starting changes for v2
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="VcsDirectoryMappings">
<mapping directory="$PROJECT_DIR$" vcs="Git" />
@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
<project default="all">
<!--############# CONFIGURE ALL PROPERTIES FOR THE REPLACER HERE ################-->
<property name="plugin_version" value="1.0.3"/>
<!-- EOC -->
<property name="root-folder" value="${basedir}/../"/>
<property name="tools-folder" value="${root-folder}/TOOLS/"/>
<property name="target-folder" value="${root-folder}/DEPLOY/plugins"/>
<property environment="env"/>
<property name="root-folder" value="${basedir}/../../"/>
<property name="tools-folder" value="${root-folder}/tools/"/>
<property name="target-folder" value="${root-folder}/deploy/plugins"/>
<property name="server-folder" value="${root-folder}/server"/>
<import file="${tools-folder}/antutil.xml"/>
<typedef file="${tools-folder}/antlib.xml">
<pathelement location="${tools-folder}/tools.jar"/>
<pathelement location="${tools-folder}/lib/compiler.jar"/>
@ -21,30 +18,8 @@
<pathelement location="${tools-folder}/lib/ant-contrib-1.0b3.jar"/>
<!-- os checks for xmllint... -->
<condition property="isWindows" value="true">
<os family="windows" />
<!-- define nicknames for libraries -->
<property name="yui-compressor" location="${tools-folder}/lib/yuicompressor-2.4.2.jar" />
<property name="yui-compressor-ant-task" location="${tools-folder}/lib/yui-compressor-ant-task-0.5.jar" />
<!-- adds libraries to the classpath -->
<path id="yui.classpath">
<pathelement location="${yui-compressor}" />
<pathelement location="${yui-compressor-ant-task}" />
<!-- define tasks -->
<taskdef name="yui-compressor" classname="">
<classpath refid="yui.classpath" />
<!-- Determine plugin name -->
<var name="plugin" unset="true"/>
<basename file="${basedir}" property="plugin"/>
<!-- The Plugin distribution files -->
@ -54,8 +29,7 @@
<!-- The Plugin CSS files -->
<property name="plugin-css-folder" value="resources/css"/>
<property name="plugin-css-file" value="${plugin}-min.css"/>
<property name="plugin-css-debug-file" value="${plugin}.css"/>
<property name="plugin-css-file" value="${plugin}.css"/>
<!-- Meta target -->
<target name="all" depends="concat, compress"/>
@ -68,16 +42,6 @@
<include name="${plugin-file}"/>
<include name="${plugin-debugfile}"/>
<fileset dir="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/php">
<include name="**/*.php"/>
<fileset dir="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/resources">
<include name="**/*"/>
<fileset dir="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/${plugin-css-folder}">
<include name="${plugin-css-debug-file}"/>
<include name="${plugin-css-file}"/>
@ -89,19 +53,11 @@
<mkdir dir="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/js"/>
<echo message="Concatenating: ${plugin-debugfile}"/>
<!-- TODO: fix JS files for zConcat -->
<!--zConcat outputFolder="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/js" outputFile="${plugin-debugfile}" prioritize="\w+">
<zConcat outputFolder="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/js" outputFile="${plugin-debugfile}" prioritize="\w+">
<fileset dir="js" includes="**/*.js" />
<concat destfile="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/js/${plugin-debugfile}">
<fileset file="js/ABOUT.js" />
<fileset file="js/plugin.contactimporter.js" />
<fileset file="js/data/ResponseHandler.js" />
<fileset file="js/dialogs/ImportContentPanel.js" />
<fileset file="js/dialogs/ImportPanel.js" />
@ -110,8 +66,8 @@
<available file="${plugin-css-folder}" type="dir" />
<mkdir dir="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/${plugin-css-folder}"/>
<echo message="Concatenating: ${plugin-css-debug-file}"/>
<zConcat outputFolder="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/${plugin-css-folder}" outputFile="${plugin-css-debug-file}">
<echo message="Concatenating: ${plugin-css-file}"/>
