158 lines
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2012-07-16 19:30:19 +00:00
// English Language Module for v2.3 (translated by the QuiX project)
$GLOBALS["charset"] = "iso-8859-1";
$GLOBALS["text_dir"] = "ltr"; // ('ltr' for left to right, 'rtl' for right to left)
$GLOBALS["date_fmt"] = "Y/m/d H:i";
$GLOBALS["error_msg"] = array(
// error
"error" => "ERROR(S)",
"back" => "Go Back",
// root
"home" => "The home directory doesn't exist, check your settings.",
"abovehome" => "The current directory may not be above the home directory.",
"targetabovehome" => "The target directory may not be above the home directory.",
// exist
"direxist" => "This directory doesn't exist.",
//"filedoesexist" => "This file already exists.",
"fileexist" => "This file doesn't exist.",
"itemdoesexist" => "This item already exists.",
"itemexist" => "This item doesn't exist.",
"targetexist" => "The target directory doesn't exist.",
"targetdoesexist" => "The target item already exists.",
// open
"opendir" => "Unable to open directory.",
"readdir" => "Unable to read directory.",
// access
"accessdir" => "You are not allowed to access this directory.",
"accessfile" => "You are not allowed to access this file.",
"accessitem" => "You are not allowed to access this item.",
"accessfunc" => "You are not allowed to use this function.",
"accesstarget" => "You are not allowed to access the target directory.",
// actions
"permread" => "Getting permissions failed.",
"permchange" => "Permission-change failed.",
"openfile" => "File opening failed.",
"savefile" => "File saving failed.",
"createfile" => "File creation failed.",
"createdir" => "Directory creation failed.",
"uploadfile" => "File upload failed.",
"copyitem" => "Copying failed.",
"moveitem" => "Moving failed.",
"delitem" => "Deleting failed.",
"chpass" => "Changing password failed.",
"deluser" => "Removing user failed.",
"adduser" => "Adding user failed.",
"saveuser" => "Saving user failed.",
"searchnothing" => "You must supply something to search for.",
// misc
"miscnofunc" => "Function unavailable.",
"miscfilesize" => "File exceeds maximum size.",
"miscfilepart" => "File was only partially uploaded.",
"miscnoname" => "You must supply a name.",
"miscselitems" => "You haven't selected any item(s).",
"miscdelitems" => "Are you sure you want to delete these \"+num+\" item(s)?",
"miscdeluser" => "Are you sure you want to delete user '\"+user+\"'?",
"miscnopassdiff" => "New password doesn't differ from current.",
"miscnopassmatch" => "Passwords don't match.",
"miscfieldmissed" => "You missed an important field.",
"miscnouserpass" => "Username or password incorrect.",
"miscselfremove" => "You can't remove yourself.",
"miscuserexist" => "User already exists.",
"miscnofinduser" => "Can't find user.",
$GLOBALS["messages"] = array(
// links
"permlink" => "CHANGE PERMISSIONS",
"editlink" => "EDIT",
"downlink" => "DOWNLOAD",
"uplink" => "UP",
"homelink" => "HOME",
"reloadlink" => "RELOAD",
"copylink" => "COPY",
"movelink" => "MOVE",
"dellink" => "DELETE",
"comprlink" => "ARCHIVE",
"adminlink" => "ADMIN",
"logoutlink" => "LOGOUT",
"uploadlink" => "UPLOAD",
"searchlink" => "SEARCH",
// list
"nameheader" => "Name",
"sizeheader" => "Size",
"typeheader" => "Type",
"modifheader" => "Modified",
"permheader" => "Perm's",
"actionheader" => "Actions",
"pathheader" => "Path",
// buttons
"btncancel" => "Cancel",
"btnsave" => "Save",
"btnchange" => "Change",
"btnreset" => "Reset",
"btnclose" => "Close",
"btncreate" => "Create",
"btnsearch" => "Search",
"btnupload" => "Upload",
"btncopy" => "Copy",
"btnmove" => "Move",
"btnlogin" => "Login",
"btnlogout" => "Logout",
"btnadd" => "Add",
"btnedit" => "Edit",
"btnremove" => "Remove",
// actions
"actdir" => "Directory",
"actperms" => "Change permissions",
"actedit" => "Edit file",
"actsearchresults" => "Search results",
"actcopyitems" => "Copy item(s)",
"actcopyfrom" => "Copy from /%s to /%s ",
"actmoveitems" => "Move item(s)",
"actmovefrom" => "Move from /%s to /%s ",
"actlogin" => "Login",
"actloginheader" => "Login to use QuiXplorer",
"actadmin" => "Administration",
"actchpwd" => "Change password",
"actusers" => "Users",
"actarchive" => "Archive item(s)",
"actupload" => "Upload file(s)",
// misc
"miscitems" => "Item(s)",
"miscfree" => "Free",
"miscusername" => "Username",
"miscpassword" => "Password",
"miscoldpass" => "Old password",
"miscnewpass" => "New password",
"miscconfpass" => "Confirm password",
"miscconfnewpass" => "Confirm new password",
"miscchpass" => "Change password",
"mischomedir" => "Home directory",
"mischomeurl" => "Home URL",
"miscshowhidden" => "Show hidden items",
"mischidepattern" => "Hide pattern",
"miscperms" => "Permissions",
"miscuseritems" => "(name, home directory, show hidden items, permissions, active)",
"miscadduser" => "add user",
"miscedituser" => "edit user '%s'",
"miscactive" => "Active",
"misclang" => "Language",
"miscnoresult" => "No results available.",
"miscsubdirs" => "Search subdirectories",
"miscpermnames" => array("View only","Modify","Change password","Modify & Change password",
"miscyesno" => array("Yes","No","Y","N"),
"miscchmod" => array("Owner", "Group", "Public"),