function iCal2XML( $calendar ) {
/** fix an SimpleXMLElement instance and create root element */
$xmlstr = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><icalendar xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:icalendar-2.0">';
$xmlstr .= '<!-- created '.gmdate( 'Ymd\THis\Z' );
$xmlstr .= ' using '.ICALCREATOR_VERSION.' iCal2XMl (rfc6321) -->';
$xmlstr .= '</icalendar>';
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement( $xmlstr );
$vcalendar = $xml->addChild( 'vcalendar' );
/** fix calendar properties */
$properties = $vcalendar->addChild( 'properties' );
$calProps = array( 'version', 'prodid', 'calscale', 'method' );
foreach( $calProps as $calProp ) {
if( FALSE !== ( $content = $calendar->getProperty( $calProp )))
_addXMLchild( $properties, $calProp, 'text', $content );
while( FALSE !== ( $content = $calendar->getProperty( FALSE, FALSE, TRUE )))
_addXMLchild( $properties, $content[0], 'unknown', $content[1]['value'], $content[1]['params'] );
$langCal = $calendar->getConfig( 'language' );
/** prepare to fix components with properties */
$components = $vcalendar->addChild( 'components' );
/** fix component properties */
while( FALSE !== ( $component = $calendar->getComponent())) {
$compName = $component->objName;
$child = $components->addChild( $compName );
$properties = $child->addChild( 'properties' );
$langComp = $component->getConfig( 'language' );
$props = $component->getConfig( 'setPropertyNames' );
foreach( $props as $prop ) {
switch( strtolower( $prop )) {
case 'attach': // may occur multiple times, below
while( FALSE !== ( $content = $component->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE ))) {
$type = ( isset( $content['params']['VALUE'] ) && ( 'BINARY' == $content['params']['VALUE'] )) ? 'binary' : 'uri';
unset( $content['params']['VALUE'] );
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, $type, $content['value'], $content['params'] );
case 'attendee':
while( FALSE !== ( $content = $component->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE ))) {
if( isset( $content['params']['CN'] ) && !isset( $content['params']['LANGUAGE'] )) {
if( $langComp )
$content['params']['LANGUAGE'] = $langComp;
elseif( $langCal )
$content['params']['LANGUAGE'] = $langCal;
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, 'cal-address', $content['value'], $content['params'] );
case 'exdate':
while( FALSE !== ( $content = $component->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE ))) {
$type = ( isset( $content['params']['VALUE'] ) && ( 'DATE' == $content['params']['VALUE'] )) ? 'date' : 'date-time';
unset( $content['params']['VALUE'] );
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, $type, $content['value'], $content['params'] );
case 'freebusy':
while( FALSE !== ( $content = $component->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE ))) {
if( is_array( $content ) && isset( $content['value']['fbtype'] )) {
$content['params']['FBTYPE'] = $content['value']['fbtype'];
unset( $content['value']['fbtype'] );
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, 'period', $content['value'], $content['params'] );
case 'request-status':
while( FALSE !== ( $content = $component->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE ))) {
if( !isset( $content['params']['LANGUAGE'] )) {
if( $langComp )
$content['params']['LANGUAGE'] = $langComp;
elseif( $langCal )
$content['params']['LANGUAGE'] = $langCal;
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, 'rstatus', $content['value'], $content['params'] );
case 'rdate':
while( FALSE !== ( $content = $component->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE ))) {
$type = 'date-time';
if( isset( $content['params']['VALUE'] )) {
if( 'DATE' == $content['params']['VALUE'] )
$type = 'date';
elseif( 'PERIOD' == $content['params']['VALUE'] )
$type = 'period';
unset( $content['params']['VALUE'] );
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, $type, $content['value'], $content['params'] );
case 'categories':
case 'comment':
case 'contact':
case 'description':
case 'related-to':
case 'resources':
while( FALSE !== ( $content = $component->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE ))) {
if(( 'related-to' != $prop ) && !isset( $content['params']['LANGUAGE'] )) {
if( $langComp )
$content['params']['LANGUAGE'] = $langComp;
elseif( $langCal )
$content['params']['LANGUAGE'] = $langCal;
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, 'text', $content['value'], $content['params'] );
case 'x-prop':
while( FALSE !== ( $content = $component->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE )))
_addXMLchild( $properties, $content[0], 'unknown', $content[1]['value'], $content[1]['params'] );
case 'created': // single occurence below, if set
case 'completed':
case 'dtstamp':
case 'last-modified':
$utcDate = TRUE;
case 'dtstart':
case 'dtend':
case 'due':
case 'recurrence-id':
if( FALSE !== ( $content = $component->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE ))) {
$type = ( isset( $content['params']['VALUE'] ) && ( 'DATE' == $content['params']['VALUE'] )) ? 'date' : 'date-time';
unset( $content['params']['VALUE'] );
if(( isset( $content['params']['TZID'] ) && empty( $content['params']['TZID'] )) || @is_null( $content['params']['TZID'] ))
unset( $content['params']['TZID'] );
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, $type, $content['value'], $content['params'] );
unset( $utcDate );
case 'duration':
if( FALSE !== ( $content = $component->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE )))
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, 'duration', $content['value'], $content['params'] );
case 'exrule':
case 'rrule':
while( FALSE !== ( $content = $component->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE )))
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, 'recur', $content['value'], $content['params'] );
case 'class':
case 'location':
case 'status':
case 'summary':
case 'transp':
case 'tzid':
case 'uid':
if( FALSE !== ( $content = $component->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE ))) {
if((( 'location' == $prop ) || ( 'summary' == $prop )) && !isset( $content['params']['LANGUAGE'] )) {
if( $langComp )
$content['params']['LANGUAGE'] = $langComp;
elseif( $langCal )
$content['params']['LANGUAGE'] = $langCal;
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, 'text', $content['value'], $content['params'] );
case 'geo':
if( FALSE !== ( $content = $component->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE )))
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, 'geo', $content['value'], $content['params'] );
case 'organizer':
if( FALSE !== ( $content = $component->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE ))) {
if( isset( $content['params']['CN'] ) && !isset( $content['params']['LANGUAGE'] )) {
if( $langComp )
$content['params']['LANGUAGE'] = $langComp;
elseif( $langCal )
$content['params']['LANGUAGE'] = $langCal;
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, 'cal-address', $content['value'], $content['params'] );
case 'percent-complete':
case 'priority':
case 'sequence':
if( FALSE !== ( $content = $component->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE )))
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, 'integer', $content['value'], $content['params'] );
case 'tzurl':
case 'url':
if( FALSE !== ( $content = $component->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE )))
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, 'uri', $content['value'], $content['params'] );
} // end switch( $prop )
} // end foreach( $props as $prop )
/** fix subComponent properties, if any */
while( FALSE !== ( $subcomp = $component->getComponent())) {
$subCompName = $subcomp->objName;
$child2 = $child->addChild( $subCompName );
$properties = $child2->addChild( 'properties' );
$langComp = $subcomp->getConfig( 'language' );
$subCompProps = $subcomp->getConfig( 'setPropertyNames' );
foreach( $subCompProps as $prop ) {
switch( strtolower( $prop )) {
case 'attach': // may occur multiple times, below
while( FALSE !== ( $content = $subcomp->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE ))) {
$type = ( isset( $content['params']['VALUE'] ) && ( 'BINARY' == $content['params']['VALUE'] )) ? 'binary' : 'uri';
unset( $content['params']['VALUE'] );
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, $type, $content['value'], $content['params'] );
case 'attendee':
while( FALSE !== ( $content = $subcomp->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE ))) {
if( isset( $content['params']['CN'] ) && !isset( $content['params']['LANGUAGE'] )) {
if( $langComp )
$content['params']['LANGUAGE'] = $langComp;
elseif( $langCal )
$content['params']['LANGUAGE'] = $langCal;
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, 'cal-address', $content['value'], $content['params'] );
case 'comment':
case 'tzname':
while( FALSE !== ( $content = $subcomp->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE ))) {
if( !isset( $content['params']['LANGUAGE'] )) {
if( $langComp )
$content['params']['LANGUAGE'] = $langComp;
elseif( $langCal )
$content['params']['LANGUAGE'] = $langCal;
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, 'text', $content['value'], $content['params'] );
case 'rdate':
while( FALSE !== ( $content = $subcomp->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE ))) {
$type = 'date-time';
if( isset( $content['params']['VALUE'] )) {
if( 'DATE' == $content['params']['VALUE'] )
$type = 'date';
elseif( 'PERIOD' == $content['params']['VALUE'] )
$type = 'period';
unset( $content['params']['VALUE'] );
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, $type, $content['value'], $content['params'] );
case 'x-prop':
while( FALSE !== ( $content = $subcomp->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE )))
_addXMLchild( $properties, $content[0], 'unknown', $content[1]['value'], $content[1]['params'] );
case 'action': // single occurence below, if set
case 'description':
case 'summary':
if( FALSE !== ( $content = $subcomp->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE ))) {
if(( 'action' != $prop ) && !isset( $content['params']['LANGUAGE'] )) {
if( $langComp )
$content['params']['LANGUAGE'] = $langComp;
elseif( $langCal )
$content['params']['LANGUAGE'] = $langCal;
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, 'text', $content['value'], $content['params'] );
case 'dtstart':
if( FALSE !== ( $content = $subcomp->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE ))) {
unset( $content['value']['tz'], $content['params']['VALUE'] ); // always local time
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, 'date-time', $content['value'], $content['params'] );
case 'duration':
if( FALSE !== ( $content = $subcomp->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE )))
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, 'duration', $content['value'], $content['params'] );
case 'repeat':
if( FALSE !== ( $content = $subcomp->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE )))
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, 'integer', $content['value'], $content['params'] );
case 'trigger':
if( FALSE !== ( $content = $subcomp->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE ))) {
if( isset( $content['value']['year'] ) &&
isset( $content['value']['month'] ) &&
isset( $content['value']['day'] ))
$type = 'date-time';
else {
$type = 'duration';
