Spam learning daemon for Kopano / SpamAssasin
Original project:
Messages (if they do not have the X-Spam = YES flag) dragged into the Junk folder will be taught to SpamAssassin's sa-learn command.
It works the same way to unlearn messages from the inbox folder if they have the X-Spam header set to true.
Uses ICS for near realtime learning.
Tested on a system which also runs amavisd-new, hence the user for sa-learn is also amavis.
Also tested on a system runing mimedefang, hence the user for sa-learn is also defang.
Sudo setup
Add the following line to allow the Kopano user to only run /usr/bin/sa-learn --spam as the user amavis (or defang if you are using mimedefang)
kopano ALL=(amavis) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sa-learn --spam
kopano ALL=(amavis) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/sa-learn --ham
Copy the provided spamd.cfg in /etc/kopano/.
If needed edit it to suit your needs.
Copy the to /usr/local/bin/
Start the, check /var/log/kopano/spamd.log to see if all went fine.
Now drag some Spam into your Junk box and check the log !