false ); /** * @var array Internal data container. Contains vCard objects for multiple vCards and just the data for single vCards. */ private $Data = array(); /** * @static Parts of structured elements according to the spec. */ private static $Spec_StructuredElements = array( 'n' => array('LastName', 'FirstName', 'AdditionalNames', 'Prefixes', 'Suffixes'), 'adr' => array('POBox', 'ExtendedAddress', 'StreetAddress', 'Locality', 'Region', 'PostalCode', 'Country'), 'geo' => array('Latitude', 'Longitude'), 'org' => array('Name', 'Unit1', 'Unit2') ); private static $Spec_MultipleValueElements = array('nickname', 'categories'); private static $Spec_ElementTypes = array( 'email' => array('internet', 'x400', 'pref'), 'adr' => array('dom', 'intl', 'postal', 'parcel', 'home', 'work', 'pref'), 'label' => array('dom', 'intl', 'postal', 'parcel', 'home', 'work', 'pref'), 'tel' => array('home', 'msg', 'work', 'pref', 'voice', 'fax', 'cell', 'video', 'pager', 'bbs', 'modem', 'car', 'isdn', 'pcs'), 'impp' => array('personal', 'business', 'home', 'work', 'mobile', 'pref') ); private static $Spec_FileElements = array('photo', 'logo', 'sound'); /** * vCard constructor * * @param string Path to file, optional. * @param string Raw data, optional. * @param array Additional options, optional. Currently supported options: * bool Collapse: If true, elements that can have multiple values but have only a single value are returned as that value instead of an array * If false, an array is returned even if it has only one value. * * One of these parameters must be provided, otherwise an exception is thrown. */ public function __construct($Path = false, $RawData = false, array $Options = null) { // Checking preconditions for the parser. // If path is given, the file should be accessible. // If raw data is given, it is taken as it is. // In both cases the real content is put in $this -> RawData if ($Path) { if (!is_readable($Path)) { throw new Exception('vCard: Path not accessible ('.$Path.')'); } $this -> Path = $Path; $this -> RawData = file_get_contents($this -> Path); } elseif ($RawData) { $this -> RawData = $RawData; } else { //throw new Exception('vCard: No content provided'); // Not necessary anymore as possibility to create vCards is added } if (!$this -> Path && !$this -> RawData) { return true; } if ($Options) { $this -> Options = array_merge($this -> Options, $Options); } // Counting the begin/end separators. If there aren't any or the count doesn't match, there is a problem with the file. // If there is only one, this is a single vCard, if more, multiple vCards are combined. $Matches = array(); $vCardBeginCount = preg_match_all('{^BEGIN\:VCARD}miS', $this -> RawData, $Matches); $vCardEndCount = preg_match_all('{^END\:VCARD}miS', $this -> RawData, $Matches); if (($vCardBeginCount != $vCardEndCount) || !$vCardBeginCount) { $this -> Mode = vCard::MODE_ERROR; throw new Exception('vCard: invalid vCard'); } $this -> Mode = $vCardBeginCount == 1 ? vCard::MODE_SINGLE : vCard::MODE_MULTIPLE; // Removing/changing inappropriate newlines, i.e., all CRs or multiple newlines are changed to a single newline $this -> RawData = str_replace("\r", "\n", $this -> RawData); $this -> RawData = preg_replace('{(\n+)}', "\n", $this -> RawData); // In multiple card mode the raw text is split at card beginning markers and each // fragment is parsed in a separate vCard object. if ($this -> Mode == self::MODE_MULTIPLE) { $this -> RawData = explode('BEGIN:VCARD', $this -> RawData); $this -> RawData = array_filter($this -> RawData); foreach ($this -> RawData as $SinglevCardRawData) { // Prepending "BEGIN:VCARD" to the raw string because we exploded on that one. // If there won't be the BEGIN marker in the new object, it will fail. $SinglevCardRawData = 'BEGIN:VCARD'."