if( !isset( $content['value']['relatedStart'] ) || ( TRUE !== $content['value']['relatedStart'] ))
$content['params']['RELATED'] = 'END';
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, $type, $content['value'], $content['params'] );
case 'tzoffsetto':
case 'tzoffsetfrom':
if( FALSE !== ( $content = $subcomp->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE )))
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, 'utc-offset', $content['value'], $content['params'] );
case 'rrule':
while( FALSE !== ( $content = $subcomp->getProperty( $prop, FALSE, TRUE )))
_addXMLchild( $properties, $prop, 'recur', $content['value'], $content['params'] );
} // switch( $prop )
} // end foreach( $subCompProps as $prop )
} // end while( FALSE !== ( $subcomp = $component->getComponent()))
} // end while( FALSE !== ( $component = $calendar->getComponent()))
return $xml->asXML();
* Add children to a SimpleXMLelement
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.18.10 - 2013-09-04
* @param object $parent reference to a SimpleXMLelement node
* @param string $name new element node name
* @param string $type content type, subelement(-s) name
* @param string $content new subelement content
* @param array $params new element 'attributes'
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_duration2str()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_geo2str2()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::$geoLatFmt
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::$geoLongFmt
* @return void
function _addXMLchild( & $parent, $name, $type, $content, $params=array()) {
static $fmtYmd = '%04d-%02d-%02d';
static $fmtYmdHis = '%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d';
/** create new child node */
$name = strtolower( $name );
$child = $parent->addChild( $name );
if( !empty( $params )) {
$parameters = $child->addChild( 'parameters' );
foreach( $params as $param => $parVal ) {
if( 'VALUE' == $param )
$param = strtolower( $param );
if( 'x-' == substr( $param, 0, 2 )) {
$p1 = $parameters->addChild( $param );
$p2 = $p1->addChild( 'unknown', htmlspecialchars( $parVal ));
else {
$p1 = $parameters->addChild( $param );
switch( $param ) {
case 'altrep':
case 'dir': $ptype = 'uri'; break;
case 'delegated-from':
case 'delegated-to':
case 'member':
case 'sent-by': $ptype = 'cal-address'; break;
case 'rsvp': $ptype = 'boolean'; break ;
default: $ptype = 'text'; break;
if( is_array( $parVal )) {
foreach( $parVal as $pV )
$p2 = $p1->addChild( $ptype, htmlspecialchars( $pV ));
$p2 = $p1->addChild( $ptype, htmlspecialchars( $parVal ));
} // end if( !empty( $params ))
if(( empty( $content ) && ( '0' != $content )) || ( !is_array( $content) && ( '-' != substr( $content, 0, 1 ) && ( 0 > $content ))))
/** store content */
switch( $type ) {
case 'binary':
$v = $child->addChild( $type, $content );
case 'boolean':
case 'cal-address':
$v = $child->addChild( $type, $content );
case 'date':
if( array_key_exists( 'year', $content ))
$content = array( $content );
foreach( $content as $date ) {
$str = sprintf( $fmtYmd, (int) $date['year'], (int) $date['month'], (int) $date['day'] );
$v = $child->addChild( $type, $str );
case 'date-time':
if( array_key_exists( 'year', $content ))
$content = array( $content );
foreach( $content as $dt ) {
if( !isset( $dt['hour'] )) $dt['hour'] = 0;
if( !isset( $dt['min'] )) $dt['min'] = 0;
if( !isset( $dt['sec'] )) $dt['sec'] = 0;
$str = sprintf( $fmtYmdHis, (int) $dt['year'], (int) $dt['month'], (int) $dt['day'], (int) $dt['hour'], (int) $dt['min'], (int) $dt['sec'] );
if( isset( $dt['tz'] ) && ( 'Z' == $dt['tz'] ))
$str .= 'Z';
$v = $child->addChild( $type, $str );
case 'duration':
$output = (( 'trigger' == $name ) && ( FALSE !== $content['before'] )) ? '-' : '';
$v = $child->addChild( $type, $output.iCalUtilityFunctions::_duration2str( $content ) );
case 'geo':
if( !empty( $content )) {
$v1 = $child->addChild( 'latitude', iCalUtilityFunctions::_geo2str2( $content['latitude'], iCalUtilityFunctions::$geoLatFmt ));
$v1 = $child->addChild( 'longitude', iCalUtilityFunctions::_geo2str2( $content['longitude'], iCalUtilityFunctions::$geoLongFmt ));
case 'integer':
$v = $child->addChild( $type, (string) $content );
case 'period':
if( !is_array( $content ))
foreach( $content as $period ) {
$v1 = $child->addChild( $type );
$str = sprintf( $fmtYmdHis, (int) $period[0]['year'], (int) $period[0]['month'], (int) $period[0]['day'], (int) $period[0]['hour'], (int) $period[0]['min'], (int) $period[0]['sec'] );
if( isset( $period[0]['tz'] ) && ( 'Z' == $period[0]['tz'] ))
$str .= 'Z';
$v2 = $v1->addChild( 'start', $str );
if( array_key_exists( 'year', $period[1] )) {
$str = sprintf( $fmtYmdHis, (int) $period[1]['year'], (int) $period[1]['month'], (int) $period[1]['day'], (int) $period[1]['hour'], (int) $period[1]['min'], (int) $period[1]['sec'] );
if( isset($period[1]['tz'] ) && ( 'Z' == $period[1]['tz'] ))
$str .= 'Z';
$v2 = $v1->addChild( 'end', $str );
$v2 = $v1->addChild( 'duration', iCalUtilityFunctions::_duration2str( $period[1] ));
case 'recur':
$content = array_change_key_case( $content );
foreach( $content as $rulelabel => $rulevalue ) {
switch( $rulelabel ) {
case 'until':
if( isset( $rulevalue['hour'] ))
$str = sprintf( $fmtYmdHis, (int) $rulevalue['year'], (int) $rulevalue['month'], (int) $rulevalue['day'], (int) $rulevalue['hour'], (int) $rulevalue['min'], (int) $rulevalue['sec'] ).'Z';
$str = sprintf( $fmtYmd, (int) $rulevalue['year'], (int) $rulevalue['month'], (int) $rulevalue['day'] );
$v = $child->addChild( $rulelabel, $str );
case 'bysecond':
case 'byminute':
case 'byhour':
case 'bymonthday':
case 'byyearday':
case 'byweekno':
case 'bymonth':
case 'bysetpos': {
if( is_array( $rulevalue )) {
foreach( $rulevalue as $vix => $valuePart )
$v = $child->addChild( $rulelabel, $valuePart );
$v = $child->addChild( $rulelabel, $rulevalue );
case 'byday': {
if( isset( $rulevalue['DAY'] )) {
$str = ( isset( $rulevalue[0] )) ? $rulevalue[0] : '';
$str .= $rulevalue['DAY'];
$p = $child->addChild( $rulelabel, $str );
else {
foreach( $rulevalue as $valuePart ) {
if( isset( $valuePart['DAY'] )) {
$str = ( isset( $valuePart[0] )) ? $valuePart[0] : '';
$str .= $valuePart['DAY'];
$p = $child->addChild( $rulelabel, $str );
$p = $child->addChild( $rulelabel, $valuePart );
case 'freq':
case 'count':
case 'interval':
case 'wkst':
$p = $child->addChild( $rulelabel, $rulevalue );
} // end switch( $rulelabel )
} // end foreach( $content as $rulelabel => $rulevalue )
case 'rstatus':
$v = $child->addChild( 'code', number_format( (float) $content['statcode'], 2, '.', ''));
$v = $child->addChild( 'description', htmlspecialchars( $content['text'] ));
if( isset( $content['extdata'] ))
$v = $child->addChild( 'data', htmlspecialchars( $content['extdata'] ));
case 'text':
if( !is_array( $content ))
$content = array( $content );
foreach( $content as $part )
$v = $child->addChild( $type, htmlspecialchars( $part ));
case 'time':
case 'uri':
$v = $child->addChild( $type, $content );
case 'utc-offset':
if( in_array( substr( $content, 0, 1 ), array( '-', '+' ))) {
$str = substr( $content, 0, 1 );
$content = substr( $content, 1 );
$str = '+';
$str .= substr( $content, 0, 2 ).':'.substr( $content, 2, 2 );
if( 4 < strlen( $content ))
$str .= ':'.substr( $content, 4 );
$v = $child->addChild( $type, $str );
case 'unknown':
if( is_array( $content ))
$content = implode( '', $content );
$v = $child->addChild( 'unknown', htmlspecialchars( $content ));
* parse xml file into iCalcreator instance
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.16.22 - 2013-06-18
* @param string $xmlfile
* @param array $iCalcfg iCalcreator config array (opt)
* @return mixediCalcreator instance or FALSE on error
function XMLfile2iCal( $xmlfile, $iCalcfg=array()) {
if( FALSE === ( $xmlstr = file_get_contents( $xmlfile )))
return FALSE;
return xml2iCal( $xmlstr, $iCalcfg );
* parse xml string into iCalcreator instance, alias of XML2iCal
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.16.22 - 2013-06-18
* @param string $xmlstr
* @param array $iCalcfg iCalcreator config array (opt)
* @return mixed iCalcreator instance or FALSE on error
function XMLstr2iCal( $xmlstr, $iCalcfg=array()) {
return XML2iCal( $xmlstr, $iCalcfg);
* parse xml string into iCalcreator instance
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.16.22 - 2013-06-20
* @param string $xmlstr
* @param array $iCalcfg iCalcreator config array (opt)
* @uses vcalendar::vcalendar()
* @uses XMLgetComps()
* @return mixed iCalcreator instance or FALSE on error
function XML2iCal( $xmlstr, $iCalcfg=array()) {
$xmlstr = str_replace( array( "\r\n", "\n\r", "\n", "\r" ), '', $xmlstr );
$xml = XMLgetTagContent1( $xmlstr, 'vcalendar', $endIx );
$iCal = new vcalendar( $iCalcfg );
XMLgetComps( $iCal, $xmlstr );
unset( $xmlstr );
return $iCal;
* parse XML string into iCalcreator components
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.11 - 2015-03-21
* @param object $iCal iCalcreator vcalendar or component object instance
* @param string $xml
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::$allComps
* @uses XMLgetTagContent1()
* @uses XMLgetProps()
* @uses XMLgetTagContent2()
* @uses vcalendar::newComponent()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::$allComps
* @uses XMLgetComps()
* @return object
function XMLgetComps( $iCal, $xml ) {
$sx = 0;
while(( FALSE !== substr( $xml, ( $sx + 11 ), 1 )) &&
( '<properties>' != substr( $xml, $sx, 12 )) && ( '<components>' != substr( $xml, $sx, 12 )))
$sx += 1;
if( FALSE === substr( $xml, ( $sx + 11 ), 1 ))
return FALSE;
if( '<properties>' == substr( $xml, $sx, 12 )) {
$xml2 = XMLgetTagContent1( $xml, 'properties', $endIx );
XMLgetProps( $iCal, $xml2 );
$xml = substr( $xml, $endIx );
if( '<components>' == substr( $xml, 0, 12 ))
$xml = XMLgetTagContent1( $xml, 'components', $endIx );
while( ! empty( $xml )) {
$xml2 = XMLgetTagContent2( $xml, $tagName, $endIx );
if( in_array( strtolower( $tagName ), iCalUtilityFunctions::$allComps ) &&
( FALSE !== ( $subComp = $iCal->newComponent( $tagName ))))
XMLgetComps( $subComp, $xml2 );
$xml = substr( $xml, $endIx);
unset( $xml );
return $iCal;
* parse XML into iCalcreator properties
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.11 - 2015-03-21
* @param array $iCal iCalcreator calendar/component instance
* @param string $xml
* @uses XMLgetTagContent2()
* @uses vcalendar::setProperty()
* @uses calendarComponent::setproperty()
* @uses XMLgetTagContent1()
* @uses vcalendar::setProperty()
* @return void
function XMLgetProps( $iCal, $xml) {
while( ! empty( $xml )) {
$xml2 = XMLgetTagContent2( $xml, $propName, $endIx );
$propName = strtoupper( $propName );
if( empty( $xml2 ) && ( '0' != $xml2 )) {
$iCal->setProperty( $propName );
$xml = substr( $xml, $endIx);
$params = array();
if( '<parameters/>' == substr( $xml2, 0, 13 ))
$xml2 = substr( $xml2, 13 );
elseif( '<parameters>' == substr( $xml2, 0, 12 )) {
$xml3 = XMLgetTagContent1( $xml2, 'parameters', $endIx2 );
while( ! empty( $xml3 )) {
$xml4 = XMLgetTagContent2( $xml3, $paramKey, $endIx3 );
$pType = FALSE; // skip parameter valueType
$paramKey = strtoupper( $paramKey );
static $mParams = array( 'DELEGATED-FROM', 'DELEGATED-TO', 'MEMBER' );
if( in_array( $paramKey, $mParams )) {
while( ! empty( $xml4 )) {
if( ! isset( $params[$paramKey] ))
$params[$paramKey] = array( XMLgetTagContent1( $xml4, 'cal-address', $endIx4 ));
$params[$paramKey][] = XMLgetTagContent1( $xml4, 'cal-address', $endIx4 );