<zConcat outputFolder="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/${plugin-css-folder}" outputFile="${plugin-css-file}">
<fileset dir="${plugin-css-folder}" includes="**/*.css" />
@ -155,16 +111,7 @@
var npgettext = function(msgctxt, msgid, msgid_plural, count) {};
var pgettext = function(msgctxt, msgid) {};
<include name="${plugin-debugfile}" />
@ -172,105 +119,81 @@
<!-- syntax check all PHP files -->
<target name="validate">
<available file="config.php" type="file" />
<available file="php" filepath="${env.PATH}" />
<antcall target="syntax-check">
<param name="file" value="config.php"/>
<available file="php" type="dir" />
<foreach target="syntax-check" param="file">
<fileset dir=".">
<include name="**/*.php"/>
<available file="config.php" type="file" />
<antcall target="syntax-check">
<param name="file" value="config.php"/>
<available file="php" type="dir" />
<foreach target="syntax-check" param="file">
<fileset dir=".">
<include name="**/*.php"/>
<echo message="WARNING: PHP not available, not performing syntax-check on php files"/>
<target name="syntax-check">
<echo message="validating ${file}"/>
<exec executable="php" failonerror="true" failifexecutionfails="false">
<exec executable="php" failonerror="true">
<arg value="-l"/>
<arg value="${file}"/>
<!-- on windows we do not check the xml file -->
<target name="xml-os-sel" depends="xml-check,xml-copy">
<echo>Processing manifest.xml</echo>
<!-- check manifest.xml if we are on windows... -->
<target name="xml-check" unless="isWindows">
<echo message="Checking xml: manifest.xml" />
<!-- Copy (and validate) manifest.xml -->
<exec executable="xmllint" output="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/manifest.xml" failonerror="true" error="/dev/stdout" failifexecutionfails="false">
<arg value="--valid"/>
<arg value="--path"/>
<arg value="${root-folder}/server"/>
<arg value="manifest.xml"/>
<!-- check manifest.xml if we are on windows... -->
<target name="xml-copy" if="isWindows">
<echo message="Copying xml: manifest.xml" />
<!-- Copy manifest.xml -->
<copy todir="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}">
<fileset dir=".">
<include name="manifest.xml"/>
<!-- Install all files into the target folder -->
<target name="deploy" depends="clean, compress, compresscss, validate, xml-os-sel">
<target name="deploy" depends="compress, validate">
<mkdir dir="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}"/>
<!-- Copy (and validate) manifest.xml -->
<available file="xmllint" filepath="${env.PATH}" />
<exec executable="xmllint" output="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/manifest.xml" failonerror="true">
<arg value="--valid"/>
<arg value="--path"/>
<arg value="${server-folder}"/>
<arg value="manifest.xml"/>
<echo message="WARNING: xmllint not available, not performing syntax-check on manifest.xml"/>
<!-- xmllint is not available, so we must copy the file manually -->
<copy todir="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}">
<fileset dir=".">
<include name="manifest.xml"/>
<!-- copy files -->
<copy todir="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}">
<fileset dir=".">
<include name="resources/**/*"/>
<include name="resources/**/*.*"/>
<include name="external/**/*.*"/>
<include name="php/**/*.php"/>
<include name="config.php"/>
<include name="changelog.txt"/>
<!-- exclude the ant script -->
<exclude name="build.xml"/>
<!-- CSS is generated during build -->
<exclude name="resources/css/*.*"/>
<!-- replace all variables... -->
<replace file="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/manifest.xml" token="@_@PLUGIN_VERSION@_@" value="${plugin_version}" />
<!-- compresses each CSS file -->
<target name="compresscss" depends="concat">
<available file="${tools-folder}/lib/yui-compressor-ant-task-0.5.jar" property="YUIANT_AVAILABLE" />
<fail unless="YUIANT_AVAILABLE" message="yui-compressor-ant-task-0.5.jar not found" />
<available file="${target-folder}/${plugin-folder}/${plugin-css-folder}/${plugin-css-debug-file}" type="file" />
<include name="${plugin-css-debug-file}" />