\n".$SinglevCardRawData; $ClassName = get_class($this); $this -> Data[] = new $ClassName(false, $SinglevCardRawData); } } else { // Protect the BASE64 final = sign (detected by the line beginning with whitespace), otherwise the next replace will get rid of it $this -> RawData = preg_replace('{(\n\s.+)=(\n)}', '$1-base64=-$2', $this -> RawData); // Joining multiple lines that are split with a hard wrap and indicated by an equals sign at the end of line // (quoted-printable-encoded values in v2.1 vCards) $this -> RawData = str_replace("=\n", '', $this -> RawData); // Joining multiple lines that are split with a soft wrap (space or tab on the beginning of the next line $this -> RawData = str_replace(array("\n ", "\n\t"), '-wrap-', $this -> RawData); // Restoring the BASE64 final equals sign (see a few lines above) $this -> RawData = str_replace("-base64=-\n", "=\n", $this -> RawData); $Lines = explode("\n", $this -> RawData); foreach ($Lines as $Line) { // Lines without colons are skipped because, most likely, they contain no data. if (strpos($Line, ':') === false) { continue; } // Each line is split into two parts. The key contains the element name and additional parameters, if present, // value is just the value list($Key, $Value) = explode(':', $Line, 2); // Key is transformed to lowercase because, even though the element and parameter names are written in uppercase, // it is quite possible that they will be in lower- or mixed case. // The key is trimmed to allow for non-significant WSP characters as allowed by v2.1 $Key = strtolower(trim(self::Unescape($Key))); // These two lines can be skipped as they aren't necessary at all. if ($Key == 'begin' || $Key == 'end') { continue; } if ((strpos($Key, 'agent') === 0) && (stripos($Value, 'begin:vcard') !== false)) { $ClassName = get_class($this); $Value = new $ClassName(false, str_replace('-wrap-', "\n", $Value)); if (!isset($this -> Data[$Key])) { $this -> Data[$Key] = array(); } $this -> Data[$Key][] = $Value; continue; } else { $Value = str_replace('-wrap-', '', $Value); } $Value = trim(self::Unescape($Value)); $Type = array(); // Here additional parameters are parsed $KeyParts = explode(';', $Key); $Key = $KeyParts[0]; $Encoding = false; if (strpos($Key, 'item') === 0) { $TmpKey = explode('.', $Key, 2); $Key = $TmpKey[1]; $ItemIndex = (int)str_ireplace('item', '', $TmpKey[0]); } if (count($KeyParts) > 1) { $Parameters = self::ParseParameters($Key, array_slice($KeyParts, 1)); foreach ($Parameters as $ParamKey => $ParamValue) { switch ($ParamKey) { case 'encoding': $Encoding = $ParamValue; if (in_array($ParamValue, array('b', 'base64'))) { //$Value = base64_decode($Value); } elseif ($ParamValue == 'quoted-printable') // v2.1 { $Value = quoted_printable_decode($Value); } break; case 'charset': // v2.1 if ($ParamValue != 'utf-8' && $ParamValue != 'utf8') { $Value = mb_convert_encoding($Value, 'UTF-8', $ParamValue); } break; case 'type': $Type = $ParamValue; break; } } } // Checking files for colon-separated additional parameters (Apple's Address Book does this), for example, "X-ABCROP-RECTANGLE" for photos if (in_array($Key, self::$Spec_FileElements) && isset($Parameters['encoding']) && in_array($Parameters['encoding'], array('b', 'base64'))) { // If colon is present in the value, it must contain Address Book parameters // (colon is an invalid character for base64 so it shouldn't appear in valid files) if (strpos($Value, ':') !