* Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Christoph Haas * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ include_once('mapi/class.recurrence.php'); include_once('plugins/calendarimporter/php/ical/class.icalcreator.php'); include_once('plugins/calendarimporter/php/ical/class.icalparser.php'); class CalendarModule extends Module { private $DEBUG = false; // enable error_log debugging /** * @constructor * @param $id * @param $data */ public function __construct($id, $data) { parent::Module($id, $data); } /** * Executes all the actions in the $data variable. * Exception part is used for authentication errors also * @return boolean true on success or false on failure. */ public function execute() { $result = false; if(!$this->DEBUG) { /* disable error printing - otherwise json communication might break... */ ini_set('display_errors', '0'); } foreach($this->data as $actionType => $actionData) { if(isset($actionType)) { try { if($this->DEBUG) { error_log("exec: " . $actionType); } switch($actionType) { case "export": $result = $this->exportCalendar($actionType, $actionData); break; case "import": $result = $this->importCalendar($actionType, $actionData); break; case "attachmentpath": $result = $this->getAttachmentPath($actionType, $actionData); break; default: $this->handleUnknownActionType($actionType); } } catch (MAPIException $e) { if($this->DEBUG) { error_log("mapi exception: " . $e->getMessage()); } } catch (Exception $e) { if($this->DEBUG) { error_log("exception: " . $e->getMessage()); } } } } return $result; } /** * Generates a random string with variable length. * @param $length the lenght of the generated string * @return string a random string */ private function randomstring($length = 6) { // $chars - all allowed charakters $chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890"; srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $i = 0; $pass = ""; while ($i < $length) { $num = rand() % strlen($chars); $tmp = substr($chars, $num, 1); $pass = $pass . $tmp; $i++; } return $pass; } /** * Generates the secid file (used to verify the download path) * @param $secid the secid, a random security token */ private function createSecIDFile($secid) { $lockFile = TMP_PATH . "/secid." . $secid; $fh = fopen($lockFile, 'w') or die("can't open secid file"); $stringData = date(DATE_RFC822); fwrite($fh, $stringData); fclose($fh); } /** * Generates the secid file (used to verify the download path) * @param $time a timestamp * @param $incl_time true if date should include time * @ return date object */ private function getIcalDate($time, $incl_time = true) { return $incl_time ? date('Ymd\THis', $time) : date('Ymd', $time); } /** * adds an event to the exported calendar) * @param $vevent pointer to the eventstore * @param $event the event to add */ private function addEvent(&$vevent, $event) { $busystate = array("FREE", "TENTATIVE", "BUSY", "OOF"); $zlabel = array("NONE", "IMPORTANT", "WORK", "PERSONAL", "HOLIDAY", "REQUIRED", "TRAVEL REQUIRED", "PREPARATION REQUIERED", "BIRTHDAY", "SPECIAL DATE", "PHONE INTERVIEW"); $vevent->setProperty("LOCATION", $event["location"]); // property name - case independent $vevent->setProperty("SUMMARY", $event["subject"]); $vevent->setProperty("DESCRIPTION", str_replace("\n", "\\n",$event["description"])); $vevent->setProperty("COMMENT", "Exported from Zarafa" ); $vevent->setProperty("ORGANIZER", $event["sent_representing_email_address"]); $vevent->setProperty("DTSTART", $this->getIcalDate($event["commonstart"]) . "Z"); $vevent->setProperty("DTEND", $this->getIcalDate($event["commonend"]) . "Z"); $vevent->setProperty("DTSTAMP", $this->getIcalDate($event["creation_time"]) . "Z"); $vevent->setProperty("CREATED", $this->getIcalDate($event["creation_time"]) . "Z"); $vevent->setProperty("LAST-MODIFIED", $this->getIcalDate($event["last_modification_time"]) . "Z"); $vevent->setProperty("X-MICROSOFT-CDO-BUSYSTATUS", $busystate[$event["busystatus"]]); $vevent->setProperty("X-ZARAFA-LABEL", $zlabel[$event["label"]]); $vevent->setProperty("PRIORITY", $event["importance"]); $vevent->setProperty("CLASS", $event["private"] ? "PRIVATE" : "PUBLIC"); // ATTENDEES if(count($event["attendees"]) > 0) { foreach($event["attendees"] as $attendee) { $vevent->setProperty("ATTENDEE", $attendee["props"]["smtp_address"]); } } // REMINDERS