$xml4 = substr( $xml4, $endIx4 );
else {
if( ! isset( $params[$paramKey] ))
$params[$paramKey] = html_entity_decode( XMLgetTagContent2( $xml4, $pType, $endIx4 ));
$params[$paramKey] .= ','.html_entity_decode( XMLgetTagContent2( $xml4, $pType, $endIx4 ));
$xml3 = substr( $xml3, $endIx3 );
$xml2 = substr( $xml2, $endIx2 );
} // if( '<parameters>' == substr( $xml2, 0, 12 ))
$valueType = FALSE;
$value = ( ! empty( $xml2 ) || ( '0' == $xml2 )) ? XMLgetTagContent2( $xml2, $valueType, $endIx3 ) : '';
switch( $propName ) {
$tValue = array();
while( ! empty( $xml2 )) {
$tValue[] = html_entity_decode( XMLgetTagContent2( $xml2, $valueType, $endIx4 ));
$xml2 = substr( $xml2, $endIx4 );
$value = $tValue;
case 'EXDATE': // multiple single-date(-times) may exist
case 'RDATE':
if( 'period' != $valueType ) {
if( 'date' == $valueType )
$params['VALUE'] = 'DATE';
$t = array();
while( ! empty( $xml2 ) && ( '<date' == substr( $xml2, 0, 5 ))) {
$t[] = XMLgetTagContent2( $xml2, $pType, $endIx4 );
$xml2 = substr( $xml2, $endIx4 );
$value = $t;
case 'FREEBUSY':
if( 'RDATE' == $propName )
$params['VALUE'] = 'PERIOD';
$value = array();
while( ! empty( $xml2 ) && ( '<period>' == substr( $xml2, 0, 8 ))) {
$xml3 = XMLgetTagContent1( $xml2, 'period', $endIx4 ); // period
$t = array();
while( ! empty( $xml3 )) {
$t[] = XMLgetTagContent2( $xml3, $pType, $endIx5 ); // start - end/duration
$xml3 = substr( $xml3, $endIx5 );
$value[] = $t;
$xml2 = substr( $xml2, $endIx4 );
$value = str_replace( ':', '', $value );
case 'GEO':
$tValue = array( 'latitude' => $value );
$tValue['longitude'] = XMLgetTagContent1( substr( $xml2, $endIx3 ), 'longitude', $endIx3 );
$value = $tValue;
case 'EXRULE':
case 'RRULE':
$tValue = array( $valueType => $value );
$xml2 = substr( $xml2, $endIx3 );
$valueType = FALSE;
while( ! empty( $xml2 )) {
$t = XMLgetTagContent2( $xml2, $valueType, $endIx4 );
switch( $valueType ) {
case 'freq':
case 'count':
case 'until':
case 'interval':
case 'wkst':
$tValue[$valueType] = $t;
case 'byday':
if( 2 == strlen( $t ))
$tValue[$valueType][] = array( 'DAY' => $t );
else {
$day = substr( $t, -2 );
$key = substr( $t, 0, ( strlen( $t ) - 2 ));
$tValue[$valueType][] = array( $key, 'DAY' => $day );
$tValue[$valueType][] = $t;
$xml2 = substr( $xml2, $endIx4 );
$value = $tValue;
$tValue = array();
while( ! empty( $xml2 )) {
$t = html_entity_decode( XMLgetTagContent2( $xml2, $valueType, $endIx4 ));
$tValue[$valueType] = $t;
$xml2 = substr( $xml2, $endIx4 );
if( ! empty( $tValue ))
$value = $tValue;
$value = array( 'code' => null, 'description' => null );
switch( $valueType ) {
case 'binary': $params['VALUE'] = 'BINARY'; break;
case 'date': $params['VALUE'] = 'DATE'; break;
case 'date-time': $params['VALUE'] = 'DATE-TIME'; break;
case 'text':
case 'unknown': $value = html_entity_decode( $value ); break;
} // end switch( $propName )
if( 'FREEBUSY' == $propName ) {
$fbtype = $params['FBTYPE'];
unset( $params['FBTYPE'] );
$iCal->setProperty( $propName, $fbtype, $value, $params );
elseif( 'GEO' == $propName )
$iCal->setProperty( $propName, $value['latitude'], $value['longitude'], $params );
elseif( 'REQUEST-STATUS' == $propName ) {
if( !isset( $value['data'] ))
$value['data'] = FALSE;
$iCal->setProperty( $propName, $value['code'], $value['description'], $value['data'], $params );
else {
if( empty( $value ) && ( is_array( $value ) || ( '0' > $value )))
$value = '';
$iCal->setProperty( $propName, $value, $params );
$xml = substr( $xml, $endIx);
} // end while( ! empty( $xml ))
* fetch a specific XML tag content
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.16.22 - 2013-06-20
* @param string $xml
* @param string $tagName
* @param int $endIx
* @return mixed
function XMLgetTagContent1( $xml, $tagName, & $endIx=0 ) {
$strlen = strlen( $tagName );
$sx1 = 0;
while( FALSE !== substr( $xml, $sx1, 1 )) {
if(( FALSE !== substr( $xml, ( $sx1 + $strlen + 1 ), 1 )) &&
( strtolower( "<$tagName>" ) == strtolower( substr( $xml, $sx1, ( $strlen + 2 )))))
if(( FALSE !== substr( $xml, ( $sx1 + $strlen + 3 ), 1 )) &&
( strtolower( "<$tagName />" ) == strtolower( substr( $xml, $sx1, ( $strlen + 4 ))))) { // empty tag
$endIx = $strlen + 5;
return '';
if(( FALSE !== substr( $xml, ( $sx1 + $strlen + 2 ), 1 )) &&
( strtolower( "<$tagName/>" ) == strtolower( substr( $xml, $sx1, ( $strlen + 3 ))))) { // empty tag
$endIx = $strlen + 4;
return '';
$sx1 += 1;
if( FALSE === substr( $xml, $sx1, 1 )) {
$endIx = ( empty( $sx )) ? 0 : $sx - 1;
return '';
if( FALSE === ( $pos = stripos( $xml, "</$tagName>" ))) { // missing end tag??
$endIx = strlen( $xml ) + 1;
return '';
$endIx = $pos + $strlen + 3;
return substr( $xml, ( $sx1 + $strlen + 2 ), ( $pos - $sx1 - 2 - $strlen ));
* fetch next (unknown) XML tagname AND content
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.16.22 - 2013-06-20
* @param string $xml
* @param string $tagName
* @param int $endIx
* @return mixed
function XMLgetTagContent2( $xml, & $tagName, & $endIx ) {
$endIx = strlen( $xml ) + 1; // just in case.. .
$sx1 = 0;
while( FALSE !== substr( $xml, $sx1, 1 )) {
if( '<' == substr( $xml, $sx1, 1 )) {
if(( FALSE !== substr( $xml, ( $sx1 + 3 ), 1 )) && ( '<!--' == substr( $xml, $sx1, 4 ))) // skip comment
$sx1 += 1;
break; // tagname start here
$sx1 += 1;
$sx2 = $sx1;
while( FALSE !== substr( $xml, $sx2 )) {
if(( FALSE !== substr( $xml, ( $sx2 + 1 ), 1 )) && ( '/>' == substr( $xml, $sx2, 2 ))) { // empty tag
$tagName = trim( substr( $xml, ( $sx1 + 1 ), ( $sx2 - $sx1 - 1 )));
$endIx = $sx2 + 2;
return '';
if( '>' == substr( $xml, $sx2, 1 )) // tagname ends here
$sx2 += 1;
$tagName = substr( $xml, ( $sx1 + 1 ), ( $sx2 - $sx1 - 1 ));
$endIx = $sx2 + 1;
if( FALSE === substr( $xml, $sx2, 1 )) {
return '';
$strlen = strlen( $tagName );
if(( 'duration' == $tagName ) &&
( FALSE !== ( $pos1 = stripos( $xml, "<duration>", $sx1+1 ))) &&
( FALSE !== ( $pos2 = stripos( $xml, "</duration>", $pos1+1 ))) &&
( FALSE !== ( $pos3 = stripos( $xml, "</duration>", $pos2+1 ))) &&
( $pos1 < $pos2 ) && ( $pos2 < $pos3 ))
$pos = $pos3;
elseif( FALSE === ( $pos = stripos( $xml, "</$tagName>", $sx2 )))
return '';
$endIx = $pos + $strlen + 3;
return substr( $xml, ( $sx1 + $strlen + 2 ), ( $pos - $strlen - 2 ));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
/* Additional functions to use with vtimezone components */
* For use with
* iCalcreator (
* copyright (c) 2011 Yitzchok Lavi
* @version 2.22
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* Additional functions to use with vtimezone components
* Before calling the functions, set time zone 'GMT' ('date_default_timezone_set')!
* @author Yitzchok Lavi <>
* adjusted for iCalcreator Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @version 1.0.2 - 2011-02-24
* Returns array with the offset information from UTC for a (UTC) datetime/timestamp in the
* timezone, according to the VTIMEZONE information in the input array.
* @param array $timezonesarray output from function getTimezonesAsDateArrays (below)
* @param string $tzid time zone identifier
* @param mixed $timestamp timestamp or a UTC datetime (in array format)
* @return array time zone data with keys for 'offsetHis', 'offsetSec' and 'tzname'
function getTzOffsetForDate($timezonesarray, $tzid, $timestamp) {
if( is_array( $timestamp )) {
//$disp = sprintf( '%04d%02d%02d %02d%02d%02d', $timestamp['year'], $timestamp['month'], $timestamp['day'], $timestamp['hour'], $timestamp['min'], $timestamp['sec'] ); // test ###
$timestamp = gmmktime(
) ;
$tzoffset = array();
// something to return if all goes wrong (such as if $tzid doesn't find us an array of dates)
$tzoffset['offsetHis'] = '+0000';
$tzoffset['offsetSec'] = 0;
$tzoffset['tzname'] = '?';
if( !isset( $timezonesarray[$tzid] ))
return $tzoffset;
$tzdatearray = $timezonesarray[$tzid];
if ( is_array($tzdatearray) ) {
sort($tzdatearray); // just in case
if ( $timestamp < $tzdatearray[0]['timestamp'] ) {
// our date is before the first change
$tzoffset['offsetHis'] = $tzdatearray[0]['tzbefore']['offsetHis'] ;
$tzoffset['offsetSec'] = $tzdatearray[0]['tzbefore']['offsetSec'] ;
$tzoffset['tzname'] = $tzdatearray[0]['tzbefore']['offsetHis'] ; // we don't know the tzname in this case
} elseif ( $timestamp >= $tzdatearray[count($tzdatearray)-1]['timestamp'] ) {
// our date is after the last change (we do this so our scan can stop at the last record but one)
$tzoffset['offsetHis'] = $tzdatearray[count($tzdatearray)-1]['tzafter']['offsetHis'] ;
$tzoffset['offsetSec'] = $tzdatearray[count($tzdatearray)-1]['tzafter']['offsetSec'] ;
$tzoffset['tzname'] = $tzdatearray[count($tzdatearray)-1]['tzafter']['tzname'] ;
} else {
// our date somewhere in between
// loop through the list of dates and stop at the one where the timestamp is before our date and the next one is after it
// we don't include the last date in our loop as there isn't one after it to check
for ( $i = 0 ; $i <= count($tzdatearray)-2 ; $i++ ) {
if(( $timestamp >= $tzdatearray[$i]['timestamp'] ) && ( $timestamp < $tzdatearray[$i+1]['timestamp'] )) {
$tzoffset['offsetHis'] = $tzdatearray[$i]['tzafter']['offsetHis'] ;
$tzoffset['offsetSec'] = $tzdatearray[$i]['tzafter']['offsetSec'] ;
$tzoffset['tzname'] = $tzdatearray[$i]['tzafter']['tzname'] ;
return $tzoffset;
* Returns an array containing all the timezone data in the vcalendar object
* @param object $vcalendar iCalcreator calendar instance
* @return array time zone transition timestamp, array before(offsetHis, offsetSec), array after(offsetHis, offsetSec, tzname)
* based on the timezone data in the vcalendar object
function getTimezonesAsDateArrays($vcalendar) {
$timezonedata = array();
while( $vtz = $vcalendar->getComponent( 'vtimezone' )) {
$tzid = $vtz->getProperty('tzid');
$alltzdates = array();
while ( $vtzc = $vtz->getComponent( 'standard' )) {
$newtzdates = expandTimezoneDates($vtzc);
$alltzdates = array_merge($alltzdates, $newtzdates);
while ( $vtzc = $vtz->getComponent( 'daylight' )) {
$newtzdates = expandTimezoneDates($vtzc);
$alltzdates = array_merge($alltzdates, $newtzdates);
$timezonedata[$tzid] = $alltzdates;
return $timezonedata;
* Returns an array containing time zone data from vtimezone standard/daylight instances
* @param object $vtzc an iCalcreator calendar standard/daylight instance
* @return array time zone data; array before(offsetHis, offsetSec), array after(offsetHis, offsetSec, tzname)
function expandTimezoneDates($vtzc) {
$tzdates = array();
// prepare time zone "description" to attach to each change
$tzbefore = array();
$tzbefore['offsetHis'] = $vtzc->getProperty('tzoffsetfrom') ;
$tzbefore['offsetSec'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_tz2offset($tzbefore['offsetHis']);
if(( '-' != substr( (string) $tzbefore['offsetSec'], 0, 1 )) && ( '+' != substr( (string) $tzbefore['offsetSec'], 0, 1 )))
$tzbefore['offsetSec'] = '+'.$tzbefore['offsetSec'];
$tzafter = array();
$tzafter['offsetHis'] = $vtzc->getProperty('tzoffsetto') ;
$tzafter['offsetSec'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_tz2offset($tzafter['offsetHis']);
if(( '-' != substr( (string) $tzafter['offsetSec'], 0, 1 )) && ( '+' != substr( (string) $tzafter['offsetSec'], 0, 1 )))
$tzafter['offsetSec'] = '+'.$tzafter['offsetSec'];
if( FALSE === ( $tzafter['tzname'] = $vtzc->getProperty('tzname')))
$tzafter['tzname'] = $tzafter['offsetHis'];
// find out where to start from
$dtstart = $vtzc->getProperty('dtstart');
$dtstarttimestamp = mktime(
) ;
if( !isset( $dtstart['unparsedtext'] )) // ??