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
/** Disable the import plugin for all clients */
/** Disable the export feature for all clients */
define('PLUGIN_CONTACTIMPORTER_USER_DEFAULT_ENABLE_EXPORT', false); // currently not available
/** The default addressbook to import to (default: contact)*/
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Zarafa.plugins.contactimporter.dialogs.ImportPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
config = config || {};
var self = this;
if(typeof config.filename !== "undefined") {
if(!Ext.isEmpty(config.filename)) {
this.vcffile = config.filename;
@ -146,13 +146,13 @@ Zarafa.plugins.contactimporter.dialogs.ImportPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
var i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < contactdata.contacts.length; i++) {
parsedData[i] = new Array(
parsedData[i] = [
} else {
return null;
@ -202,10 +202,10 @@ Zarafa.plugins.contactimporter.dialogs.ImportPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
/* add all local contact folders */
var i = 0;
myStore.push(new Array(defaultFolder.getDefaultFolderKey(), defaultFolder.getDisplayName()));
myStore.push([defaultFolder.getDefaultFolderKey(), defaultFolder.getDisplayName()]);
for(i = 0; i < subFolders.length; i++) {
/* Store all subfolders */
myStore.push(new Array(subFolders[i].getDisplayName(), subFolders[i].getDisplayName(), false)); // 3rd field = isPublicfolder
myStore.push([subFolders[i].getDisplayName(), subFolders[i].getDisplayName(), false]); // 3rd field = isPublicfolder
/* add all shared contact folders */
@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ Zarafa.plugins.contactimporter.dialogs.ImportPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
var pubSubFolders = pubFolder.getChildren();
for(i = 0; i < pubSubFolders.length; i++) {
myStore.push(new Array(pubSubFolders[i].getDisplayName(), pubSubFolders[i].getDisplayName() + " [Shared]", true)); // 3rd field = isPublicfolder
myStore.push([pubSubFolders[i].getDisplayName(), pubSubFolders[i].getDisplayName() + " [Shared]", true]); // 3rd field = isPublicfolder
} catch (e) {
@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ Zarafa.plugins.contactimporter.dialogs.ImportPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
if(addressbookexist) {
var uids = new Array();
var uids = [];
var store_entryid = "";
//receive Records from grid rows
@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ Zarafa.plugins.contactimporter.ImportPlugin = Ext.extend(Zarafa.core.Plugin, {
/* directly import received vcfs */
this.registerInsertionPoint('common.contextmenu.attachment.actions', this.createAttachmentImportButton);
/* add import button to south navigation */
this.registerInsertionPoint("navigation.south", this.createImportButton, this);
@ -60,7 +61,6 @@ Zarafa.plugins.contactimporter.ImportPlugin = Ext.extend(Zarafa.core.Plugin, {
createImportButton: function () {
var button = {
xtype : 'button',
id : "importcontactsbutton",
text : _('Import Contacts'),
iconCls : 'icon_contactimporter_button',
navigationContext : container.getContextByName('contact'),
@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ Zarafa.plugins.contactimporter.ImportPlugin = Ext.extend(Zarafa.core.Plugin, {
var extension ='.').pop().toLowerCase();
if( == "text/vcard" || extension == "vcf" || extension == "vcard") {
} else {
@ -103,10 +103,7 @@ Zarafa.plugins.contactimporter.ImportPlugin = Ext.extend(Zarafa.core.Plugin, {
gotAttachmentFileName: function(response) {
if(response.status == true) {
||||['plugins.contactimporter.dialogs.importcontacts'], undefined, {
manager : Ext.WindowMgr,
filename : response.tmpname
} else {
title : _('Error'),
@ -182,12 +179,23 @@ Zarafa.plugins.contactimporter.ImportPlugin = Ext.extend(Zarafa.core.Plugin, {
* Clickhandler for the button
onImportButtonClick: function () {
||||['plugins.contactimporter.dialogs.importcontacts'], undefined, {
manager : Ext.WindowMgr
* Open the import dialog.
