
378 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

// ----------------------------------------------
function openssl_check_functions ()
$Result = '';
$OpenSSLs = array
foreach ($OpenSSLs as $Function)
$Result .= $Function . '<font color="black">:</font> ' . (function_exists ($Function) ?
'<font color="black">OK</font>' :
'<font color="red">DOES NOT EXIST</font>') . '<br>';
return $Result;
// ----------------------------------------------
function openssl_load_database ($afile = '')
global $config;
global $openssl;
$afile = ($afile == '' ? $config['openssl']['database'] : $afile);
$lines = file ($afile);
if (!is_array ($lines))
foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line)
chomp ($line);
$linetokens = explode ("\t", $line);
// Ensure that all the fields are set
if (count ($linetokens) == 6)
// Decode the openssl's database. See apps/apps.h
$openssl['Database'][] = array ('Status' => $linetokens[0],
'ExpDate' => $linetokens[1],
'RevDate' => $linetokens[2],
'Serial' => $linetokens[3],
'File' => $linetokens[4],
'Name' => $linetokens[5],
'Country' => openssl_get_country ($linetokens[5]),
'State' => openssl_get_state ($linetokens[5]),
'City' => openssl_get_city ($linetokens[5]),
'Company' => openssl_get_company ($linetokens[5]),
'Department' => openssl_get_department ($linetokens[5]),
'CN' => openssl_get_CN ($linetokens[5]),
'Email' => openssl_get_email ($linetokens[5])
// ----------------------------------------------
function openssl_write_database ($afile = '')
global $config;
global $openssl;
$afile = ($afile == '' ? $config['openssl']['database'] : $afile);
$atext = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < count ($openssl['Database']); $i++)
$atext .= ($atext == '' ? '' : "\n");
$atext .= $openssl['Database'][$i]['Status'] ."\t".
$openssl['Database'][$i]['ExpDate'] ."\t".
$openssl['Database'][$i]['RevDate'] ."\t".
$openssl['Database'][$i]['Serial'] ."\t".
$openssl['Database'][$i]['File'] ."\t".
writefile ($afile, $atext, $afile .'.old');
// ----------------------------------------------
function openssl_write_database_attr ($atext = '', $afile = '')
global $config;
global $openssl;
$afile = ($afile == '' ? $config['openssl']['database'] : $afile) .'.attr';
$atext = ($atext == '' ? "unique_subject = yes\n" : $atext);
if (file_exists ($afile))
ob_start ();
readfile ($afile);
$atext = ob_get_contents ();
ob_end_clean ();
writefile ($afile, $atext, $afile .'.old');
// ----------------------------------------------
// Returns the PEM file with spaces reduced and replaced to &nbsp;
function openssl_load_cert ($anid)
global $config;
$lines = file ($config['openssl']['pubfolder'] . $anid . '.pem');
if (!is_array ($lines))
$Return = '';
foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line)
chomp ($line);
$Return[] = str_replace (' ', '&nbsp;', htmlspecialchars (str_replace (' ', ' ', $line)));
} while (FALSE);
return $Return;
// ----------------------------------------------
function openssl_load_serial ($afile = '')
global $config;
$afile = ($afile == '' ? $config['openssl']['serial'] : $afile);
$lines = file ($afile);
if (!is_array ($lines))
$Return = sscanf ($lines[0], "%X");
return $Return[0];
// ----------------------------------------------
function openssl_write_serial ($iNumber, $afile = '')
global $config;
$afile = ($afile == '' ? $config['openssl']['serial'] : $afile);
writefile ($afile, openssl_hex_serial ($iNumber) . "\n", $afile .'.old');
// ----------------------------------------------
// Supports up to 999,999 serials
function openssl_hex_serial ($iNumber)
if ($iNumber < 100)