$dtstart['unparsedtext'] = sprintf( '%04d%02d%02dT%02d%02d%02d', $dtstart['year'], $dtstart['month'], $dtstart['day'], $dtstart['hour'], $dtstart['min'], $dtstart['sec'] );
if ( $dtstarttimestamp == 0 ) {
// it seems that the dtstart string may not have parsed correctly
// let's set a timestamp starting from 1902, using the time part of the original string
// so that the time will change at the right time of day
// at worst we'll get midnight again
$origdtstartsplit = explode('T',$dtstart['unparsedtext']) ;
$dtstarttimestamp = strtotime("19020101",0);
$dtstarttimestamp = strtotime($origdtstartsplit[1],$dtstarttimestamp);
// the date (in dtstart and opt RDATE/RRULE) is ALWAYS LOCAL (not utc!!), adjust from 'utc' to 'local' timestamp
$diff = -1 * $tzbefore['offsetSec'];
$dtstarttimestamp += $diff;
// add this (start) change to the array of changes
$tzdates[] = array(
'timestamp' => $dtstarttimestamp,
'tzbefore' => $tzbefore,
'tzafter' => $tzafter
$datearray = getdate($dtstarttimestamp);
// save original array to use time parts, because strtotime (used below) apparently loses the time
$changetime = $datearray ;
// generate dates according to an RRULE line
$rrule = $vtzc->getProperty('rrule') ;
if ( is_array($rrule) ) {
if ( $rrule['FREQ'] == 'YEARLY' ) {
// calculate transition dates starting from DTSTART
$offsetchangetimestamp = $dtstarttimestamp;
// calculate transition dates until 10 years in the future
$stoptimestamp = strtotime("+10 year",time());
// if UNTIL is set, calculate until then (however far ahead)
if ( isset( $rrule['UNTIL'] ) && ( $rrule['UNTIL'] != '' )) {
$stoptimestamp = mktime(
) ;
$count = 0 ;
$stopcount = isset( $rrule['COUNT'] ) ? $rrule['COUNT'] : 0 ;
$daynames = array(
'SU' => 'Sunday',
'MO' => 'Monday',
'TU' => 'Tuesday',
'WE' => 'Wednesday',
'TH' => 'Thursday',
'FR' => 'Friday',
'SA' => 'Saturday'
// repeat so long as we're between DTSTART and UNTIL, or we haven't prepared COUNT dates
while ( $offsetchangetimestamp < $stoptimestamp && ( $stopcount == 0 || $count < $stopcount ) ) {
// break up the timestamp into its parts
$datearray = getdate($offsetchangetimestamp);
if ( isset( $rrule['BYMONTH'] ) && ( $rrule['BYMONTH'] != 0 )) {
// set the month
$datearray['mon'] = $rrule['BYMONTH'] ;
if ( isset( $rrule['BYMONTHDAY'] ) && ( $rrule['BYMONTHDAY'] != 0 )) {
// set specific day of month
$datearray['mday'] = $rrule['BYMONTHDAY'];
} elseif ( is_array($rrule['BYDAY']) ) {
// find the Xth WKDAY in the month
// the starting point for this process is the first of the month set above
$datearray['mday'] = 1 ;
// turn $datearray as it is now back into a timestamp
$offsetchangetimestamp = mktime(
if ($rrule['BYDAY'][0] > 0) {
// to find Xth WKDAY in month, we find last WKDAY in month before
// we do that by finding first WKDAY in this month and going back one week
// then we add X weeks (below)
$offsetchangetimestamp = strtotime($daynames[$rrule['BYDAY']['DAY']],$offsetchangetimestamp);
$offsetchangetimestamp = strtotime("-1 week",$offsetchangetimestamp);
} else {
// to find Xth WKDAY before the end of the month, we find the first WKDAY in the following month
// we do that by going forward one month and going to WKDAY there
// then we subtract X weeks (below)
$offsetchangetimestamp = strtotime("+1 month",$offsetchangetimestamp);
$offsetchangetimestamp = strtotime($daynames[$rrule['BYDAY']['DAY']],$offsetchangetimestamp);
// now move forward or back the appropriate number of weeks, into the month we want
$offsetchangetimestamp = strtotime($rrule['BYDAY'][0] . " week",$offsetchangetimestamp);
$datearray = getdate($offsetchangetimestamp);
// convert the date parts back into a timestamp, setting the time parts according to the
// original time data which we stored
$offsetchangetimestamp = mktime(
$changetime['seconds'] + $diff,
// add this change to the array of changes
$tzdates[] = array(
'timestamp' => $offsetchangetimestamp,
'tzbefore' => $tzbefore,
'tzafter' => $tzafter
// update counters (timestamp and count)
$offsetchangetimestamp = strtotime("+" . (( isset( $rrule['INTERVAL'] ) && ( $rrule['INTERVAL'] != 0 )) ? $rrule['INTERVAL'] : 1 ) . " year",$offsetchangetimestamp);
$count += 1 ;
// generate dates according to RDATE lines
while ($rdates = $vtzc->getProperty('rdate')) {
if ( is_array($rdates) ) {
foreach ( $rdates as $rdate ) {
// convert the explicit change date to a timestamp
$offsetchangetimestamp = mktime(
$rdate['sec'] + $diff,
) ;
// add this change to the array of changes
$tzdates[] = array(
'timestamp' => $offsetchangetimestamp,
'tzbefore' => $tzbefore,
'tzafter' => $tzafter
return $tzdates;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
* iCalcreator, a PHP rfc2445/rfc5545 solution.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved
* @link
* @license
* @package iCalcreator
* @version 2.22
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
/* iCalcreator vCard helper functions */
* convert single ATTENDEE, CONTACT or ORGANIZER (in email format) to vCard
* returns vCard/TRUE or if directory (if set) or file write is unvalid, FALSE
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.12.2 - 2012-07-11
* @param string $email
* @param string $version vCard version (default 2.1)
* @param string $directory where to save vCards (default FALSE)
* @param string $ext vCard file extension (default 'vcf')
* @return mixed
function iCal2vCard( $email, $version='2.1', $directory=FALSE, $ext='vcf' ) {
if( FALSE === ( $pos = strpos( $email, '@' )))
return FALSE;
if( $directory ) {
if( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR != substr( $directory, ( 0 - strlen( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR ))))
if( !is_dir( $directory ) || !is_writable( $directory ))
return FALSE;
/* prepare vCard */
$email = str_replace( 'MAILTO:', '', $email );
$name = $person = substr( $email, 0, $pos );
if( ctype_upper( $name ) || ctype_lower( $name ))
$name = array( $name );
else {
if( FALSE !== ( $pos = strpos( $name, '.' ))) {
$name = explode( '.', $name );
foreach( $name as $k => $part )
$name[$k] = ucfirst( $part );
else { // split camelCase
$chars = $name;
$name = array( $chars[0] );
$k = 0;
$x = 1;
while( FALSE !== ( $char = substr( $chars, $x, 1 ))) {
if( ctype_upper( $char )) {
$k += 1;
$name[$k] = '';
$name[$k] .= $char;
$nl = "\r\n";
$FN = 'FN:'.implode( ' ', $name ).$nl;
$name = array_reverse( $name );
$N = 'N:'.array_shift( $name );
$scCnt = 0;
while( NULL != ( $part = array_shift( $name ))) {
if(( '4.0' != $version ) || ( 4 > $scCnt ))
$scCnt += 1;
$N .= ';'.$part;
while(( '4.0' == $version ) && ( 4 > $scCnt )) {
$N .= ';';
$scCnt += 1;
$N .= $nl;
$EMAIL = 'EMAIL:'.$email.$nl;
/* create vCard */
$vCard = 'BEGIN:VCARD'.$nl;
$vCard .= "VERSION:$version$nl";
$vCard .= 'PRODID:-// '.ICALCREATOR_VERSION."//$nl";
$vCard .= $N;
$vCard .= $FN;
$vCard .= $EMAIL;
$vCard .= 'REV:'.gmdate( 'Ymd\THis\Z' ).$nl;
$vCard .= 'END:VCARD'.$nl;
/* save each vCard as (unique) single file */
if( $directory ) {
$fname = $directory.preg_replace( '/[^a-z0-9.]/i', '', $email );
$cnt = 1;
$dbl = '';
while( is_file ( $fname.$dbl.'.'.$ext )) {
$cnt += 1;
$dbl = "_$cnt";
if( FALSE === file_put_contents( $fname, $fname.$dbl.'.'.$ext ))
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
/* return vCard */
return $vCard;
* convert ATTENDEEs, CONTACTs and ORGANIZERs (in email format) to vCards
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.12.2 - 2012-05-07
* @param object $calendar iCalcreator vcalendar instance reference
* @param string $version vCard version (default 2.1)
* @param string $directory where to save vCards (default FALSE)
* @param string $ext vCard file extension (default 'vcf')
* @uses vcalendar::getProperty()
* @return mixed
function iCal2vCards( & $calendar, $version='2.1', $directory=FALSE, $ext='vcf' ) {
$hits = array();
$vCardP = array( 'ATTENDEE', 'CONTACT', 'ORGANIZER' );
foreach( $vCardP as $prop ) {
$hits2 = $calendar->getProperty( $prop );
foreach( $hits2 as $propValue => $occCnt ) {
if( FALSE === ( $pos = strpos( $propValue, '@' )))
$propValue = str_replace( 'MAILTO:', '', $propValue );
if( isset( $hits[$propValue] ))
$hits[$propValue] += $occCnt;
$hits[$propValue] = $occCnt;
if( empty( $hits ))
return FALSE;
ksort( $hits );
$output = '';
foreach( $hits as $email => $skip ) {
$res = iCal2vCard( $email, $version, $directory, $ext );
if( $directory && !$res )
return FALSE;
elseif( !$res )
return $res;
$output .= $res;
if( $directory )
return TRUE;
if( !empty( $output ))
return $output;
return FALSE;

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@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
* iCalcreator, a PHP rfc2445/rfc5545 solution.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved
* @link
* @license
* @package iCalcreator
* @version 2.22
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* iCalcreator base class
* properties and functions shared by vcalendar and calendarComponents
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.11 - 2015-03-31
abstract class iCalBase {
* @var array component property X-property value
* @access protected
protected $xprop;
/** @var array container for sub-components */
public $components;
/** @var array $unparsed calendar/components in 'raw' text... */
public $unparsed;
* @var bool $allowEmpty config variable
* @var string $language config variable
* @var string $nl config variable
* @var string $unique_id config variable
* @var string $format config variable
* @var string $dtzid config variable
* @access protected
protected $allowEmpty;
protected $language;
protected $nl;
protected $unique_id;
protected $format;
protected $dtzid;
* @var string $componentStart1 valendar/component internal variable
* @var string $componentStart2 valendar/component internal variable
* @var string $componentEnd1 valendar/component internal variable
* @var string $componentEnd2 valendar/component internal variable
* @var string $elementStart1 valendar/component internal variable
* @var string $elementStart2 valendar/component internal variable
* @var string $elementEnd1 valendar/component internal variable
* @var string $elementEnd2 valendar/component internal variable
* @var string $intAttrDelimiter valendar/component internal variable
* @var string $attributeDelimiter valendar/component internal variable
* @var string $valueInit valendar/component internal variable
* @access protected
protected $componentStart1;
protected $componentStart2;
protected $componentEnd1;
protected $componentEnd2;
protected $elementStart1;
protected $elementStart2;
protected $elementEnd1;
protected $elementEnd2;
protected $intAttrDelimiter;
protected $attributeDelimiter;
protected $valueInit;
* @var array $xcaldecl xCal declaration container
* @access protected
protected $xcaldecl;
* Property Name: x-prop
* creates formatted output for calendar/component property x-prop
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.11 - 2015-03-31
* @uses iCalBase::$xprop
* @uses vcalendar::getConfig()
* @uses calendarComponent::getConfig()
* @uses iCalBase::_createElement()
* @uses iCalBase::_createParams()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_strrep()
* @uses iCalBase::$format
* @uses iCalBase::$nl
* @return string
public function createXprop() {
if( empty( $this->xprop ) || !is_array( $this->xprop )) return FALSE;
$output = null;
foreach( $this->xprop as $label => $xpropPart ) {
if( ! isset( $xpropPart['value']) || ( empty( $xpropPart['value'] ) && !is_numeric( $xpropPart['value'] ))) {
if( $this->getConfig( 'allowEmpty' ))
$output .= $this->_createElement( $label );
$attributes = $this->_createParams( $xpropPart['params'], array( 'LANGUAGE' ));
if( is_array( $xpropPart['value'] )) {
foreach( $xpropPart['value'] as $pix => $theXpart )
$xpropPart['value'][$pix] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_strrep( $theXpart, $this->format, $this->nl );
$xpropPart['value'] = implode( ',', $xpropPart['value'] );
$xpropPart['value'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_strrep( $xpropPart['value'], $this->format, $this->nl );
$output .= $this->_createElement( $label, $attributes, $xpropPart['value'] );