if($event["reminder"]) { $valarm = & $vevent->newComponent("valarm"); // create an event alarm $valarm->setProperty("action", "DISPLAY" ); $valarm->setProperty("description", $vevent->getProperty("SUMMARY")); // reuse the event summary $valarm->setProperty("trigger", $this->getIcalDate($event["reminder_time"]) . "Z"); // create alarm trigger (in UTC datetime) } } /** * Loads the descriptiontext of an event * @param $event * @return array with event description/body */ private function loadEventDescription($event) { $entryid = $this->getActionEntryID($event); $store = $this->getActionStore($event); $basedate = null; $properties = $GLOBALS['properties']->getAppointmentProperties(); $plaintext = true; $data = array(); if($store && $entryid) { $message = $GLOBALS['operations']->openMessage($store, $entryid); // add all standard properties from the series/normal message $data['item'] = $GLOBALS['operations']->getMessageProps($store, $message, $properties, (isset($plaintext) && $plaintext)); // if appointment is recurring then only we should get properties of occurence if basedate is supplied if($data['item']['props']['recurring'] === true) { if(isset($basedate) && $basedate) { $recur = new Recurrence($store, $message); $exceptionatt = $recur->getExceptionAttachment($basedate); // Single occurences are never recurring $data['item']['props']['recurring'] = false; if($exceptionatt) { // Existing exception (open existing item, which includes basedate) $exceptionattProps = mapi_getprops($exceptionatt, array(PR_ATTACH_NUM)); $exception = mapi_attach_openobj($exceptionatt, 0); // overwrite properties with the ones from the exception $exceptionProps = $GLOBALS['operations']->getMessageProps($store, $exception, $properties, (isset($plaintext) && $plaintext)); /** * If recurring item has set reminder to true then * all occurrences before the 'flagdueby' value(of recurring item) * should not show that reminder is set. */ if (isset($exceptionProps['props']['reminder']) && $data['item']['props']['reminder'] == true) { $flagDueByDay = $recur->dayStartOf($data['item']['props']['flagdueby']); if ($flagDueByDay > $basedate) { $exceptionProps['props']['reminder'] = false; } } // The properties must be merged, if the recipients or attachments are present in the exception // then that list should be used. Otherwise the list from the series must be applied (this // corresponds with OL2007). // @FIXME getMessageProps should not return empty string if exception doesn't contain body // by this change we can handle a situation where user has set empty string in the body explicitly if (!empty($exceptionProps['props']['body']) || !empty($exceptionProps['props']['html_body'])) { if(!empty($exceptionProps['props']['body'])) { $data['item']['props']['body'] = $exceptionProps['props']['body']; } if(!empty($exceptionProps['props']['html_body'])) { $data['item']['props']['html_body'] = $exceptionProps['props']['html_body']; } $data['item']['props']['isHTML'] = $exceptionProps['props']['isHTML']; } // remove properties from $exceptionProps so array_merge will not overwrite it unset($exceptionProps['props']['html_body']); unset($exceptionProps['props']['body']); unset($exceptionProps['props']['isHTML']); $data['item']['props'] = array_merge($data['item']['props'], $exceptionProps['props']); if (isset($exceptionProps['recipients'])) { $data['item']['recipients'] = $exceptionProps['recipients']; } if (isset($exceptionProps['attachments'])) { $data['item']['attachments'] = $exceptionProps['attachments']; } // Make sure we are using the passed basedate and not something wrong in the opened item $data['item']['props']['basedate'] = $basedate; } else { // opening an occurence of a recurring series (same as normal open, but add basedate, startdate and enddate) $data['item']['props']['basedate'] = $basedate; $data['item']['props']['startdate'] = $recur->getOccurrenceStart($basedate); $data['item']['props']['duedate'] = $recur->getOccurrenceEnd($basedate); $data['item']['props']['commonstart'] = $data['item']['props']['startdate']; $data['item']['props']['commonend'] = $data['item']['props']['duedate']; unset($data['item']['props']['reminder_time']); /** * If recurring item has set reminder to true then * all occurrences before the 