* @param {String} filename
openImportDialog: function(filename) {
var componentType =['plugins.contactimporter.dialogs.importcontacts'];
var config = {
filename: filename
||||, undefined, config);
* Bid for the type of shared component
* and the given record.
@ -200,7 +208,7 @@ Zarafa.plugins.contactimporter.ImportPlugin = Ext.extend(Zarafa.core.Plugin, {
var bid = -1;
switch(type) {
bid = 2;
bid = 1;
return bid;
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<!DOCTYPE plugin SYSTEM "manifest.dtd">
<plugin version="2">
<title>VCF Contact Importer/Exporter</title>
<author>Christoph Haas</author>
@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
<clientfile load="debug">js/contactimporter-debug.js</clientfile>
<clientfile load="source">js/plugin.contactimporter.js</clientfile>
<clientfile load="source">js/ABOUT.js</clientfile>
<clientfile load="source">js/data/ResponseHandler.js</clientfile>
<clientfile load="source">js/dialogs/ImportContentPanel.js</clientfile>
<clientfile load="source">js/dialogs/ImportPanel.js</clientfile>
@ -5,9 +5,8 @@
* @link
* @author Martins Pilsetnieks, Roberts Bruveris
* @see RFC 2426, RFC 2425
* @version 0.4.8
* @version 0.4.9
class vCard implements Countable, Iterator
const MODE_ERROR = 'error';
@ -42,15 +41,15 @@ class vCard implements Countable, Iterator
* @static Parts of structured elements according to the spec.
private static $Spec_StructuredElements = array(
'n' => array('LastName', 'FirstName', 'AdditionalNames', 'Prefixes', 'Suffixes'),
'adr' => array('POBox', 'ExtendedAddress', 'StreetAddress', 'Locality', 'Region', 'PostalCode', 'Country'),
'geo' => array('Latitude', 'Longitude'),
'org' => array('Name', 'Unit1', 'Unit2')
'n' => array('lastname', 'firstname', 'additionalnames', 'prefixes', 'suffixes'),
'adr' => array('pobox', 'extendedaddress', 'streetaddress', 'locality', 'region', 'postalcode', 'country'),
'geo' => array('latitude', 'longitude'),
'org' => array('name', 'unit1', 'unit2')
private static $Spec_MultipleValueElements = array('nickname', 'categories');
private static $Spec_ElementTypes = array(
'email' => array('internet', 'x400', 'pref'),
'email' => array('internet', 'x400', 'pref', 'home', 'work'),
'adr' => array('dom', 'intl', 'postal', 'parcel', 'home', 'work', 'pref'),
'label' => array('dom', 'intl', 'postal', 'parcel', 'home', 'work', 'pref'),
'tel' => array('home', 'msg', 'work', 'pref', 'voice', 'fax', 'cell', 'video', 'pager', 'bbs', 'modem', 'car', 'isdn', 'pcs'),
@ -121,21 +120,26 @@ class vCard implements Countable, Iterator
$this -> Mode = $vCardBeginCount == 1 ? vCard::MODE_SINGLE : vCard::MODE_MULTIPLE;
// Removing/changing inappropriate newlines, i.e., all CRs or multiple newlines are changed to a single newline
$this -> RawData = str_replace("\r", "\n", $this -> RawData);
$this -> RawData = preg_replace('{(\n+)}', "\n", $this -> RawData);
// MCA: removed, this break crlf vcard specification, all line dilimiter are CRLF
//$this -> RawData = str_replace("\r", "\n", $this -> RawData);
//$this -> RawData = preg_replace('{(\n)+}', "\n", $this -> RawData);
// In multiple card mode the raw text is split at card beginning markers and each
// fragment is parsed in a separate vCard object.