return $output;
* set calendar property x-prop
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.11 - 2015-03-31
* @param string $label
* @param string $value
* @param array $params optional
* @uses vcalendar::getConfig()
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams()
* @uses iCalBase::$xprop
* @return bool
public function setXprop( $label, $value, $params=FALSE ) {
if( empty( $label ))
return FALSE;
$label = strtoupper( $label );
if( 'X-' != substr( $label, 0, 2 ))
return FALSE;
if( empty( $value ) && !is_numeric( $value )) if( $this->getConfig( 'allowEmpty' )) $value = ''; else return FALSE;
$xprop = array( 'value' => $value );
$xprop['params'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams( $params );
if( ! is_array( $this->xprop ))
$this->xprop = array();
$this->xprop[$label] = $xprop;
return TRUE;
* create element format parts
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.11 - 2015-03-31
* @uses iCalBase::$format
* @uses iCalBase::$objName
* @uses iCalBase::$componentStart1
* @uses iCalBase::$elementStart1
* @uses iCalBase::$componentStart2
* @uses iCalBase::$elementStart2
* @uses iCalBase::$componentEnd1
* @uses iCalBase::$elementEnd1
* @uses iCalBase::$componentEnd2
* @uses iCalBase::$elementEnd2
* @uses iCalBase::$nl;
* @uses iCalBase::$intAttrDelimiter
* @uses iCalBase::$attributeDelimiter
* @uses iCalBase::$valueInit
* @return bool
function _createFormat() {
switch( $this->format ) {
case 'xcal':
$this->componentStart1 = $this->elementStart1 = '<';
$this->componentStart2 = $this->elementStart2 = '>';
$this->componentEnd1 = $this->elementEnd1 = '</';
$this->componentEnd2 = $this->elementEnd2 = '>'.$this->nl;
$this->intAttrDelimiter = '<!-- -->';
$this->attributeDelimiter = $this->nl;
$this->valueInit = null;
$this->componentStart1 = 'BEGIN:';
$this->componentStart2 = null;
$this->componentEnd1 = 'END:';
$this->componentEnd2 = $this->nl;
$this->elementStart1 = null;
$this->elementStart2 = null;
$this->elementEnd1 = null;
$this->elementEnd2 = $this->nl;
$this->intAttrDelimiter = '<!-- -->';
$this->attributeDelimiter = ';';
$this->valueInit = ':';
return TRUE;
* creates formatted output for calendar component property
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.11 - 2015-03-31
* @param string $label property name
* @param string $attributes property attributes
* @param string $content property content (optional)
* @uses iCalBase::$format
* @uses iCalBase::$elementStart1
* @uses iCalBase::$xcaldecl
* @uses iCalBase::$intAttrDelimiter
* @uses iCalBase::$attributeDelimiter
* @uses iCalBase::_createElement()
* @uses iCalBase::$elementStart2
* @uses iCalBase::$nl
* @uses iCalBase::$valueInit
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::_size75()
* @uses iCalBase::$elementEnd1
* @uses iCalBase::$elementEnd2
* @access protected
* @return string
protected function _createElement( $label, $attributes=null, $content=FALSE ) {
switch( $this->format ) {
case 'xcal':
$label = strtolower( $label );
$label = strtoupper( $label );
$output = $this->elementStart1.$label;
$categoriesAttrLang = null;
$attachInlineBinary = FALSE;
$attachfmttype = null;
if (( 'xcal' == $this->format) && ( 'x-' == substr( $label, 0, 2 ))) {
$this->xcaldecl[] = array( 'xmldecl' => 'ELEMENT'
, 'ref' => $label
, 'type2' => '(#PCDATA)' );
if( !empty( $attributes )) {
$attributes = trim( $attributes );
if ( 'xcal' == $this->format ) {
$attributes2 = explode( $this->intAttrDelimiter, $attributes );
$attributes = null;
foreach( $attributes2 as $aix => $attribute ) {
$attrKVarr = explode( '=', $attribute );
if( empty( $attrKVarr[0] ))
if( !isset( $attrKVarr[1] )) {
$attrValue = $attrKVarr[0];
$attrKey = $aix;
elseif( 2 == count( $attrKVarr)) {
$attrKey = strtolower( $attrKVarr[0] );
$attrValue = $attrKVarr[1];
else {
$attrKey = strtolower( $attrKVarr[0] );
unset( $attrKVarr[0] );
$attrValue = implode( '=', $attrKVarr );
if(( 'attach' == $label ) && ( in_array( $attrKey, array( 'fmttype', 'encoding', 'value' )))) {
$attachInlineBinary = TRUE;
if( 'fmttype' == $attrKey )
$attachfmttype = $attrKey.'='.$attrValue;
elseif(( 'categories' == $label ) && ( 'language' == $attrKey ))
$categoriesAttrLang = $attrKey.'='.$attrValue;
else {
$attributes .= ( empty( $attributes )) ? ' ' : $this->attributeDelimiter.' ';
$attributes .= ( !empty( $attrKey )) ? $attrKey.'=' : null;
if(( '"' == substr( $attrValue, 0, 1 )) && ( '"' == substr( $attrValue, -1 ))) {
$attrValue = substr( $attrValue, 1, ( strlen( $attrValue ) - 2 ));
$attrValue = str_replace( '"', '', $attrValue );
$attributes .= '"'.htmlspecialchars( $attrValue ).'"';
else {
$attributes = str_replace( $this->intAttrDelimiter, $this->attributeDelimiter, $attributes );
if(( 'xcal' == $this->format) &&
((( 'attach' == $label ) && !$attachInlineBinary ) || ( in_array( $label, array( 'tzurl', 'url' ))))) {
$pos = strrpos( $content, "/" );
$docname = ( $pos !== false) ? substr( $content, (1 - strlen( $content ) + $pos )) : $content;
$this->xcaldecl[] = array( 'xmldecl' => 'ENTITY'
, 'uri' => $docname
, 'ref' => 'SYSTEM'
, 'external' => $content
, 'type' => 'NDATA'
, 'type2' => 'BINERY' );
$attributes .= ( empty( $attributes )) ? ' ' : $this->attributeDelimiter.' ';
$attributes .= 'uri="'.$docname.'"';
$content = null;
if( 'attach' == $label ) {
$attributes = str_replace( $this->attributeDelimiter, $this->intAttrDelimiter, $attributes );
$content = $this->nl.$this->_createElement( 'extref', $attributes, null );
$attributes = null;
elseif(( 'xcal' == $this->format) && ( 'attach' == $label ) && $attachInlineBinary ) {
$content = $this->nl.$this->_createElement( 'b64bin', $attachfmttype, $content ); // max one attribute
$output .= $attributes;
if( !$content && ( '0' != $content )) {
switch( $this->format ) {
case 'xcal':
$output .= ' /';
$output .= $this->elementStart2.$this->nl;
return $output;
$output .= $this->elementStart2.$this->valueInit;
return iCalUtilityFunctions::_size75( $output, $this->nl );
$output .= $this->elementStart2;
$output .= $this->valueInit.$content;
switch( $this->format ) {
case 'xcal':
return $output.$this->elementEnd1.$label.$this->elementEnd2;
return iCalUtilityFunctions::_size75( $output, $this->nl );
* creates formatted output for calendar component property parameters
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.11 - 2015-03-31
* @param array $params optional
* @param array $ctrKeys optional
* @uses iCalBase::$intAttrDelimiter
* @uses vcalendar::getConfig()
* @uses calendarComponent::getConfig()
* @access protected
* @return string
protected function _createParams( $params=array(), $ctrKeys=array() ) {
if( !is_array( $params ) || empty( $params ))
$params = array();
$attrLANG = $attr1 = $attr2 = $lang = null;
$CNattrKey = ( in_array( 'CN', $ctrKeys )) ? TRUE : FALSE ;
$LANGattrKey = ( in_array( 'LANGUAGE', $ctrKeys )) ? TRUE : FALSE ;
$CNattrExist = $LANGattrExist = FALSE;
$xparams = array();
$params = array_change_key_case( $params, CASE_UPPER );
foreach( $params as $paramKey => $paramValue ) {
if(( FALSE !== strpos( $paramValue, ':' )) ||
( FALSE !== strpos( $paramValue, ';' )) ||
( FALSE !== strpos( $paramValue, ',' )))
$paramValue = '"'.$paramValue.'"';
if( ctype_digit( (string) $paramKey )) {
$xparams[] = $paramValue;
if( !in_array( $paramKey, array( 'ALTREP', 'CN', 'DIR', 'ENCODING', 'FMTTYPE', 'LANGUAGE', 'RANGE', 'RELTYPE', 'SENT-BY', 'TZID', 'VALUE' )))
$xparams[$paramKey] = $paramValue;
$params[$paramKey] = $paramValue;
ksort( $xparams, SORT_STRING );
foreach( $xparams as $paramKey => $paramValue ) {
if( ctype_digit( (string) $paramKey ))
$attr2 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.$paramValue;
$attr2 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter."$paramKey=$paramValue";
if( isset( $params['FMTTYPE'] ) && !in_array( 'FMTTYPE', $ctrKeys )) {
$attr1 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'FMTTYPE='.$params['FMTTYPE'].$attr2;
$attr2 = null;
if( isset( $params['ENCODING'] ) && !in_array( 'ENCODING', $ctrKeys )) {
if( !empty( $attr2 )) {
$attr1 .= $attr2;
$attr2 = null;
$attr1 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'ENCODING='.$params['ENCODING'];
if( isset( $params['VALUE'] ) && !in_array( 'VALUE', $ctrKeys ))
$attr1 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'VALUE='.$params['VALUE'];
if( isset( $params['TZID'] ) && !in_array( 'TZID', $ctrKeys )) {
$attr1 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'TZID='.$params['TZID'];
if( isset( $params['RANGE'] ) && !in_array( 'RANGE', $ctrKeys ))
$attr1 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'RANGE='.$params['RANGE'];
if( isset( $params['RELTYPE'] ) && !in_array( 'RELTYPE', $ctrKeys ))
$attr1 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'RELTYPE='.$params['RELTYPE'];
if( isset( $params['CN'] ) && $CNattrKey ) {
$attr1 = $this->intAttrDelimiter.'CN='.$params['CN'];
$CNattrExist = TRUE;
if( isset( $params['DIR'] ) && in_array( 'DIR', $ctrKeys )) {
$delim = ( FALSE !== strpos( $params['DIR'], '"' )) ? '' : '"';
$attr1 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'DIR='.$delim.$params['DIR'].$delim;
if( isset( $params['SENT-BY'] ) && in_array( 'SENT-BY', $ctrKeys ))
$attr1 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'SENT-BY='.$params['SENT-BY'];
if( isset( $params['ALTREP'] ) && in_array( 'ALTREP', $ctrKeys )) {
$delim = ( FALSE !== strpos( $params['ALTREP'], '"' )) ? '' : '"';
$attr1 .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'ALTREP='.$delim.$params['ALTREP'].$delim;
if( isset( $params['LANGUAGE'] ) && $LANGattrKey ) {
$attrLANG .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'LANGUAGE='.$params['LANGUAGE'];
$LANGattrExist = TRUE;
if( !$LANGattrExist ) {
$lang = $this->getConfig( 'language' );
if(( $CNattrExist || $LANGattrKey ) && $lang )
$attrLANG .= $this->intAttrDelimiter.'LANGUAGE='.$lang;
return $attr1.$attrLANG.$attr2;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
* iCalcreator, a PHP rfc2445/rfc5545 solution.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved
* @link
* @license
* @package iCalcreator
* @version 2.22
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* selectComponent help class
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.7 - 2015-03-10
class iCaldateTime extends dateTime {
/** @var string default date[-time] format */
public $dateFormat = 'Y-m-d H:i:s e';
/** @var string default object instance date[-time] 'key' */
public $key = null;
/** @var array date[-time] origin */
public $SCbools = array();
* return time (His) array
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.7 - 2015-03-07
* @return array
public function getTime() {
return explode( ':', $this->format( 'H:i:s' ));
* return the timezone name
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.7 - 2015-03-07
* @return string
public function getTimezoneName() {
$tz = $this->getTimezone();
return $tz->getName();
* return formatted date
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.7 - 2015-03-07
* @param string $format
* @uses iCaldateTime::$dateFormat
* @return string
public function format( $format=null ) {
if( empty( $format ) && isset( $this->dateFormat ))
$format = $this->dateFormat;
return parent::format( $format );
* return iCaldateTime object instance based on date array and timezone(s)
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.21.11 - 2015-03-28
* @param array $date
* @param array $params
* @param array $tz
* @param string $dtstartTz
* @uses iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt
* @uses iCaldateTime::getTimezoneName()
* @uses iCaldateTime::$dateFormat
* @uses iCaldateTime::$key
* @return object instance
public static function factory( array $date, $params=null, $tz=null, $dtstartTz=null ) {
if( isset( $params['TZID'] ) && ! empty( $params['TZID'] ))
$tz = ( 'Z' == $params['TZID'] ) ? 'UTC' : $params['TZID'];
elseif( isset( $tz['tz'] ) && ! empty( $tz['tz'] ))
$tz = ( 'Z' == $tz['tz'] ) ? 'UTC' : $tz['tz'];
$tz = ini_get( 'date_default_timezone_set' );
$strdate = sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['Ymd'], (int) $date['year'], (int) $date['month'], (int) $date['day'] );