'flagdueby' value(of recurring item) * should not show that reminder is set. */ if (isset($exceptionProps['props']['reminder']) && $data['item']['props']['reminder'] == true) { $flagDueByDay = $recur->dayStartOf($data['item']['props']['flagdueby']); if ($flagDueByDay > $basedate) { $exceptionProps['props']['reminder'] = false; } } } } else { // Opening a recurring series, get the recurrence information $recur = new Recurrence($store, $message); $recurpattern = $recur->getRecurrence(); $tz = $recur->tz; // no function to do this at the moment // Add the recurrence pattern to the data if(isset($recurpattern) && is_array($recurpattern)) { $data['item']['props'] += $recurpattern; } // Add the timezone information to the data if(isset($tz) && is_array($tz)) { $data['item']['props'] += $tz; } } } } return $data['item']['props']['body']; } /** * Loads the attendees of an event * @param $event * @return array with event attendees */ private function loadAttendees($event) { $entryid = $this->getActionEntryID($event); $store = $this->getActionStore($event); $basedate = null; $properties = $GLOBALS['properties']->getAppointmentProperties(); $plaintext = true; $data = array(); if($store && $entryid) { $message = $GLOBALS['operations']->openMessage($store, $entryid); // add all standard properties from the series/normal message $data['item'] = $GLOBALS['operations']->getMessageProps($store, $message, $properties, (isset($plaintext) && $plaintext)); } return $data['item']['recipients']['item']; } /** * The main export function, creates the ics file for download * @param $actionType * @param $actionData */ private function exportCalendar($actionType, $actionData) { $secid = $this->randomstring(); $this->createSecIDFile($secid); $tmpname = stripslashes($actionData["calendar"] . ".ics." . $this->randomstring(8)); $filename = TMP_PATH . "/" . $tmpname . "." . $secid; if(!is_writable(TMP_PATH . "/")) { error_log("could not write to export tmp directory!"); } $tz = date("e"); // use php timezone (maybe set up in php.ini, date.timezone) if($this->DEBUG) { error_log("PHP Timezone: " . $tz); } $config = array( "language" => substr($GLOBALS["settings"]->get("zarafa/v1/main/language"),0,2), "directory" => TMP_PATH . "/", "filename" => $tmpname . "." . $secid, "unique_id" => "zarafa-export-plugin", "TZID" => $tz ); $v = new vcalendar($config); $v->setProperty("method", "PUBLISH"); // required of some calendar software $v->setProperty("x-wr-calname", $actionData["calendar"]); // required of some calendar software $v->setProperty("X-WR-CALDESC", "Exported Zarafa Calendar"); // required of some calendar software $v->setProperty("X-WR-TIMEZONE", $tz); $xprops = array("X-LIC-LOCATION" => $tz); // required of some calendar software iCalUtilityFunctions::createTimezone($v, $tz, $xprops); // create timezone object in calendar foreach($actionData["data"] as $event) { $event["props"]["description"] = $this->loadEventDescription($event); $event["props"]["attendees"] = $this->loadAttendees($event); $vevent = & $v->newComponent("vevent"); // create a new event object $this->addEvent($vevent, $event["props"]); } $v->saveCalendar(); $response['status'] = true; $response['fileid'] = $tmpname; // number of entries that will be exported $response['basedir'] = TMP_PATH; $response['secid'] = $secid; $response['realname'] = $actionData["calendar"]; $this->addActionData($actionType, $response); $GLOBALS["bus"]->addData($this->getResponseData()); if($this->DEBUG) { error_log("export done, bus data written!"); } } /** * The main import function, parses the uploaded ics file * @param $actionType * @param $actionData */ private function importCalendar($actionType, $actionData) { if($this->DEBUG) { error_log("PHP Timezone: " . $tz); } if(is_readable ($actionData["ics_filepath"])) { $ical = new ICal($actionData["ics_filepath"], $GLOBALS["settings"]->get("zarafa/v1/plugins/calendarimporter/default_timezone"), $actionData["timezone"], $actionData["ignore_dst"]); // Parse it! if(isset($ical->errors)) { $response['status'] = false; $response['message']= $ical->errors; } else if(!