$sString = sprintf ("%02X", $iNumber);
elseif ($iNumber < 10000)
$sString = sprintf ("%04X", $iNumber);
$sString = sprintf ("%06X", $iNumber);
return $sString;
// ----------------------------------------------
// Builds User Private Key, CSR and Public Certificate
function openssl_build_key (&$anoutput, $adn, $validdays = NULL)
global $config;
global $openssl;
$anoutput = '';
$Return = FALSE;
// Allow to override default value
$validdays = ($validdays == NULL ? $config['openssl']['default']['expiration'] : $validdays);
if (!isset ($adn) ||
!isset ($adn['countryName']) ||
!isset ($adn['stateOrProvinceName']) ||
!isset ($adn['localityName']) ||
!isset ($adn['organizationName']) ||
!isset ($adn['organizationalUnitName']) ||
!isset ($adn['commonName']) ||
!isset ($adn['emailAddress'])
{ $anoutput .= "- ERROR on ". __LINE__ ." line: incomplete DN information\n"; break; }
$anoutput .= "+ OK got the valid input\n";
// Get the new User Private Key
$UserPrivKey = openssl_pkey_new (array($config['openssl']['config'],0));
if ($UserPrivKey == FALSE)
{ $anoutput .= "- ERROR on ". (__LINE__ - 2) ." line (openssl_pkey_new):\n ". openssl_error_strings () ." (that might usually mean that the openssl.cnf file is unavailable)"; break; }
$anoutput .= "+ OK got the User Private Key\n";
// Generate the User Certificate Request
$UserReq = openssl_csr_new ($adn,
if ($UserReq == FALSE)
{ $anoutput .= "- ERROR on ". (__LINE__ - 4) ." line (openssl_csr_new):\n ". openssl_error_strings (); break; }
$anoutput .= "+ OK generated the User Certificate Request\n";
// Read the openssl serial
$CAserial = openssl_load_serial ($config['openssl']['serial']);
$anoutput .= "+ OK read current openssl serial (". openssl_hex_serial ($CAserial) .")\n";
$UserPubCertFile = $config['openssl']['pubfolder'] . openssl_hex_serial ($CAserial) .'.pem';
$UserCertReqFile = $config['openssl']['reqfolder'] . openssl_hex_serial ($CAserial) .'.csr';
$UserPrivKeyFile = $config['openssl']['prvfolder'] . openssl_hex_serial ($CAserial) .'.key';
// Read the openssl database
openssl_load_database ($config['openssl']['database']);
$anoutput .= "+ OK read the openssl database (". count ($openssl['Database']) ." items)\n";
// Get CA's Private Key
$CAPrivKey = openssl_pkey_get_private ($config['openssl']['CA']['priv']);
if ($CAPrivKey == FALSE)
{ $anoutput .= "- ERROR on ". (__LINE__ - 2) ." line (openssl_pkey_get_private)\n ". openssl_error_strings (); break; }
$anoutput .= "+ OK read the CA Private Key\n";
// Get a CA-signed cert that lasts for 1 year
$UserPubCert = openssl_csr_sign ($UserReq,
if ($UserPubCert == FALSE)
{ $anoutput .= "- ERROR on ". (__LINE__ - 7) ." line (openssl_csr_sign)\n ". openssl_error_strings (); break; }
$anoutput .= "+ OK signed the User Certificate Request with CA Private Key\n";
// Add the new row into openssl database
$openssl['Database'][] = array ('Status' => 'V',
'ExpDate' => date ('ymdHis',
time() +
date ('Z') +
($validdays * 24 * 60 * 60)) .'Z',
'RevDate' => '',
'Serial' => openssl_hex_serial ($CAserial),
'File' => openssl_hex_serial ($CAserial) .'.crt',
'Name' => openssl_make_name ($adn)
// Create files
$OldUMask = umask (0007);
// Write User Private Key
if (!openssl_pkey_export_to_file ($UserPrivKey, $UserPrivKeyFile, NULL, $config['openssl']['config']))
{ $anoutput .= "- ERROR on ". (__LINE__ - 1) ." line (openssl_pkey_export_to_file)\n ". openssl_error_strings () ." (That might mean that the key folder is not write enabled for www user)"; break; }
$anoutput .= "+ OK wrote User Private Key into file $UserPrivKeyFile\n";
// Write User Public Certificate