if( isset( $date['hour'] ))
$strdate .= 'T'.sprintf( iCalUtilityFunctions::$fmt['His'], (int) $date['hour'], (int) $date['min'], (int) $date['sec'] );
try {
$timezone = new DateTimeZone( $tz );
$d = new iCaldateTime( $strdate, $timezone );
catch( Exception $e ) {
$d = new iCaldateTime( $strdate );
if( ! empty( $dtstartTz )) {
if( 'Z' == $dtstartTz )
$dtstartTz = 'UTC';
if( $dtstartTz != $d->getTimezoneName()) { // set the same timezone as dtstart
try {
$timezone = new DateTimeZone( $dtstartTz );
$d->setTimezone( $timezone );
catch( Exception $e ) {}
unset( $timezone, $strdate );
if( isset( $params['VALUE'] ) && ( 'DATE' == $params['VALUE'] )) {
$d->dateFormat = 'Y-m-d';
$d->key = $d->format( 'Ymd' );
$d->key = $d->format( 'YmdHis' );
return $d;

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@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
* iCalcreator, a PHP rfc2445/rfc5545 solution.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved
* @link
* @license
* @package iCalcreator
* @version 2.22
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* class for calendar component VALARM
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.5.1 - 2008-10-12
class valarm extends calendarComponent {
* @var array $action component property value
* @var array $attach component property value
* @var array $attendee component property value
* @var array $description component property value
* @var array $duration component property value
* @var array $repeat component property value
* @var array $summary component property value
* @var array $trigger component property value
* @access protected
protected $action;
protected $attach;
protected $attendee;
protected $description;
protected $duration;
protected $repeat;
protected $summary;
protected $trigger;
* constructor for calendar component VALARM object
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.8.2 - 2011-05-01
* @param array $config
* @uses valarm::calendarComponent()
* @uses valarm::$action
* @uses valarm::$attach
* @uses valarm::$attendee
* @uses valarm::$description
* @uses valarm::$duration
* @uses valarm::$repeat
* @uses valarm::$summary
* @uses valarm::$trigger
* @uses valarm::$xprop
* @uses calendarComponent::setConfig()
function valarm( $config = array()) {
$this->action = '';
$this->attach = '';
$this->attendee = '';
$this->description = '';
$this->duration = '';
$this->repeat = '';
$this->summary = '';
$this->trigger = '';
$this->xprop = '';
if( defined( 'ICAL_LANG' ) && !isset( $config['language'] ))
$config['language'] = ICAL_LANG;
if( !isset( $config['allowEmpty'] )) $config['allowEmpty'] = TRUE;
if( !isset( $config['nl'] )) $config['nl'] = "\r\n";
if( !isset( $config['format'] )) $config['format'] = 'iCal';
if( !isset( $config['delimiter'] )) $config['delimiter'] = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$this->setConfig( $config );
* create formatted output for calendar component VALARM object instance
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.5.1 - 2008-10-22
* @param array $xcaldecl
* @uses calendarComponent::_createFormat()
* @uses calendarComponent::$componentStart1
* @uses calendarComponent::$componentStart2
* @uses calendarComponent::$nl
* @uses calendarComponent::createAction()
* @uses calendarComponent::createAttach()
* @uses calendarComponent::createAttendee()
* @uses calendarComponent::createDescription()
* @uses calendarComponent::createDuration()
* @uses calendarComponent::createRepeat()
* @uses calendarComponent::createSummary()
* @uses calendarComponent::createTrigger()
* @uses calendarComponent::createXprop()
* @uses calendarComponent::$componentEnd1
* @uses calendarComponent::$componentEnd2
* @uses calendarComponent::$xcaldecl
* @return string
function createComponent( & $xcaldecl ) {
$objectname = $this->_createFormat();
$component = $this->componentStart1.$objectname.$this->componentStart2.$this->nl;
$component .= $this->createAction();
$component .= $this->createAttach();
$component .= $this->createAttendee();
$component .= $this->createDescription();
$component .= $this->createDuration();
$component .= $this->createRepeat();
$component .= $this->createSummary();
$component .= $this->createTrigger();
$component .= $this->createXprop();
$component .= $this->componentEnd1.$objectname.$this->componentEnd2;
if( is_array( $this->xcaldecl ) && ( 0 < count( $this->xcaldecl ))) {
foreach( $this->xcaldecl as $localxcaldecl )
$xcaldecl[] = $localxcaldecl;
return $component;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
* iCalcreator, a PHP rfc2445/rfc5545 solution.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved
* @link
* @license
* @package iCalcreator
* @version 2.22
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* class for calendar component VEVENT
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.5.1 - 2008-10-12
class vevent extends calendarComponent {
* @var array $attach component property value
* @var array $attendee component property value
* @var array $categories component property value
* @var array $comment component property value
* @var array $contact component property value
* @var array $class component property value
* @var array $created component property value
* @var array $description component property value
* @var array $dtend component property value
* @var array $dtstart component property value
* @var array $duration component property value
* @var array $exdate component property value
* @var array $exrule component property value
* @var array $geo component property value
* @var array $lastmodified component property value
* @var array $location component property value
* @var array $organizer component property value
* @var array $priority component property value
* @var array $rdate component property value
* @var array $recurrenceid component property value
* @var array $relatedto component property value
* @var array $requeststatus component property value
* @var array $resources component property value
* @var array $rrule component property value
* @var array $sequence component property value
* @var array $status component property value
* @var array $summary component property value
* @var array $transp component property value
* @var array $url component property value
* @access protected
protected $attach;
protected $attendee;
protected $categories;
protected $comment;
protected $contact;
protected $class;
protected $created;
protected $description;
protected $dtend;
protected $dtstart;
protected $duration;
protected $exdate;
protected $exrule;
protected $geo;
protected $lastmodified;
protected $location;
protected $organizer;
protected $priority;
protected $rdate;
protected $recurrenceid;
protected $relatedto;
protected $requeststatus;
protected $resources;
protected $rrule;
protected $sequence;
protected $status;
protected $summary;
protected $transp;
protected $url;
* constructor for calendar component VEVENT object
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.8.2 - 2011-05-01
* @param array $config
* @uses vevent::calendarComponent()
* @uses vevent::$attach
* @uses vevent::$attendee
* @uses vevent::$categories
* @uses vevent::$class
* @uses vevent::$comment
* @uses vevent::$contact
* @uses vevent::$created
* @uses vevent::$description
* @uses vevent::$dtstart
* @uses vevent::$dtend
* @uses vevent::$duration
* @uses vevent::$exdate
* @uses vevent::$exrule
* @uses vevent::$geo
* @uses vevent::$lastmodified
* @uses vevent::$location
* @uses vevent::$organizer
* @uses vevent::$priority
* @uses vevent::$rdate
* @uses vevent::$recurrenceid
* @uses vevent::$relatedto
* @uses vevent::$requeststatus
* @uses vevent::$resources
* @uses vevent::$rrule
* @uses vevent::$sequence
* @uses vevent::$status
* @uses vevent::$summary
* @uses vevent::$transp
* @uses vevent::$url
* @uses vevent::$xprop
* @uses vevent::$components
* @uses calendarComponent::setConfig()
function vevent( $config = array()) {
$this->attach = '';
$this->attendee = '';
$this->categories = '';
$this->class = '';
$this->comment = '';
$this->contact = '';
$this->created = '';
$this->description = '';
$this->dtstart = '';
$this->dtend = '';
$this->duration = '';
$this->exdate = '';
$this->exrule = '';
$this->geo = '';
$this->lastmodified = '';
$this->location = '';
$this->organizer = '';
$this->priority = '';
$this->rdate = '';
$this->recurrenceid = '';
$this->relatedto = '';
$this->requeststatus = '';
$this->resources = '';
$this->rrule = '';
$this->sequence = '';
$this->status = '';
$this->summary = '';
$this->transp = '';
$this->url = '';
$this->xprop = '';
$this->components = array();
if( defined( 'ICAL_LANG' ) && !isset( $config['language'] ))
$config['language'] = ICAL_LANG;
if( !isset( $config['allowEmpty'] )) $config['allowEmpty'] = TRUE;
if( !isset( $config['nl'] )) $config['nl'] = "\r\n";
if( !isset( $config['format'] )) $config['format'] = 'iCal';
if( !isset( $config['delimiter'] )) $config['delimiter'] = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$this->setConfig( $config );
* create formatted output for calendar component VEVENT object instance
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.10.16 - 2011-10-28
* @param array $xcaldecl
* @uses calendarComponent::_createFormat()
* @uses calendarComponent::$componentStart1
* @uses calendarComponent::$componentStart2
* @uses calendarComponent::$nl;
* @uses calendarComponent::createUid()
* @uses calendarComponent::createDtstamp()
* @uses calendarComponent::createAttach()
* @uses calendarComponent::createAttendee()
* @uses calendarComponent::createCategories()
* @uses calendarComponent::createComment()
* @uses calendarComponent::createContact()
* @uses calendarComponent::createClass()
* @uses calendarComponent::createCreated()
* @uses calendarComponent::createDescription()
* @uses calendarComponent::createDtstart()
* @uses calendarComponent::createDtend()
* @uses calendarComponent::createDuration()
* @uses calendarComponent::createExdate()
* @uses calendarComponent::createExrule()
* @uses calendarComponent::createGeo()
* @uses calendarComponent::createLastModified()
* @uses calendarComponent::createLocation()
* @uses calendarComponent::createOrganizer()
* @uses calendarComponent::createPriority()
* @uses calendarComponent::createRdate()
* @uses calendarComponent::createRrule()
* @uses calendarComponent::createRelatedTo()
* @uses calendarComponent::createRequestStatus()
* @uses calendarComponent::createRecurrenceid()
* @uses calendarComponent::createResources()
* @uses calendarComponent::createSequence()
* @uses calendarComponent::createStatus()
* @uses calendarComponent::createSummary()
* @uses calendarComponent::createTransp()
* @uses calendarComponent::createUrl()
* @uses calendarComponent::createXprop()
* @uses calendarComponent::createSubComponent()
* @uses calendarComponent::$componentEnd1
* @uses calendarComponent::$componentEnd2
* @uses calendarComponent::$xcaldecl
* @return string
function createComponent( & $xcaldecl ) {
$objectname = $this->_createFormat();
$component = $this->componentStart1.$objectname.$this->componentStart2.$this->nl;
$component .= $this->createUid();
$component .= $this->createDtstamp();
$component .= $this->createAttach();
$component .= $this->createAttendee();
$component .= $this->createCategories();
$component .= $this->createComment();
$component .= $this->createContact();
$component .= $this->createClass();
$component .= $this->createCreated();
$component .= $this->createDescription();
$component .= $this->createDtstart();
$component .= $this->createDtend();
$component .= $this->createDuration();
$component .= $this->createExdate();
$component .= $this->createExrule();
$component .= $this->createGeo();
$component .= $this->createLastModified();
$component .= $this->createLocation();
$component .= $this->createOrganizer();
$component .= $this->createPriority();
$component .= $this->createRdate();
$component .= $this->createRrule();
$component .= $this->createRelatedTo();
$component .= $this->createRequestStatus();
$component .= $this->createRecurrenceid();
$component .= $this->createResources();
$component .= $this->createSequence();