$ical->hasEvents()) { $response['status'] = false; $response['message']= "No events in ics file"; } else { $response['status'] = true; $response['parsed_file']= $actionData["ics_filepath"]; $response['parsed'] = array ( 'timezone' => $ical->timezone(), 'calendar' => $ical->calendar(), 'events' => $ical->events() ); } } else { $response['status'] = false; $response['message']= "File could not be read by server"; } $this->addActionData($actionType, $response); $GLOBALS["bus"]->addData($this->getResponseData()); if($this->DEBUG) { error_log("parsing done, bus data written!"); } } /** * Store the file to a temporary directory, prepare it for oc upload * @param $actionType * @param $actionData * @private */ private function getAttachmentPath($actionType, $actionData) { // Get store id $storeid = false; if(isset($actionData["store"])) { $storeid = $actionData["store"]; } // Get message entryid $entryid = false; if(isset($actionData["entryid"])) { $entryid = $actionData["entryid"]; } // Check which type isset $openType = "attachment"; // Get number of attachment which should be opened. $attachNum = false; if(isset($actionData["attachNum"])) { $attachNum = $actionData["attachNum"]; } // Check if storeid and entryid isset if($storeid && $entryid) { // Open the store $store = $GLOBALS["mapisession"]->openMessageStore(hex2bin($storeid)); if($store) { // Open the message $message = mapi_msgstore_openentry($store, hex2bin($entryid)); if($message) { $attachment = false; // Check if attachNum isset if($attachNum) { // Loop through the attachNums, message in message in message ... for($i = 0; $i < (count($attachNum) - 1); $i++) { // Open the attachment $tempattach = mapi_message_openattach($message, (int) $attachNum[$i]); if($tempattach) { // Open the object in the attachment $message = mapi_attach_openobj($tempattach); } } // Open the attachment $attachment = mapi_message_openattach($message, (int) $attachNum[(count($attachNum) - 1)]); } // Check if the attachment is opened if($attachment) { // Get the props of the attachment $props = mapi_attach_getprops($attachment, array(PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME, PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG, PR_DISPLAY_NAME, PR_ATTACH_METHOD)); // Content Type $contentType = "application/octet-stream"; // Filename $filename = "ERROR"; // Set filename if(isset($props[PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME])) { $filename = $props[PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME]; } else if(isset($props[PR_ATTACH_FILENAME])) { $filename = $props[PR_ATTACH_FILENAME]; } else if(isset($props[PR_DISPLAY_NAME])) { $filename = $props[PR_DISPLAY_NAME]; } // Set content type if(isset($props[PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG])) { $contentType = $props[PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG]; } else { // Parse the extension of the filename to get the content type if(strrpos($filename, ".") !== false) { $extension = strtolower(substr($filename, strrpos($filename, "."))); $contentType = "application/octet-stream"; if (is_readable("mimetypes.dat")){ $fh = fopen("mimetypes.dat","r"); $ext_found = false; while (!feof($fh) && !$ext_found){ $line = fgets($fh); preg_match("/(\.[a-z0-9]+)[ \t]+([^ \t\n\r]*)/i", $line, $result); if ($extension == $result[1]){ $ext_found = true; $contentType = $result[2]; } } fclose($fh); } } } $tmpname = tempnam(TMP_PATH, stripslashes($filename)); // Open a stream to get the attachment data $stream = mapi_openpropertytostream($attachment, PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN); $stat = mapi_stream_stat($stream); // File length = $stat["cb"] $fhandle = fopen($tmpname,'w'); $buffer = null; for($i = 0; $i < $stat["cb"]; $i += BLOCK_SIZE) { // Write stream $buffer = mapi_stream_read($stream, BLOCK_SIZE); fwrite($fhandle,$buffer,strlen($buffer)); } fclose($fhandle); $response = array(); $response['tmpname'] = $tmpname; $response['filename'] = $filename; $response['status'] = true; $this->addActionData($actionType, $response); $GLOBALS["bus"]->addData($this->getResponseData()); } } } else { $response['status'] = false; $response['message'] = "Store could not be opened!"; $this->addActionData($actionType, $response); $GLOBALS["bus"]->addData($this->getResponseData()); } } else { $response['status'] = false; $response['message'] = "Wrong call, store and entryid have to be set!"; $this->addActionData($actionType, $response); $GLOBALS["bus"]->addData($this->getResponseData()); } } }; ?>