if ($this -> Mode == self::MODE_MULTIPLE)
$this -> RawData = explode('BEGIN:VCARD', $this -> RawData);
//Cannot use "explode", because we need to ignore, for example, 'AGENT:BEGIN:VCARD'
$this -> RawData = preg_split('{^BEGIN\:VCARD}miS', $this -> RawData);
$this -> RawData = array_filter($this -> RawData);
foreach ($this -> RawData as $SinglevCardRawData)
// mca: remove \n and \r at start
// Prepending "BEGIN:VCARD" to the raw string because we exploded on that one.
// If there won't be the BEGIN marker in the new object, it will fail.
$SinglevCardRawData = 'BEGIN:VCARD'."\n".$SinglevCardRawData;
$SinglevCardRawData = 'BEGIN:VCARD'.$SinglevCardRawData;
$ClassName = get_class($this);
$this -> Data[] = new $ClassName(false, $SinglevCardRawData);
@ -143,20 +147,20 @@ class vCard implements Countable, Iterator
// Protect the BASE64 final = sign (detected by the line beginning with whitespace), otherwise the next replace will get rid of it
$this -> RawData = preg_replace('{(\n\s.+)=(\n)}', '$1-base64=-$2', $this -> RawData);
// Joining multiple lines that are split with a hard wrap and indicated by an equals sign at the end of line
// (quoted-printable-encoded values in v2.1 vCards)
$this -> RawData = str_replace("=\n", '', $this -> RawData);
$this -> RawData = str_replace("=\r\n", '', $this -> RawData);
// Protect the BASE64 final = sign (detected by the line beginning with whitespace), otherwise the next replace will get rid of it
$this -> RawData = preg_replace('{(\r\n\s.+)=(\r\n)}', '$1-base64=-$2', $this -> RawData);
// Joining multiple lines that are split with a soft wrap (space or tab on the beginning of the next line
$this -> RawData = str_replace(array("\n ", "\n\t"), '-wrap-', $this -> RawData);
$this -> RawData = str_replace(array("\r\n ", "\r\n\t"), '-wrap-', $this -> RawData);
// Restoring the BASE64 final equals sign (see a few lines above)
$this -> RawData = str_replace("-base64=-\n", "=\n", $this -> RawData);
$this -> RawData = str_replace("-base64=-\r\n", "=\r\n", $this -> RawData);
$Lines = explode("\n", $this -> RawData);
$Lines = explode("\r\n", $this -> RawData);
foreach ($Lines as $Line)
@ -212,6 +216,7 @@ class vCard implements Countable, Iterator
$ItemIndex = (int)str_ireplace('item', '', $TmpKey[0]);
if (count($KeyParts) > 1)
$Parameters = self::ParseParameters($Key, array_slice($KeyParts, 1));
@ -262,7 +267,7 @@ class vCard implements Countable, Iterator
$Value = self::ParseStructuredValue($Value, $Key);
if ($Type)
$Value['Type'] = $Type;
$Value['type'] = $Type;
@ -275,15 +280,15 @@ class vCard implements Countable, Iterator
if ($Type)
$Value = array(
'Value' => $Value,
'Type' => $Type
'value' => $Value,
'type' => $Type
if (is_array($Value) && $Encoding)
$Value['Encoding'] = $Encoding;
$Value['encoding'] = $Encoding;
if (!isset($this -> Data[$Key]))
@ -296,6 +301,22 @@ class vCard implements Countable, Iterator
* method to get key list of the current vcard
* @return array list of key
public function getKeyList()
if (isset($this -> Data))
foreach($this -> Data as $key => $val)
return $keylist;
* Magic method to get the various vCard values as object members, e.g.