== false) { $Value = explode(':', $Value); $Value = array_pop($Value); } } // Values are parsed according to their type if (isset(self::$Spec_StructuredElements[$Key])) { $Value = self::ParseStructuredValue($Value, $Key); if ($Type) { $Value['Type'] = $Type; } } else { if (in_array($Key, self::$Spec_MultipleValueElements)) { $Value = self::ParseMultipleTextValue($Value, $Key); } if ($Type) { $Value = array( 'Value' => $Value, 'Type' => $Type ); } } if (is_array($Value) && $Encoding) { $Value['Encoding'] = $Encoding; } if (!isset($this -> Data[$Key])) { $this -> Data[$Key] = array(); } $this -> Data[$Key][] = $Value; } } } /** * Magic method to get the various vCard values as object members, e.g. * a call to $vCard -> N gets the "N" value * * @param string Key * * @return mixed Value */ public function __get($Key) { $Key = strtolower($Key); if (isset($this -> Data[$Key])) { if ($Key == 'agent') { return $this -> Data[$Key]; } elseif (in_array($Key, self::$Spec_FileElements)) { $Value = $this -> Data[$Key]; foreach ($Value as $K => $V) { if (stripos($V['Value'], 'uri:') === 0) { $Value[$K]['Value'] = substr($V, 4); $Value[$K]['Encoding'] = 'uri'; } } return $Value; } if ($this -> Options['Collapse'] && is_array($this -> Data[$Key]) && (count($this -> Data[$Key]) == 1)) { return $this -> Data[$Key][0]; } return $this -> Data[$Key]; } elseif ($Key == 'Mode') { return $this -> Mode; } return array(); } /** * Saves an embedded file * * @param string Key * @param int Index of the file, defaults to 0 * @param string Target path where the file should be saved, including the filename * * @return bool Operation status */ public function SaveFile($Key, $Index = 0, $TargetPath = '') { if (!isset($this -> Data[$Key])) { return false; } if (!isset($this -> Data[$Key][$Index])) { return false; } // Returing false if it is an image URL if (stripos($this -> Data[$Key][$Index]['Value'], 'uri:') === 0) { return false; } if (is_writable($TargetPath) || (!file_exists($TargetPath) && is_writable(dirname($TargetPath)))) { $RawContent = $this -> Data[$Key][$Index]['Value']; if (isset($this -> Data[$Key][$Index]['Encoding']) && $this -> Data[$Key][$Index]['Encoding'] == 'b') { $RawContent = base64_decode($RawContent); } $Status = file_put_contents($TargetPath, $RawContent); return (bool)$Status; } else { throw new Exception('vCard: Cannot save file ('.$Key.'), target path not writable ('.$TargetPath.')'); } return false; } /** * Magic method for adding data to the vCard * * @param string Key * @param string Method call arguments. First element is value. * * @return vCard Current object for method chaining */ public function __call($Key, $Arguments) { $Key = strtolower($Key); if (!isset($this -> Data[$Key])) { $this -> Data[$Key] = array(); } $Value = isset($Arguments[0]) ? $Arguments[0] : false; if (count($Arguments) > 1) { $Types = array_values(array_slice($Arguments, 1)); if (isset(self::$Spec_StructuredElements[$Key]) && in_array($Arguments[1], self::$Spec_StructuredElements[$Key]) ) { $LastElementIndex = 0; if (count($this -> Data[$Key])) { $LastElementIndex = count($this -> Data[$Key]) - 1; } if (isset($this -> Data[$Key][$LastElementIndex])) { if (empty($this -> Data[$Key][$LastElementIndex][$Types[0]])) { $this -> Data[$Key][$LastElementIndex][$Types[0]] = $Value; } else { $LastElementIndex++; } } if (!isset($this -> Data[$Key][$LastElementIndex])) { $this -> Data[$Key][$LastElementIndex] = array( $Types[0] => $Value ); } } elseif (isset(self::$Spec_ElementTypes[$Key])) { $this -> Data[$Key][] = array( 'Value' => $Value, 'Type' => $Types ); } } elseif ($Value) { $this -> Data[$Key][] = $Value; } return $this; } /** * Magic method for getting vCard content out * * @return string Raw vCard content */ public function __toString() { $Text = 'BEGIN:VCARD'.self::endl; $Text .= 'VERSION:3.0'.self::endl; foreach ($this -> Data as $Key => $Values) { $KeyUC = strtoupper($Key); $Key = strtolower($Key); if (in_array($KeyUC, array('PHOTO', 'VERSION'))) { continue; } foreach ($Values as $Index => $Value) { $Text .= $KeyUC; if (is_array($Value) && isset($Value['Type'])) { $Text .