diff --git a/assignment1/feedback.md b/assignment1/feedback.md index 9f673d4..a92e238 100644 --- a/assignment1/feedback.md +++ b/assignment1/feedback.md @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ - You loose some benefits of shared libraries. - Avoid overusing libraries. - - By introducing *library boundaries* to your code, you create additional *interfaces* that may require additional effort to maintain. + - By introducing *library boundaries* to your code, you create additional *interfaces* that may require additional effort to maintain. As always, ensure this is worth the tradeoff. - Look at typical open-source libraries to get a feeling for how big a typical library actually is. - For the size of Boost, this makes sense; for `lit` sub-commands, not so much. @@ -130,3 +130,98 @@ - Symbols with a single underscore as prefix are to be viewed as *private* or *internal*. - Do not use this pattern yourself, it's often unnecessary. - Putting stuff into a `detail` or `anonymous` namespace is the way to go. + +## Project structure + +### Single Library + +This structure is preferred for projects that focus around a single library. +There can be multiple executables which use this library. + +``` +. +├── apps/ # All executables go here, usually one .cpp file per executable. +│   ├── myapp1.cpp +│   └── myapp2.cpp +├── cmake/ # Contains all the project specific CMake modules. +├── docs/ # Handwritten documentation goes here. +├── include/ # This includes all public headers defining the interface of the library. +│   └── mylib/ # If there is more than one header file, put them in a folder with the library's name. +│   ├── bar.hpp +│   └── foo.hpp +├── src/ # Contains all sources (and private headers) of the library. +│   ├── bar.cpp +│   ├── foo.cpp +│   └── utils.hpp +├── tests/ # Commonly contains unit tests. Adjust structure as needed. +│   ├── bar_test.cpp +│   └── foo_test.cpp +├── vendor/ # All third party libraries that are maintained along with this project go here. +└── CMakeLists.txt +``` + +Separating the public headers clarifies which elements are part of the library's interface and which are implementation details. +Furthermore, upon installing the library, we can simply copy the contents of `include` to the corresponding installation target. + +## Multiple Libraries + +This is very similar to the single library case. Just replicate `include`, `src`, `tests` for each library. + +``` +. +├── apps/ +│   ├── myapp1.cpp +│   └── myapp2.cpp +├── cmake/ +├── docs/ +├── mylib1/ +│   ├── include/ +│   │   └── mylib1/ +│   ├── src/ +│   └── tests/ # Contains only tests specific to mylib1. +├── mylib2/ +│   ├── include/ +│   │   └── mylib2/ +│   ├── src/ +│   └── tests/ +├── tests/ # Contains tests that utilize more than one library. +├── vendor/ +└── CMakeLists.txt +``` + +## Framework + +Sometimes the library approach with its clear separation between public interface and implementation details does not fit the project. +Yet you may still keep some form of separation between components. + +For creating a video game, a common approach is to divide code into *game specific* code and *engine* code. +Engine code deals with low-level elements and provides (often generic) tools, while the game specific code typically covers one dedicated use-case. +Building the engine as a library is certainly a possibility, but I suggest keeping the border fuzzy and allowing game code to handle implementation details. + +``` +. +├── cmake/ +├── docs/ +├── myapp1/ # Always use dedicated folders here. With this approach applications get bigger quickly. +│   └── myapp1.cpp +├── myapp2/ +│   └── myapp2.cpp +├── myframework/ +│   ├── bar.cpp +│   ├── bar.hpp +│   ├── foo.cpp +│   └── foo.hpp +├── tests/ +│   ├── bar_test.cpp +│   └── foo_test.cpp +├── vendor/ +└── CMakeLists.txt +``` + +Essentially we ditch the `include` directory and just keep headers next to the source files. +For simplicity we can use the whole repository as include path, giving all translation units access to everything. +This is a very open approach that may only fit some projects. + +You'd then use `#include "myframework/foo.hpp"` for instance. + +Consider watching [John Romero's talk at 2016 GDC Europe](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2MIpi8pIvY) regarding some paradigms to follow during development.