$component .= $this->createStatus();
$component .= $this->createSummary();
$component .= $this->createTransp();
$component .= $this->createUrl();
$component .= $this->createXprop();
$component .= $this->createSubComponent();
$component .= $this->componentEnd1.$objectname.$this->componentEnd2;
if( is_array( $this->xcaldecl ) && ( 0 < count( $this->xcaldecl ))) {
foreach( $this->xcaldecl as $localxcaldecl )
$xcaldecl[] = $localxcaldecl;
return $component;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
* iCalcreator, a PHP rfc2445/rfc5545 solution.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved
* @link
* @license
* @package iCalcreator
* @version 2.22
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* class for calendar component VFREEBUSY
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.5.1 - 2008-10-12
class vfreebusy extends calendarComponent {
* @var array $attendee component property value
* @var array $comment component property value
* @var array $contact component property value
* @var array $dtend component property value
* @var array $dtstart component property value
* @var array $duration component property value
* @var array $freebusy component property value
* @var array $organizer component property value
* @var array $requeststatus component property value
* @var array $url component property value
* @access protected
protected $attendee;
protected $comment;
protected $contact;
protected $dtend;
protected $dtstart;
protected $duration;
protected $freebusy;
protected $organizer;
protected $requeststatus;
protected $url;
* constructor for calendar component VFREEBUSY object
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.8.2 - 2011-05-01
* @param array $config
* @uses vjournal::calendarComponent()
* @uses vjournal::$attendee
* @uses vjournal::$comment
* @uses vjournal::$contact
* @uses vjournal::$dtend
* @uses vjournal::$dtstart
* @uses vjournal::$dtduration
* @uses vjournal::$organizer
* @uses vjournal::$requeststatus
* @uses vjournal::$url
* @uses vjournal::$xprop
* @uses calendarComponent::setConfig()
function vfreebusy( $config = array()) {
$this->attendee = '';
$this->comment = '';
$this->contact = '';
$this->dtend = '';
$this->dtstart = '';
$this->duration = '';
$this->freebusy = '';
$this->organizer = '';
$this->requeststatus = '';
$this->url = '';
$this->xprop = '';
if( defined( 'ICAL_LANG' ) && !isset( $config['language'] ))
$config['language'] = ICAL_LANG;
if( !isset( $config['allowEmpty'] )) $config['allowEmpty'] = TRUE;
if( !isset( $config['nl'] )) $config['nl'] = "\r\n";
if( !isset( $config['format'] )) $config['format'] = 'iCal';
if( !isset( $config['delimiter'] )) $config['delimiter'] = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$this->setConfig( $config );
* create formatted output for calendar component VFREEBUSY object instance
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.3.1 - 2007-11-19
* @param array $xcaldecl
* @uses calendarComponent::_createFormat()
* @uses calendarComponent::createUid()
* @uses calendarComponent::createDtstamp()
* @uses calendarComponent::createAttendee()
* @uses calendarComponent::createComment()
* @uses calendarComponent::createContact()
* @uses calendarComponent::createDtstart()
* @uses calendarComponent::createDtend()
* @uses calendarComponent::createDuration()
* @uses calendarComponent::createFreebusy()
* @uses calendarComponent::createOrganizer()
* @uses calendarComponent::createRequestStatus()
* @uses calendarComponent::createUrl()
* @uses calendarComponent::createXprop()
* @uses calendarComponent::createUrl()
* @uses calendarComponent::createXprop()
* @uses calendarComponent::$componentEnd1
* @uses calendarComponent::$componentEnd2
* @uses calendarComponent::$xcaldecl
* @return string
function createComponent( &$xcaldecl ) {
$objectname = $this->_createFormat();
$component = $this->componentStart1.$objectname.$this->componentStart2.$this->nl;
$component .= $this->createUid();
$component .= $this->createDtstamp();
$component .= $this->createAttendee();
$component .= $this->createComment();
$component .= $this->createContact();
$component .= $this->createDtstart();
$component .= $this->createDtend();
$component .= $this->createDuration();
$component .= $this->createFreebusy();
$component .= $this->createOrganizer();
$component .= $this->createRequestStatus();
$component .= $this->createUrl();
$component .= $this->createXprop();
$component .= $this->componentEnd1.$objectname.$this->componentEnd2;
if( is_array( $this->xcaldecl ) && ( 0 < count( $this->xcaldecl ))) {
foreach( $this->xcaldecl as $localxcaldecl )
$xcaldecl[] = $localxcaldecl;
return $component;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
* iCalcreator, a PHP rfc2445/rfc5545 solution.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved
* @link
* @license
* @package iCalcreator
* @version 2.22
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* class for calendar component VJOURNAL
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.5.1 - 2008-10-12
class vjournal extends calendarComponent {
* @var array $attach component property value
* @var array $attendee component property value
* @var array $categories component property value
* @var array $comment component property value
* @var array $contact component property value
* @var array $class component property value
* @var array $created component property value
* @var array $description component property value
* @var array $dtstart component property value
* @var array $exdate component property value
* @var array $exrule component property value
* @var array $lastmodified component property value
* @var array $organizer component property value
* @var array $rdate component property value
* @var array $recurrenceid component property value
* @var array $relatedto component property value
* @var array $requeststatus component property value
* @var array $rrule component property value
* @var array $sequence component property value
* @var array $status component property value
* @var array $summary component property value
* @var array $url component property value
* @access protected
protected $attach;
protected $attendee;
protected $categories;
protected $comment;
protected $contact;
protected $class;
protected $created;
protected $description;
protected $dtstart;
protected $exdate;
protected $exrule;
protected $lastmodified;
protected $organizer;
protected $rdate;
protected $recurrenceid;
protected $relatedto;
protected $requeststatus;
protected $rrule;
protected $sequence;
protected $status;
protected $summary;
protected $url;
* constructor for calendar component VJOURNAL object
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.8.2 - 2011-05-01
* @param array $config
* @uses vjournal::calendarComponent()
* @uses vjournal::$attach
* @uses vjournal::$attendee
* @uses vjournal::$categories
* @uses vjournal::$class
* @uses vjournal::$comment
* @uses vjournal::$contact
* @uses vjournal::$created
* @uses vjournal::$description
* @uses vjournal::$dtstart
* @uses vjournal::$exdate
* @uses vjournal::$exrule
* @uses vjournal::$lastmodified
* @uses vjournal::$organizer
* @uses vjournal::$rdate
* @uses vjournal::$recurrenceid
* @uses vjournal::$relatedto
* @uses vjournal::$requeststatus
* @uses vjournal::$rrule
* @uses vjournal::$sequence
* @uses vjournal::$status
* @uses vjournal::$summary
* @uses vjournal::$url
* @uses vjournal::$xprop
* @uses calendarComponent::setConfig()
function vjournal( $config = array()) {
$this->attach = '';
$this->attendee = '';
$this->categories = '';
$this->class = '';
$this->comment = '';
$this->contact = '';
$this->created = '';
$this->description = '';
$this->dtstart = '';
$this->exdate = '';
$this->exrule = '';
$this->lastmodified = '';
$this->organizer = '';
$this->rdate = '';
$this->recurrenceid = '';
$this->relatedto = '';
$this->requeststatus = '';
$this->rrule = '';
$this->sequence = '';
$this->status = '';
$this->summary = '';
$this->url = '';
$this->xprop = '';
if( defined( 'ICAL_LANG' ) && !isset( $config['language'] ))
$config['language'] = ICAL_LANG;
if( !isset( $config['allowEmpty'] )) $config['allowEmpty'] = TRUE;
if( !isset( $config['nl'] )) $config['nl'] = "\r\n";
if( !isset( $config['format'] )) $config['format'] = 'iCal';
if( !isset( $config['delimiter'] )) $config['delimiter'] = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$this->setConfig( $config );
* create formatted output for calendar component VJOURNAL object instance
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.5.1 - 2008-10-12
* @param array $xcaldecl
* @uses calendarComponent::_createFormat()
* @uses calendarComponent::$componentStart1
* @uses calendarComponent::$componentStart2
* @uses calendarComponent::$nl
* @uses calendarComponent::createUid()
* @uses calendarComponent::createDtstamp()
* @uses calendarComponent::createAttach()
* @uses calendarComponent::createAttendee()
* @uses calendarComponent::createCategories()
* @uses calendarComponent::createClass()
* @uses calendarComponent::createComment()
* @uses calendarComponent::createContact()
* @uses calendarComponent::createDescription()
* @uses calendarComponent::createDtstart()
* @uses calendarComponent::createExdate()
* @uses calendarComponent::createExrule()
* @uses calendarComponent::createLastModified()
* @uses calendarComponent::createOrganizer()
* @uses calendarComponent::createRdate()
* @uses calendarComponent::createRelatedTo()
* @uses calendarComponent::createRequestStatus()
* @uses calendarComponent::createRecurrenceid()
* @uses calendarComponent::createRrule()
* @uses calendarComponent::createSequence()
* @uses calendarComponent::createStatus()
* @uses calendarComponent::createSummary()
* @uses calendarComponent::createUrl()
* @uses calendarComponent::createXprop()
* @uses calendarComponent::$componentEnd1
* @uses calendarComponent::$componentEnd2
* @uses calendarComponent::$xcaldecl
* @return string
function createComponent( &$xcaldecl ) {
$objectname = $this->_createFormat();
$component = $this->componentStart1.$objectname.$this->componentStart2.$this->nl;
$component .= $this->createUid();
$component .= $this->createDtstamp();
$component .= $this->createAttach();
$component .= $this->createAttendee();
$component .= $this->createCategories();
$component .= $this->createClass();
$component .= $this->createComment();
$component .= $this->createContact();
$component .= $this->createCreated();
$component .= $this->createDescription();
$component .= $this->createDtstart();
$component .= $this->createExdate();
$component .= $this->createExrule();
$component .= $this->createLastModified();
$component .= $this->createOrganizer();
$component .= $this->createRdate();
$component .= $this->createRequestStatus();
$component .= $this->createRecurrenceid();
$component .= $this->createRelatedTo();
$component .= $this->createRrule();
$component .= $this->createSequence();
$component .= $this->createStatus();
$component .= $this->createSummary();
$component .= $this->createUrl();
$component .= $this->createXprop();
$component .= $this->componentEnd1.$objectname.$this->componentEnd2;
if( is_array( $this->xcaldecl ) && ( 0 < count( $this->xcaldecl ))) {
foreach( $this->xcaldecl as $localxcaldecl )
$xcaldecl[] = $localxcaldecl;
return $component;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
* iCalcreator, a PHP rfc2445/rfc5545 solution.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved
* @link
* @license
* @package iCalcreator
* @version 2.22
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* class for calendar component VTIMEZONE
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.5.1 - 2008-10-12
class vtimezone extends calendarComponent {
/** @var array $timezonetype component property value */
public $timezonetype;
* @var array $comment component property value
* @var array $dtstart component property value
* @var array $lastmodified component property value
* @var array $rdate component property value
* @var array $rrule component property value
* @var array $tzid component property value
* @var array $tzname component property value
* @var array $tzoffsetfrom component property value