if (!openssl_x509_export_to_file ($UserPubCert, $UserPubCertFile, FALSE))
{ $anoutput .= "- ERROR on ". (__LINE__ - 1) ." line (openssl_x509_export_to_file)\n ". openssl_error_strings (); break; }
$anoutput .= "+ OK wrote User Public Certificate into file $UserPubCertFile\n";
// Write User Certificate Request
if (!openssl_csr_export_to_file ($UserReq, $UserCertReqFile))
{ $anoutput .= "- ERROR on ". (__LINE__ - 1) ." line (openssl_csr_export_to_file)\n ". openssl_error_strings (); break; }
$anoutput .= "+ OK wrote User Certificate Request into file $UserCertReqFile\n";
// Write new openssl database
openssl_write_database ($config['openssl']['database']);
openssl_write_database_attr ('', $config['openssl']['database']);
$anoutput .= "+ OK wrote new openssl database\n";
// Write new openssl serial
openssl_write_serial ($CAserial + 1, $config['openssl']['serial']);
$anoutput .= "+ OK wrote new openssl serial\n";
umask ($OldUMask);
$Return = openssl_hex_serial ($CAserial);
} while (FALSE);
return $Return;
// ----------------------------------------------
function openssl_error_strings ()
$sString = '';
while ($msg = openssl_error_string ())
$sString .= $msg ."\n";
return $sString;
// ----------------------------------------------
function openssl_make_name ($adn)
$sString = '';
if (strlen ($adn['countryName']) > 0) $sString .= '/C=' . $adn['countryName'];
if (strlen ($adn['stateOrProvinceName']) > 0) $sString .= '/ST=' . $adn['stateOrProvinceName'];
if (strlen ($adn['localityName']) > 0) $sString .= '/L=' . $adn['localityName'];
if (strlen ($adn['organizationName']) > 0) $sString .= '/O=' . $adn['organizationName'];
if (strlen ($adn['organizationalUnitName']) > 0) $sString .= '/OU=' . $adn['organizationalUnitName'];
if (strlen ($adn['commonName']) > 0) $sString .= '/CN=' . $adn['commonName'];
if (strlen ($adn['emailAddress']) > 0) $sString .= '/emailAddress='. $adn['emailAddress'];
return $sString;
// ----------------------------------------------
function openssl_get_country ($aline)
{ return str_get_sometag ($aline . '/', '\/C=([^/]*)\/'); }
// ----------------------------------------------
function openssl_get_state ($aline)
{ return str_get_sometag ($aline . '/', '\/ST=([^/]*)\/'); }
// ----------------------------------------------
function openssl_get_city ($aline)
{ return str_get_sometag ($aline . '/', '\/L=([^/]*)\/'); }
// ----------------------------------------------
function openssl_get_company ($aline)
{ return str_get_sometag ($aline . '/', '\/O=([^/]*)\/'); }
// ----------------------------------------------
function openssl_get_department ($aline)
{ return str_get_sometag ($aline . '/', '\/OU=([^/]*)\/'); }
// ----------------------------------------------
function openssl_get_CN ($aline)
{ return str_get_sometag ($aline . '/', '\/CN=([^/]*)\/'); }
// ----------------------------------------------
function openssl_get_email ($aline)
{ return str_get_sometag ($aline . '/', '\/emailAddress=([^/]*)\/'); }
// ----------------------------------------------
// Guess the full file name
function openssl_get_filename ($iSerial, $sExt)
global $config;
$sReturn = $config['openssl']['folder'] . openssl_hex_serial ($iSerial) . $sExt;
if (!file_exists ($sReturn))
$sReturn = $config['openssl']['pubfolder'] . openssl_hex_serial ($iSerial) . $sExt;
if (!file_exists ($sReturn))
$sReturn = $config['openssl']['reqfolder'] . openssl_hex_serial ($iSerial) . $sExt;
if (!file_exists ($sReturn))
$sReturn = $config['openssl']['prvfolder'] . openssl_hex_serial ($iSerial) . $sExt;
if (!file_exists ($sReturn))
$sReturn = '';
return $sReturn;