* a call to $vCard -> N gets the "N" value
@ -318,10 +339,10 @@ class vCard implements Countable, Iterator
$Value = $this -> Data[$Key];
foreach ($Value as $K => $V)
if (stripos($V['Value'], 'uri:') === 0)
if (isset($V['Value']) && stripos($V['Value'], 'uri:') === 0)
$Value[$K]['Value'] = substr($V, 4);
$Value[$K]['Encoding'] = 'uri';
$Value[$K]['value'] = substr($V, 4);
$Value[$K]['encoding'] = 'uri';
return $Value;
@ -340,6 +361,20 @@ class vCard implements Countable, Iterator
return array();
* Magic method to check isset for the various vCard values as object members, e.g.
* a call to isset( $vCard -> fn ) checks existence of a value.
* @param string Key
* @return bool isset
public function __isset($Key) {
$Key = strtolower($Key);
$val = $this->$Key;
return isset($val);
* Saves an embedded file
@ -361,15 +396,15 @@ class vCard implements Countable, Iterator
// Returing false if it is an image URL
if (stripos($this -> Data[$Key][$Index]['Value'], 'uri:') === 0)
if (stripos($this -> Data[$Key][$Index]['value'], 'uri:') === 0)
return false;
if (is_writable($TargetPath) || (!file_exists($TargetPath) && is_writable(dirname($TargetPath))))
$RawContent = $this -> Data[$Key][$Index]['Value'];
if (isset($this -> Data[$Key][$Index]['Encoding']) && $this -> Data[$Key][$Index]['Encoding'] == 'b')
$RawContent = $this -> Data[$Key][$Index]['value'];
if (isset($this -> Data[$Key][$Index]['encoding']) && $this -> Data[$Key][$Index]['encoding'] == 'b')
$RawContent = base64_decode($RawContent);
@ -404,10 +439,10 @@ class vCard implements Countable, Iterator
if (count($Arguments) > 1)
$Types = array_values(array_slice($Arguments, 1));
$Types = array_map('strtolower', array_values(array_slice($Arguments, 1)));
if (isset(self::$Spec_StructuredElements[$Key]) &&
in_array($Arguments[1], self::$Spec_StructuredElements[$Key])
in_array(strtolower($Arguments[1]), self::$Spec_StructuredElements[$Key])
$LastElementIndex = 0;
@ -439,8 +474,8 @@ class vCard implements Countable, Iterator
elseif (isset(self::$Spec_ElementTypes[$Key]))
$this -> Data[$Key][] = array(
'Value' => $Value,
'Type' => $Types
'value' => $Value,
'type' => $Types
@ -475,9 +510,9 @@ class vCard implements Countable, Iterator
foreach ($Values as $Index => $Value)
$Text .= $KeyUC;
if (is_array($Value) && isset($Value['Type']))
if (is_array($Value) && isset($Value['type']))
$Text .= ';TYPE='.self::PrepareTypeStrForOutput($Value['Type']);
$Text .= ';TYPE='.self::PrepareTypeStrForOutput($Value['type']);
$Text .= ':';
@ -492,7 +527,7 @@ class vCard implements Countable, Iterator
elseif (is_array($Value) && isset(self::$Spec_ElementTypes[$Key]))
$Text .= $Value['Value'];
$Text .= $Value['value'];
@ -574,7 +609,8 @@ class vCard implements Countable, Iterator
$Parameters = array();
foreach ($RawParams as $Item)
$Parameters[] = explode('=', strtolower($Item));
// try to correct issue
$Parameters[] = explode('=', strtolower($Item),2);
$Type = array();
@ -604,10 +640,13 @@ class vCard implements Countable, Iterator
elseif (count($Parameter) > 2)
$TempTypeParams = self::ParseParameters($Key, explode(',', $RawParams[$Index]));
if ($TempTypeParams['type'])
if(count(explode(',', $RawParams[$Index], -1)) > 0)
$Type = array_merge($Type, $TempTypeParams['type']);
$TempTypeParams = self::ParseParameters($Key, explode(',', $RawParams[$Index]));
if ($TempTypeParams['type'])
$Type = array_merge($Type, $TempTypeParams['type']);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user