* @var array $tzoffsetto component property value
* @var array $tzurl component property value
* @access protected
protected $comment;
protected $dtstart;
protected $lastmodified;
protected $rdate;
protected $rrule;
protected $tzid;
protected $tzname;
protected $tzoffsetfrom;
protected $tzoffsetto;
protected $tzurl;
* constructor for calendar component VTIMEZONE object
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.8.2 - 2011-05-01
* @param mixed $timezonetype default FALSE ( STANDARD / DAYLIGHT )
* @param array $config
* @uses vtimezone::$timezonetype
* @uses vtimezone::calendarComponent()
* @uses vtimezone::$comment
* @uses vtimezone::$dtstart
* @uses vtimezone::$lastmodified
* @uses vtimezone::$rdate
* @uses vtimezone::$rrule
* @uses vtimezone::$tzid
* @uses vtimezone::$tzname
* @uses vtimezone::$tzoffsetfrom
* @uses vtimezone::$tzoffsetto
* @uses vtimezone::$tzurl
* @uses vtimezone::$xprop
* @uses vtimezone::$components
* @uses calendarComponent::setConfig()
function vtimezone( $timezonetype=FALSE, $config = array()) {
if( is_array( $timezonetype )) {
$config = $timezonetype;
$timezonetype = FALSE;
if( !$timezonetype )
$this->timezonetype = 'VTIMEZONE';
$this->timezonetype = strtoupper( $timezonetype );
$this->comment = '';
$this->dtstart = '';
$this->lastmodified = '';
$this->rdate = '';
$this->rrule = '';
$this->tzid = '';
$this->tzname = '';
$this->tzoffsetfrom = '';
$this->tzoffsetto = '';
$this->tzurl = '';
$this->xprop = '';
$this->components = array();
if( defined( 'ICAL_LANG' ) && !isset( $config['language'] ))
$config['language'] = ICAL_LANG;
if( !isset( $config['allowEmpty'] )) $config['allowEmpty'] = TRUE;
if( !isset( $config['nl'] )) $config['nl'] = "\r\n";
if( !isset( $config['format'] )) $config['format'] = 'iCal';
if( !isset( $config['delimiter'] )) $config['delimiter'] = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$this->setConfig( $config );
* create formatted output for calendar component VTIMEZONE object instance
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.5.1 - 2008-10-25
* @param array $xcaldecl
* @uses calendarComponent::_createFormat()
* @uses calendarComponent::$componentStart1
* @uses calendarComponent::$componentStart2
* @uses calendarComponent::$nl
* @uses calendarComponent::createTzid()
* @uses calendarComponent::createLastModified()
* @uses calendarComponent::createTzurl()
* @uses calendarComponent::createDtstart()
* @uses calendarComponent::createTzoffsetfrom()
* @uses calendarComponent::createTzoffsetto()
* @uses calendarComponent::createComment()
* @uses calendarComponent::createRdate()
* @uses calendarComponent::createRrule()
* @uses calendarComponent::createTzname()
* @uses calendarComponent::createXprop()
* @uses calendarComponent::createSubComponent()
* @uses calendarComponent::createXprop()
* @uses calendarComponent::$componentEnd1
* @uses calendarComponent::$componentEnd2
* @uses calendarComponent::$xcaldecl
* @return string
function createComponent( &$xcaldecl ) {
$objectname = $this->_createFormat();
$component = $this->componentStart1.$objectname.$this->componentStart2.$this->nl;
$component .= $this->createTzid();
$component .= $this->createLastModified();
$component .= $this->createTzurl();
$component .= $this->createDtstart();
$component .= $this->createTzoffsetfrom();
$component .= $this->createTzoffsetto();
$component .= $this->createComment();
$component .= $this->createRdate();
$component .= $this->createRrule();
$component .= $this->createTzname();
$component .= $this->createXprop();
$component .= $this->createSubComponent();
$component .= $this->componentEnd1.$objectname.$this->componentEnd2;
if( is_array( $this->xcaldecl ) && ( 0 < count( $this->xcaldecl ))) {
foreach( $this->xcaldecl as $localxcaldecl )
$xcaldecl[] = $localxcaldecl;
return $component;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
* A PHP implementation of rfc2445/rfc5545.
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved
* @link
* @license
* @package iCalcreator
* @version 2.22
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* class for calendar component VTODO
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.5.1 - 2008-10-12
class vtodo extends calendarComponent {
* @var array $attach component property value
* @var array $attendee component property value
* @var array $categories component property value
* @var array $comment component property value
* @var array $completed component property value
* @var array $contact component property value
* @var array $class component property value
* @var array $created component property value
* @var array $description component property value
* @var array $dtstart component property value
* @var array $due component property value
* @var array $duration component property value
* @var array $exdate component property value
* @var array $exrule component property value
* @var array $geo component property value
* @var array $lastmodified component property value
* @var array $location component property value
* @var array $organizer component property value
* @var array $percentcomplete component property value
* @var array $priority component property value
* @var array $rdate component property value
* @var array $recurrenceid component property value
* @var array $relatedto component property value
* @var array $requeststatus component property value
* @var array $resources component property value
* @var array $rrule component property value
* @var array $sequence component property value
* @var array $status component property value
* @var array $summary component property value
* @var arrayr $url;
* @access protected
protected $attach;
protected $attendee;
protected $categories;
protected $comment;
protected $completed;
protected $contact;
protected $class;
protected $created;
protected $description;
protected $dtstart;
protected $due;
protected $duration;
protected $exdate;
protected $exrule;
protected $geo;
protected $lastmodified;
protected $location;
protected $organizer;
protected $percentcomplete;
protected $priority;
protected $rdate;
protected $recurrenceid;
protected $relatedto;
protected $requeststatus;
protected $resources;
protected $rrule;
protected $sequence;
protected $status;
protected $summary;
protected $url;
* constructor for calendar component VTODO object
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.8.2 - 2011-05-01
* @param array $config
* @uses vtodo::calendarComponent()
* @uses vtodo::$attach
* @uses vtodo::$attendee
* @uses vtodo::$categories
* @uses vtodo::$class
* @uses vtodo::$comment
* @uses vtodo::$completed
* @uses vtodo::$contact
* @uses vtodo::$created
* @uses vtodo::$description
* @uses vtodo::$dtstart
* @uses vtodo::$due
* @uses vtodo::$duration
* @uses vtodo::$exdate
* @uses vtodo::$exrule
* @uses vtodo::$geo
* @uses vtodo::$lastmodified
* @uses vtodo::$location
* @uses vtodo::$organizer
* @uses vtodo::$percentcomplete
* @uses vtodo::$priority
* @uses vtodo::$rdate
* @uses vtodo::$recurrenceid
* @uses vtodo::$relatedto
* @uses vtodo::$requeststatus
* @uses vtodo::$resources
* @uses vtodo::$rrule
* @uses vtodo::$sequence
* @uses vtodo::$status
* @uses vtodo::$summary
* @uses vtodo::$url
* @uses vtodo::$xprop
* @uses vtodo::$components
* @uses calendarComponent::setConfig()
function vtodo( $config = array()) {
$this->attach = '';
$this->attendee = '';
$this->categories = '';
$this->class = '';
$this->comment = '';
$this->completed = '';
$this->contact = '';
$this->created = '';
$this->description = '';
$this->dtstart = '';
$this->due = '';
$this->duration = '';
$this->exdate = '';
$this->exrule = '';
$this->geo = '';
$this->lastmodified = '';
$this->location = '';
$this->organizer = '';
$this->percentcomplete = '';
$this->priority = '';
$this->rdate = '';
$this->recurrenceid = '';
$this->relatedto = '';
$this->requeststatus = '';
$this->resources = '';
$this->rrule = '';
$this->sequence = '';
$this->status = '';
$this->summary = '';
$this->url = '';
$this->xprop = '';
$this->components = array();
if( defined( 'ICAL_LANG' ) && !isset( $config['language'] ))
$config['language'] = ICAL_LANG;
if( !isset( $config['allowEmpty'] )) $config['allowEmpty'] = TRUE;
if( !isset( $config['nl'] )) $config['nl'] = "\r\n";
if( !isset( $config['format'] )) $config['format'] = 'iCal';
if( !isset( $config['delimiter'] )) $config['delimiter'] = DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
$this->setConfig( $config );
* create formatted output for calendar component VTODO object instance
* @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult <>
* @since 2.5.1 - 2008-11-07
* @param array $xcaldecl
* @uses calendarComponent::_createFormat()
* @uses calendarComponent::$componentStart1
* @uses calendarComponent::$componentStart2
* @uses calendarComponent::$nl;
* @uses calendarComponent::createUid()
* @uses calendarComponent::createDtstamp()
* @uses calendarComponent::createAttach()
* @uses calendarComponent::createAttendee()
* @uses calendarComponent::createCategories()
* @uses calendarComponent::createClass()
* @uses calendarComponent::createComment()
* @uses calendarComponent::createCompleted()
* @uses calendarComponent::createContact()
* @uses calendarComponent::createDescription()
* @uses calendarComponent::createDtstart()
* @uses calendarComponent::createDtend()
* @uses calendarComponent::createDuration()
* @uses calendarComponent::createExdate()
* @uses calendarComponent::createExrule()
* @uses calendarComponent::createGeo()
* @uses calendarComponent::createLastModified()
* @uses calendarComponent::createLocation()
* @uses calendarComponent::createOrganizer()
* @uses calendarComponent::createPriority()
* @uses calendarComponent::createRdate()
* @uses calendarComponent::createRelatedTo()
* @uses calendarComponent::createRequestStatus()
* @uses calendarComponent::createRecurrenceid()
* @uses calendarComponent::createResources()
* @uses calendarComponent::createRrule()
* @uses calendarComponent::createSequence()
* @uses calendarComponent::createStatus()
* @uses calendarComponent::createSummary()
* @uses calendarComponent::createUrl()
* @uses calendarComponent::createXprop()
* @uses calendarComponent::createSubComponent()
* @uses calendarComponent::$componentEnd1
* @uses calendarComponent::$componentEnd2
* @uses calendarComponent::$xcaldecl
* @return string
function createComponent( &$xcaldecl ) {
$objectname = $this->_createFormat();
$component = $this->componentStart1.$objectname.$this->componentStart2.$this->nl;
$component .= $this->createUid();
$component .= $this->createDtstamp();
$component .= $this->createAttach();
$component .= $this->createAttendee();
$component .= $this->createCategories();
$component .= $this->createClass();
$component .= $this->createComment();
$component .= $this->createCompleted();
$component .= $this->createContact();
$component .= $this->createCreated();
$component .= $this->createDescription();
$component .= $this->createDtstart();
$component .= $this->createDue();
$component .= $this->createDuration();
$component .= $this->createExdate();
$component .= $this->createExrule();
$component .= $this->createGeo();
$component .= $this->createLastModified();
$component .= $this->createLocation();
$component .= $this->createOrganizer();
$component .= $this->createPercentComplete();
$component .= $this->createPriority();
$component .= $this->createRdate();
$component .= $this->createRelatedTo();
$component .= $this->createRequestStatus();
$component .= $this->createRecurrenceid();
$component .= $this->createResources();
$component .= $this->createRrule();
$component .= $this->createSequence();
$component .= $this->createStatus();
$component .= $this->createSummary();
$component .= $this->createUrl();
$component .= $this->createXprop();
$component .= $this->createSubComponent();
$component .= $this->componentEnd1.$objectname.$this->componentEnd2;
if( is_array( $this->xcaldecl ) && ( 0 < count( $this->xcaldecl ))) {
foreach( $this->xcaldecl as $localxcaldecl )
$xcaldecl[] = $localxcaldecl;
return $component;

View File

@ -20,10 +20,9 @@
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
class CalendarModule extends Module {