= ';TYPE='.self::PrepareTypeStrForOutput($Value['Type']); } $Text .= ':'; if (isset(self::$Spec_StructuredElements[$Key])) { $PartArray = array(); foreach (self::$Spec_StructuredElements[$Key] as $Part) { $PartArray[] = isset($Value[$Part]) ? $Value[$Part] : ''; } $Text .= implode(';', $PartArray); } elseif (is_array($Value) && isset(self::$Spec_ElementTypes[$Key])) { $Text .= $Value['Value']; } else { $Text .= $Value; } $Text .= self::endl; } } $Text .= 'END:VCARD'.self::endl; return $Text; } // !Helper methods private static function PrepareTypeStrForOutput($Type) { return implode(',', array_map('strtoupper', $Type)); } /** * Removes the escaping slashes from the text. * * @access private * * @param string Text to prepare. * * @return string Resulting text. */ private static function Unescape($Text) { return str_replace(array('\:', '\;', '\,', "\n"), array(':', ';', ',', ''), $Text); } /** * Separates the various parts of a structured value according to the spec. * * @access private * * @param string Raw text string * @param string Key (e.g., N, ADR, ORG, etc.) * * @return array Parts in an associative array. */ private static function ParseStructuredValue($Text, $Key) { $Text = array_map('trim', explode(';', $Text)); $Result = array(); $Ctr = 0; foreach (self::$Spec_StructuredElements[$Key] as $Index => $StructurePart) { $Result[$StructurePart] = isset($Text[$Index]) ? $Text[$Index] : null; } return $Result; } /** * @access private */ private static function ParseMultipleTextValue($Text) { return explode(',', $Text); } /** * @access private */ private static function ParseParameters($Key, array $RawParams = null) { if (!$RawParams) { return array(); } // Parameters are split into (key, value) pairs $Parameters = array(); foreach ($RawParams as $Item) { $Parameters[] = explode('=', strtolower($Item)); } $Type = array(); $Result = array(); // And each parameter is checked whether anything can/should be done because of it foreach ($Parameters as $Index => $Parameter) { // Skipping empty elements if (!$Parameter) { continue; } // Handling type parameters without the explicit TYPE parameter name (2.1 valid) if (count($Parameter) == 1) { // Checks if the type value is allowed for the specific element // The second part of the "if" statement means that email elements can have non-standard types (see the spec) if ( (isset(self::$Spec_ElementTypes[$Key]) && in_array($Parameter[0], self::$Spec_ElementTypes[$Key])) || ($Key == 'email' && is_scalar($Parameter[0])) ) { $Type[] = $Parameter[0]; } } elseif (count($Parameter) > 2) { $TempTypeParams = self::ParseParameters($Key, explode(',', $RawParams[$Index])); if ($TempTypeParams['type']) { $Type = array_merge($Type, $TempTypeParams['type']); } } else { switch ($Parameter[0]) { case 'encoding': if (in_array($Parameter[1], array('quoted-printable', 'b', 'base64'))) { $Result['encoding'] = $Parameter[1] == 'base64' ? 'b' : $Parameter[1]; } break; case 'charset': $Result['charset'] = $Parameter[1]; break; case 'type': $Type = array_merge($Type, explode(',', $Parameter[1])); break; case 'value': if (strtolower($Parameter[1]) == 'url') { $Result['encoding'] = 'uri'; } break; } } } $Result['type'] = $Type; return $Result; } // !Interface methods // Countable interface public function count() { switch ($this -> Mode) { case self::MODE_ERROR: return 0; break; case self::MODE_SINGLE: return 1; break; case self::MODE_MULTIPLE: return count($this -> Data); break; } return 0; } // Iterator interface public function rewind() { reset($this -> Data); } public function current() { return current($this -> Data); } public function next() { return next($this -> Data); } public function valid() { return ($this -> current() !== false); } public function key() { return key($this -> Data); } } ?>