
252 lines
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2012-07-16 21:30:19 +02:00
// ----------------------------------------------
function load_plugins ()
global $config;
if (isset ($config['Plugins']))
foreach ($config['Plugins'] as $PluginName => $PluginData)
// Check if the for a plugin exists
if (file_exists ($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/Admin/Modules/VPNconfig/plugins/". $PluginData['Folder'] ."/"))
include ($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/Admin/Modules/VPNconfig/plugins/". $PluginData['Folder'] ."/");
// Check if claimed inc files do exist
if (isset ($config['Plugins'][$PluginName]['Action']['Include']) &&
!file_exists ($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/Admin/Modules/VPNconfig/plugins/". $PluginData['Folder'] ."/".
$config['Plugins'][$PluginName]['Action']['Include'] = NULL;
if (isset ($config['Plugins'][$PluginName]['Left']['Menu']) &&
!file_exists ($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/Admin/Modules/VPNconfig/plugins/". $PluginData['Folder'] ."/".
$config['Plugins'][$PluginName]['Left']['Menu'] = NULL;
if (isset ($config['Plugins'][$PluginName]['Left']['Status']) &&
!file_exists ($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/Admin/Modules/VPNconfig/plugins/". $PluginData['Folder'] ."/".
$config['Plugins'][$PluginName]['Left']['Status'] = NULL;
// ----------------------------------------------
function seconds_string ($seconds, $periods = null)
$Wanted = '';
// Define time periods
if (!is_array ($periods))
$periods = array (
'years' => 31556926,
'months' => 2629743,
'weeks' => 604800,
'days' => 86400,
'hours' => 3600,
'minutes' => 60,
'seconds' => 1
// Wanted
if (empty ($seconds))
{ $Wanted = ''; }
// Loop
$seconds = (int) $seconds;
foreach ($periods as $period => $value)
$count = floor ($seconds / $value);
if ($count == 0)
elseif ($count == 1)
$Wanted .= ($count . ' ' . substr ($period, 0, strlen ($period) - 1) . ' ');
$Wanted .= ($count . ' ' . $period . ' ');
$seconds = $seconds % $value;
return rtrim ($Wanted);
// ----------------------------------------------
function chomp (&$string)
if (is_array ($string))
foreach ($string as $i => $val)
{ $endchar = chomp ($string[$i]); }
$endchar = substr ("$string", strlen("$string") - 1, 1);
if ($endchar == "\n")
{ $string = substr ("$string", 0, -1); }
return $endchar;
// ----------------------------------------------
function str_strip_spaces ($aline)
while (strpos ($aline, "\t") != FALSE) $aline = str_replace ("\t", ' ', $aline);
while (strpos ($aline, ' ') != FALSE) $aline = str_replace (' ', ' ', $aline);
return $aline;
// ----------------------------------------------
// Returns $afile only if it is the full name, or prefixed by $apath
function str_file_fullname ($apath, $afile)
if (substr ($afile, 0, 1) != '/')
$afile = ($apath . $afile);
return $afile;
// ----------------------------------------------
// Returns $afile only if it is the full name, or prefixed by $apath
function str_openssldata_to_string ($adata)
$Return = '';
$amonth = array ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec');
if (substr ($adata, -1, 1) == 'Z')
$Return = sprintf ("%s %d %s%02d, %02d:%02d:%02d",
$amonth [substr ($adata, 2, 2) - 1],
substr ($adata, 4, 2),
(substr ($adata, 0, 2) > 50 ? '19' : '20'),
substr ($adata, 0, 2),
substr ($adata, 6, 2),
substr ($adata, 8, 2),
substr ($adata, 10, 2));
return $Return;
// ----------------------------------------------
function str_get_sometag ($aline, $sometag)
if (eregi ($sometag, $aline, $anarray))
return $anarray[1];
return '';
// ----------------------------------------------
// Writes content into file
// Optionally sames old file into backup file.
// The Backup File has to reside on the same partition!
function writefile ($afile, $adata, $abackup = NULL)
// Move the old file into Backup one
if ($abackup != NULL)
if (file_exists ($afile))
if (file_exists ($abackup))
if (!unlink ($abackup))
if (!rename ($afile, $abackup))
$fp = fopen ($afile, "w", 0);
if (!$fp)
fputs ($fp, $adata);
fclose ($fp);
// ----------------------------------------------
// Guess the full file name
function if_file_exists (&$sFileName, $bFix = FALSE)
global $config;
if (strpos ($sFileName, '/') == FALSE)
$sLongFileName = $config['openvpn']['folder'] . $sFileName;
if (file_exists ($sLongFileName) && $bFix)
$sFileName = $sLongFileName;
return file_exists ($sFileName);
// ----------------------------------------------
function zlib_check_functions ()
$Result = '';
$ZLibs = array
foreach ($ZLibs as $Function)
$Result .= $Function . '<font color="black">:</font> ' . (function_exists ($Function) ?
'<font color="black">OK</font>' :
'<font color="red">DOES NOT EXIST</font>') . '<br>';
return $Result;
// ----------------------------------------------
function html_dump ($aname, $athing)
echo '<pre><b><font color="darkgreen">'. $aname .'</font></b>: ';
print_r ($athing);
echo "</pre><br>\n";
// ----------------------------------------------
function html_error ($amessage, $ifexit = true)
global $config;
echo $amessage;
if ($ifexit)
// ----------------------------------------------
function html_postredir ($url)
header ('HTTP/1.1 303 REDIRECT');
header ('Location: '. $url);
#header ('Status: 303'); // if 1st header generates 500, then commend it out and use this one as 2nd
// ----------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------
function html_download ($sFile, $sName)
header ('Content-type: application/octet-stream');
header ('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'. $sName . '"');
readfile ($sFile);
// ----------------------------------------------
function html_download_data ($sData, $sName)
header ('Content-type: application/octet-stream');
header ('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'. $sName . '"');
echo $sData;