#!/usr/bin/php <?php /** * sync.php, Kopano calender to ics im/exporter backend * * Author: Christoph Haas <christoph.h@sprinternet.at> * Copyright (C) 2012-2018 Christoph Haas * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ if(php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') { die("Script must be run from commandline!"); } /** * Make sure that the kopano mapi extension is enabled in cli mode: * Add: /etc/php5/cli/conf.d/50-mapi.ini * Content: extension=mapi.so */ // MAPI includes include('mapi/mapi.util.php'); include('mapi/mapidefs.php'); include('mapi/mapicode.php'); include('mapi/mapitags.php'); include('mapi/mapiguid.php'); include('config.php'); include('functions.php'); // log in to zarafa $session = mapi_logon_zarafa($ADMINUSERNAME, $ADMINPASSWORD, $SERVER); if($session === FALSE) { exit("Logon failed with error " .mapi_last_hresult() . "\n"); } // load all stores for the admin user $storeTable = mapi_getmsgstorestable($session); if($storeTable === FALSE) { exit("Storetable could not be opened. Error " .mapi_last_hresult() . "\n"); } $storesList = mapi_table_queryallrows($storeTable, array(PR_ENTRYID, PR_DEFAULT_STORE)); // get admin users default store foreach ($storesList as $row) { if($row[PR_DEFAULT_STORE]) { $storeEntryid = $row[PR_ENTRYID]; } } if(!$storeEntryid) { exit("Can't find default store\n"); } // open default store $store = mapi_openmsgstore($session, $storeEntryid); if(!$store) { exit("Unable to open system store\n"); } // get a userlist $userList = array(); // for multi company setup $companyList = mapi_zarafa_getcompanylist($store); if(mapi_last_hresult() == NOERROR && is_array($companyList)) { // multi company setup, get all users from all companies foreach($companyList as $companyName => $companyData) { $userList = array_merge($userList, mapi_zarafa_getuserlist($store, $companyData["companyid"])); } } else { // single company setup, get list of all zarafa users $userList = mapi_zarafa_getuserlist($store); } if(count($userList) <= 0) { exit("Unable to get user list\n"); } // loop over all users foreach($userList as $userName => $userData) { // check for valid users if($userName == "SYSTEM" ||$userName == $ADMINUSERNAME) { continue; } echo "###Getting sync settings for user: " . $userName . "\n"; $userEntryId = mapi_msgstore_createentryid($store, $userName); $userStore = mapi_openmsgstore($session, $userEntryId); if(!$userStore) { echo "Can't open user store\n"; continue; } $syncItems = get_user_ics_list($userStore); if($syncItems != NULL && count($syncItems) > 0) { foreach($syncItems as $syncItemName => $syncItem) { //check update intervall $lastUpdate = strtotime($syncItem["lastsync"]); $updateIntervall = intval($syncItem["intervall"]) * 60; // we need seconds $currenttime = time(); if(($lastUpdate + $updateIntervall) <= $currenttime) { echo "Update intervall OK ($currenttime): " . ($lastUpdate + $updateIntervall) . "\n"; $tmpFilename = $TEMPDIR . uniqid($userName . $syncItem["calendar"], true) . ".ics"; $user = NULL; $pass= NULL; if($syncItem["user"] != NULL && !empty($syncItem["user"])) $user = $syncItem["user"]; if($syncItem["pass"] != NULL && !empty($syncItem["pass"])) $pass= base64_decode($syncItem["pass"]); $icsData = curl_get_data($syncItem["icsurl"], $user, $pass); if($icsData != NULL) { file_put_contents($tmpFilename, $icsData); echo "Got valid data for " . $syncItem["icsurl"] . " stored in " . $tmpFilename . "\n"; $result = upload_ics_to_caldav($tmpFilename, $CALDAVURL, $userName, $syncItem["calendarname"], $ADMINUSERNAME, $ADMINPASSWORD); if(intval($result) == 200) { echo "Import completed: $result\n"; $result = update_last_sync_date($userStore, $syncItemName); $res = $result ? "true":"false"; echo "Updated Kopano settings: " . $res . "\n"; } else { echo "Uploading failed: " . $result . "\n"; } } } else { echo "Update intervall STOP ($currenttime): " . ($lastUpdate + $updateIntervall) . "\n"; } } } echo "###Done sync for user: " . $userName . "\n\n"; }