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* SettingsWidget.js, Kopano calender to ics im/exporter
* Author: Christoph Haas <christoph.h@sprinternet.at>
* Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Christoph Haas
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* @class Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.settings.SettingsWidget
* @extends Zarafa.settings.ui.SettingsWidget
* @xtype calendarimporter.settingswidget
Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.settings.SettingsWidget = Ext.extend(Zarafa.settings.ui.SettingsWidget, {
* @cfg {Zarafa.settings.SettingsContext} settingsContext
settingsContext: undefined,
* @constructor
* @param {Object} config Configuration object
constructor: function (config) {
config = config || {};
Ext.applyIf(config, {
title: dgettext('plugin_calendarimporter', 'Calendar Import/Export plugin settings'),
xtype: 'calendarimporter.settingswidget',
items: [
xtype: 'checkbox',
name: 'zarafa/v1/plugins/calendarimporter/enable_sync',
ref: 'enableSync',
fieldLabel: dgettext('plugin_calendarimporter', 'Enable ical sync'),
lazyInit: false
Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.settings.SettingsWidget.superclass.constructor.call(this, config);
createSelectBox: function () {
var myStore = Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.data.Actions.getAllCalendarFolders(true);
return {
xtype: "selectbox",
ref: 'defaultCalendar',
editable: false,
name: "zarafa/v1/plugins/calendarimporter/default_calendar",
value: Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.data.Actions.getCalendarFolderByName(container.getSettingsModel().get("zarafa/v1/plugins/calendarimporter/default_calendar")).entryid,
width: 100,
fieldLabel: dgettext('plugin_calendarimporter', 'Default calender'),
store: myStore,
mode: 'local',
labelSeperator: ":",
border: false,
anchor: "100%",
scope: this,
allowBlank: false
createTimezoneBox: function () {
return {
xtype: "selectbox",
ref: 'defaultTimezone',
editable: false,
name: "zarafa/v1/plugins/calendarimporter/default_timezone",
value: Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.data.Timezones.unMap(container.getSettingsModel().get("zarafa/v1/plugins/calendarimporter/default_timezone")),
width: 100,
fieldLabel: dgettext('plugin_calendarimporter', 'Default timezone'),
store: Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.data.Timezones.store,
labelSeperator: ":",
mode: 'local',
border: false,
anchor: "100%",
scope: this,
allowBlank: false
* Called by the {@link Zarafa.settings.ui.SettingsCategory Category} when
* it has been called with {@link zarafa.settings.ui.SettingsCategory#update}.
* This is used to load the latest version of the settings from the
* {@link Zarafa.settings.SettingsModel} into the UI of this category.
* @param {Zarafa.settings.SettingsModel} settingsModel The settings to load
update: function (settingsModel) {
* Called by the {@link Zarafa.settings.ui.SettingsCategory Category} when
* it has been called with {@link zarafa.settings.ui.SettingsCategory#updateSettings}.
* This is used to update the settings from the UI into the {@link Zarafa.settings.SettingsModel settings model}.
* @param {Zarafa.settings.SettingsModel} settingsModel The settings to update
updateSettings: function (settingsModel) {
// check if the user changed a value
var changed = false;
if (settingsModel.get(this.enableSync.name) != this.enableSync.getValue()) {
changed = true;
} else if (settingsModel.get(this.defaultCalendar.name) != Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.data.Actions.getCalendarFolderByEntryid(this.defaultCalendar.getValue()).display_name) {
changed = true;
} else if (settingsModel.get(this.defaultTimezone.name) != this.defaultTimezone.getValue()) {
changed = true;
if (changed) {
// Really save changes
settingsModel.set(this.enableSync.name, this.enableSync.getValue());
settingsModel.set(this.defaultCalendar.name, Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.data.Actions.getCalendarFolderByEntryid(this.defaultCalendar.getValue()).display_name); // store name
settingsModel.set(this.defaultTimezone.name, this.defaultTimezone.getValue());
* Called after the {@link Zarafa.settings.SettingsModel} fires the {@link Zarafa.settings.SettingsModel#save save}
* event to indicate the settings were successfully saved and it will forcefully realod the webapp.
* settings which were saved to the server.
* @private
onUpdateSettings: function () {
var message = _('Your WebApp needs to be reloaded to make the changes visible!');
message += '<br/><br/>';
message += _('WebApp will automatically restart in order for these changes to take effect');
message += '<br/>';
title: _('Restart WebApp'),
msg: message,
icon: Ext.MessageBox.QUESTION,
fn: this.restartWebapp,
customButton: [{
text: _('Restart'),
name: 'restart'
}, {
text: _('Cancel'),
name: 'cancel'
scope: this
* Event handler for {@link #onResetSettings}. This will check if the user
* wishes to reset the default settings or not.
* @param {String} button The button which user pressed.
* @private
restartWebapp: function (button) {
if (button === 'restart') {
var contextModel = this.ownerCt.settingsContext.getModel();
var realModel = contextModel.getRealSettingsModel();
this.loadMask = new Zarafa.common.ui.LoadMask(Ext.getBody(), {
msg: '<b>' + _('Webapp is reloading, Please wait.') + '</b>'
this.mon(realModel, 'save', this.onSettingsSave, this);
this.mon(realModel, 'exception', this.onSettingsException, this);
* Called when the {@link Zarafa.settings.} fires the {@link Zarafa.settings.SettingsModel#save save}
* event to indicate the settings were successfully saved and it will forcefully realod the webapp.
* @param {Zarafa.settings.SettingsModel} model The model which fired the event.
* @param {Object} parameters The key-value object containing the action and the corresponding
* settings which were saved to the server.
* @private
onSettingsSave: function (model, parameters) {
this.mun(model, 'save', this.onSettingsSave, this);
* Called when the {@link Zarafa.settings.SettingsModel} fires the {@link Zarafa.settings.SettingsModel#exception exception}
* event to indicate the settings were not successfully saved.
* @param {Zarafa.settings.SettingsModel} model The settings model which fired the event
* @param {String} type The value of this parameter will be either 'response' or 'remote'.
* @param {String} action Name of the action (see {@link Ext.data.Api#actions}).
* @param {Object} options The object containing a 'path' and 'value' field indicating
* respectively the Setting and corresponding value for the setting which was being saved.
* @param {Object} response The response object as received from the PHP-side
* @private
onSettingsException: function (model, type, action, options, response) {
// Remove event handlers
this.mun(model, 'save', this.onSettingsSave, this);
this.mun(model, 'exception', this.onSettingsException, this);
Ext.reg('calendarimporter.settingswidget', Zarafa.plugins.calendarimporter.settings.SettingsWidget);